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indelible (adj.) muse (v.) incessant (adj.) vermilion (adj.)

leg pulling solicitous (adj.) recede (v.) audacious (adj.)

feign (v.) vulnerable (adj.) endeavour (v.) bluntness (n.)

relinquish (v.) row (n.) wilt (v.) precocity (n.)

loquacity (n.) rum (adj.) maudlin (adj.) intruder (n.)

I. Analyse the strong positions of the text (the title, the first lines, the last lines).

II. Questions and topics for discussion:

  1. The story consists of several scenes; how are they linked up?

  2. What is the function of the initial scene of the adults’ conversation?

  3. What is people’s opinion about the old ladies? Do they seem dangerous to Johnnie right from the beginning?

  4. Comment on Johnnie’s relationship with the old ladies. Why is he attached to them?

  5. Why are the friendship of the boy and the old ladies and the shocking climax presented in a flashback?

  6. Is the detailed description of the ladies’ cruelty just a piece of sensationalism? Give reasons for your opinion.

  7. What effect does the shocking experience have on little Johnnie?

  8. What is the main idea of the story?

III. Find in the text stylistic devices used by the author (illustrate them by examples from the text).

IV. Prepare an extract for good reading and translation.

V. Find in the text adjectives denoting different colours. Add your own examples to the list.

VI. Characterize: a) the old ladies; b) Johnnie.

VII. Dramatize the story.

Список литературы

1. O’Connor F. My Oedipus Complex // F. O’Connor. The Stories of Frank O’Connor. – London: Hamish Hamilton, 1953.

2. Wilson A. Raspberry Jam // A. Wilson. The Wrong Set. – London: Martin Secker & Warburg, 1949.



My Oedipus Complex (Frank O’Connor)

Raspberry Jam (Angus Wilson)

Список литературы

Редактор М.Б. Тимофеева

Изготовление оригинал-макета: М.Н. Авдюхова

Лицензия А № 165724 от 11.04.06 г.

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162600 Г. Череповец, пр. Луначарского, 5.