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faithful – верный

33. Read the text and be ready to answer the questions:

My friend

I have many friends. Most of them are my former classmates but my best friend is Peter. He is sixteen. Now he is a student of a

college. He is a good student because he studies hard and is very diligent. He wants to become a good specialist and he is especially interested in computers. He often helps me with my English lessons and I’m grateful to him for that. English is one of his favorite subjects.

Now I want to tell you about his appearance. He is rather tall and strong. He has an oval face, straight

nose, dark hair, blue eyes and a nice smile. People find him good-looking.

Peter goes in for sports. He plays football and basketball well. His basketball team is very popular at the college.

We made friends with Peter when he and his family moved to our house. We have very much in common: we like the same music, we both like reading. In general my friend is a very interesting person: he is intelligent and well-read.

But the most important thing is that Peter is honest and kind. I can fully rely on him and trust everything to him. Peter has a

great sense of humor and I like to spend my free time with him.

I have another friend. Her name is Natasha. She is a schoolgirl. We live in the same block of flats, so we see each other almost every day. I like her very much. She is a blonde with blue eyes, she is slim and pretty. Her hair is long and she has a nice complexion. I like all my friends very much. I think they are all my faithful friends.

34.Answer the following questions:

1.Who is your best friend?

2.Where does your friend study?

3.How does your friend look like?

4.What kind of sport does your friend like?

5.How did you make friends?

6.What do you have much in common?

7.Do you like to spend your free time with your friends?

8.Can you call all your friends faithful?

9.Is the sense of humor important in friendship?

10.What are the hobbies of your friends?

35.Give the English equivalents for the following phrases. Consult the text ‘My friend’:


полностью полагаться на лучшего друга, многоквартирный дом, чувство юмора, верные друзья, ровесники, подружиться с Питером, переехать в дом, благодарный, одна и та же музыка, довольно высокий и сильный, бывшие одноклассники, усердно учиться, внешний вид, верный друг.

36. Complete the sentences with the words in the box:

live play see be help like wants become go find

study have

For example: He is a good student because he studies hard.

1.He often … me with my English lessons.

2.He … football and basketball well.

3.We … very much in common.

4.We … in the same block of flats, so we … each other almost every day.

5.People … him good-looking.

6.I … all my friends very much.

7.He … to … a good specialist.

8.Peter … in for sports.

37. Look at the pictures of different people and try to describe their appearance and character:

38. Translate the following sentences into English using the topical vocabu-


У меня есть подруга. Ее зовут Марина. Она умная и симпатичная девушка. Она высока, стройна и хорошо сложена. У Марины русые волнистые волосы, зеленые глаза и длинные черные ресницы. У Марины маленький курносый нос и ямочки на щеках. На подбородке у нее небольшая родинка. У нее всегда свежий цвет лица, потому что она занимается спортом. Моя подруга всегда спокойная, дружелюбная и вежливая. К ней всегда можно обратиться за помощью.


39. Write the text about your appearance.

My name is ... I am seventeen (sixteen, eighteen). I live in Zernograd.

I want to tell you about my appearance. I am tall (not very tall, short, of middle height). I am thin (not very thin, rather plump). My face is round (square, oval). I have a fair (dark) complexion. My forehead is narrow (broad) and low (high). I have a straight (aquiline, hooked, turned-up) nose and a protruding (round) chin. My eyebrows are bushy (penciled), my eyelashes are thick (thin) and long (short). I have large (small) blue (hazel, black, grey) eyes. My hair is black (fair, dark, blonde, auburn), straight (curly) and long (short, not very long). My friends find me good-looking (beautiful, handsome, pretty, attractive, ugly).

40.Tell your group about your best friend.

41.Act out the situations:

1.Господин Блэк ваш старый приятель. Вы узнали, что он собирается жениться. Выясните, как выглядит его будущая жена, сколько ей лет, кто она по профессии, где они будут жить.

2.Вы приходите к другу и видите в его семейном альбоме фотографию родственников. Расспросите его, в каких отношениях он находится с людьми на фотографии.

3.У вас есть свободное время вечером, и вы хотите поговорить со своей бабушкой о ее детских годах. Спросите, сколько братьев и сестер у нее было,

скем из них она была наиболее близка и почему. Пусть она опишет их внешность. Затем расспросите ее о родителях, какими людьми они были.


Unit 3.





3.1. There is/ are






There is a pencil on the table.


There are pencils on the table.

Is there a pencil on the table?


Are there (any) pencils on the table?

There is not (isn`t) a pencil on the table.

There are not (aren`t) any pencils on the




3.2. Prepositions of place

in – в (Kate works in a bank);

on – на (There is a picture on the wall);

NB! in the picture – на картине in the street – на улице

under – под ( There is a box under the chair);

above/ over – над (There is a mirror over the fire-place);

next to/ near – рядом с (Next to the window there is a sofa);


in front of/ opposite – напротив (There is an armchair in front of the fireplace);

at – у, за, в (There is somebody at the door; Julia works at her desk);

NB! (без артикля) at school – в школе at home – дома

at work – на работе

behind позади, за ( There is a wardrobe behind the table);

between – между (There is a coffee-table between two armchairs);across – через (поперек) (The shop is across the street).


on the left/ right – слева/ справа

to the left/ right of the table – слева/ справа от стола

in the corner – в углу

in the left-hand/ right-hand corner – в левом/ правом углу

in the middle – в центре, посреди

1. Choose the correct variant:

1.There is / There are a wardrobe in my bedroom.

