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type of work — вид работы

to carry out — выполнять

to distribute — распределять (рассылать)

receptions — приемы

facility visit — пресс-тур

maintain — поддерживать

to arrange interviews — организовывать интервью

to edit in-house magazines — редактировать корпоративные журналы

wall newspapers — стенгазеты

external journals — издания (журналы) для внешнего мира

aimed at — нацеленые на .

annual reports — ежегодные отчеты

educational posters — образовательные постеры (плакаты)

PR exhibition — пресс-тур

provision of vehicles — предоставление средств перемещения

commissioning house styling — заказ корпоративной символики

colour schemes — сочетания цветов

handling sponsorships — организация спонсорства

attendance of meetings — посещение встреч

executives — топ-менеджеры .

opinion surveys — опросы общественного мнения

civil servants — чиновники

official openings — официальные открытия

Questions to the text

  1. Will the work of PR manager be the same in every organization?

  2. Who should maintain a website?

  3. Should PR manager arrange press and TV interviews for man­agement?

  4. Should PR manager provide vehicles for the journalists to at­tend PR exhibition?

  5. What should PR manager commission?

  6. Who handles PR sponsorships in an organization

  7. Who arranges official openings of new offices, plants, etc?

  8. Does PR manager monitor the press?

Exercise A. True or false

1. The kind of work made by PR manager differs from one busi­ness to another.


  1. PR manager organizes press conferences and arranges press and TV interviews for the management.

  1. PR manager programs the Web site of the company.

  2. PR manager publishes popular magazines and newspapers.

  1. Writing and producing company history and annual report is the task of a PR manager.

  2. PR manager commissions forms of corporate identity and house styling.

  1. PR manager invents colour schemes for the company.

  2. PR manager commissions opinion surveys.

  3. PR manager is a civil servant.

Exercise B. Finish the sentences:

  1. The type of work carried out by a PR manager and staff will

  2. PR manager is responsible for writing and distributing of ...

  3. PR manager arranges press, radio and ...

  4. PR manager is responsible for editing and producing of in-house

  5. PR manager is responsible for writing and producing printed media such as ...

  6. PR manager commissions forms of corporate identity and house styling such as ...

  7. PR manager has to attend meetings of the board of ...

  8. PR manager is responsible for training of ...

Exercise C. Translate into English:

1. Работа специалиста по связям с общественностью отличает­ся в каждой организации.

  1. Работа специалиста по связям с общественностью в основ­ном состоит из написания и распространения пресс-релизов, фотографий и других пресс-материалов.

  2. Работа специалиста по связям с общественностью включает организацию пресс-конференций, приемов и поддержку веб­сайтов.

  3. В обязанности специалиста по связям с общественностью входит редактирование корпоративного журнала, выпуск . (поддержка) стенной газеты и образовательных постеров для школы.

  4. Пиар-менеджер занимается спонсорами.


  1. Посещение заседаний совета директоров и совещаний руко­водителей отделов производства, маркетинга и продаж явля­ется обязательным для специалиста по связям с обществен­ностью.

  2. Заказ опросов общественного мнения является обязанностью специалиста-пиарщика.

  3. Специалист по связям с общественностью должен поддержи­вать контакты фирмы с политиками и чиновниками.

  4. Специалист по связям с общественностью должен проводить мониторинг прессы.

Exercise D. Discussion:

  1. Do you agree with the author that the type of work carried out by a PR manager and staff will differ from one organization to another? Do you think that there should be different names for each different positions? What could be the names in Russian for different type of positions?

  2. Do you agree that PR professional should edit in-house mag­azine and wall newspaper among other responsibilities? What should be extra paid duties for PR professional?

  3. How PR manager can train PR staff? What would be the ideal type of personality for PR professionals?

Text В Tasks and Objectives of House Journal

Printed media, such as house journals, play an important role in employee relations. Employee communications have made a long way from the house journals of the 19th century. Then it was an idea that a house journal is a form of charity. The idea that a house journal is a one-way form of communication is out of date. In the 19th century the management was telling employees what it wanted them to know. The modern employee newspaper must be independent, publish readers' opinions and be prepared to publish criticism of the organisation. It has moved from a management pulpit to a staff forum. It has developed into a medium of two-way communication instead of management propaganda.

Employee communications does not only explain company poli­cy. It also explains bonuses, contests and training schemes.


Finally, is to make the workers feel that their voice is impor­tant. It can be opinions on advertising, house style, the company name, packaging and other matters.

Good employee communications' can increase productivity be­cause productivity is not only about people working harder but work­ing enthusiastically, proudly and efficiently. People work better when they understand what the company is doing and why.

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