2.There isn`t / There aren`t any posters on my walls.

3.There is / There are some dictionaries on the shelf.

4.There is / There are a book in my bag.

5.There is / There are a bookcase in the classroom. 6) There are / There aren`t any curtains in my room.

2. Complete the prepositions of place:

3. Translate orally from Russian into English:


В комнате, за домом, рядом с остановкой (bus stop), на работе, на картине, за деревом, справа, между окнами, у магазина, напротив двери, через улицу, на полу, в середине комнаты, в институте, над кроватью, под стулом, на стене, на улице, в коробке, на столе, через реку, дома, в углу, напротив кафе, в правом углу, слева от кресла.

4. Look at the picture and describe it with there is/ are and prepositions of place (on, under, next to, opposite, behind, etc):

3.3. some/ any

I`ve got some money. (In positive sentences).

I haven`t got any money. (In negative sentences).

Have you got any money? (In questions).

Would you like some coffee? (When we offer things).

Can I have some water, please? (When we ask for things).

5. Put in some or any:

For example: We have some butter but we don`t have any bread.

1.Can you lend me … money?

2.Have you got … brothers or sisters?

3.Would you like … tea? – Yes, please.

4.I`m thirsty. Can I have … water, please?

5.Do you know … good hotels in Moscow?

6.George and Alice haven`t got … children.

7.I want …cheese. Is there … in the fridge?

8.She doesn`t drink … alcohol, not even beer.

9.There are … beautiful flowers in the garden.

10.There aren`t … shops in this part of the town.

11.I`m going to the post office. I need … stamps.


6. Make the sentences interrogative:

For example: There are some shops in our street. – Are there any shops in our street?

1.I have got some time. _________________________________________

2.He has some dictionary._______________________________________

3.She has some friends abroad. ___________________________________

4.There are some pictures on the wall. _____________________________

5.There are some children in their family. ___________________________

6.There are some vacant rooms in this hotel. ________________________

7.There are some English books in my home library. __________________

7. Translate from Russian into English using some or any:

1.Есть ли мебель в этом доме? 2. Можно мне немного сока? 3. В этой книге есть несколько иллюстраций. 4. На столе есть несколько писем для вас.

5.Не могли бы вы одолжить (lend) мне немного денег? 6. На нашей улице есть несколько маленьких магазинов. 7. Вы бы хотели немного молока в чай?

8.Не хотите чай или кофе? 9. Есть ли мальчики в вашем классе? 10. Есть ли какие-нибудь ошибки в моем тесте?

3.4.countable/ uncountable nouns

Countable nouns

Uncountable nouns


an apple

some bread


many (много) eggs

much (много) water


few (мало) cars

little (мало) sugar


a few (несколько) oranges

a little (немного) salt


8. Put in a/ an or some:

For example: I`d like to read a book or listen to some music.

1.She`s got … new job.

2.Listen! I`ve got … good news.

3.I need … money. I want to buy … food.

4.We`ve got … very nice furniture in their flat.

5.I`m going to make a table. First I need … wood.

6.I want to open … window to get … fresh air.

7.I need … information about restaurants in Moscow.

8.I want to write you a letter. I need … paper and … pen.

9.Listen to me carefully. I`m going to give you … advice.

10.They live in … big house. There is … nice garden with … beautiful trees.

11.He doesn`t eat much for breakfast – just … apple, … cheese and … cup of


9. Match the words on the right with the words on the left:

1) a bar of ……………….

a) paper





a loaf of ……………….

b) chocolate


a glass of ……………..

c) tea


a jar of ………………..

d) milk


a piece of ……………..

e) honey


a bottle of …………….

f) bread


a cup of ………………

g) soup


a bowl of ……………..

h) water

10.Complete the questions with How much…? or How many…?

1._________________ tea do you drink a day?

2._________________ languages do you speak?

3._________________ rooms are there in your house?

4._________________ students are there in your group?

5._________________ sugar do you want in your coffee?

6._________________ players are there in volleyball team?

7._________________ people are coming to the party?

8._________________ time do you need to do this work?

11.Answer the questions with a little or a few:

For example: Have you got any money? – Yes, a little.

1.Have you got any envelopes? – Yes, … .

2.Do you want sugar in your tea? –Yes, …, please.

3.Is there any furniture in the flat? – Yes, … .

4.Does your brother speak Spanish? – Yes, … .

5.Are there any shops in the village? – Yes, … .

12. Put in little/ a little/ few/ a few:

For example: There is little food in the fridge. It is nearly empty.

1.When are you leaving? – In … days.

2.She drinks very … milk. She doesn`t like it.

3.They must hurry. They`ve got very … time.

4.Would you like some juice? – Yes, …, please.

5.I can`t decide now. I need … time to think about it.

6.The town is very quiet at night. Very … people go out.

7.There was … traffic, so we arrived earlier than we expected.

8.I`d like to practice my English more but I have … opportunity.

9.It`s hard to find a place to stay in this town. There are … hotels here.

10.The bus service isn`t very good at night – there are … buses after 9 p.m.

13. Translate orally from Russian into English:

Мало времени, много веселья (fun), немного денег, много работы, много домов, мало мебели, несколько минут, мало воздуха, несколько дней, много мебели, мало друзей, много цветов, мало работы, немного сахару, мало комнат, мало денег, много деревьев, мало чая, много студентов, несколько кар-


тин, много мышей, несколько столов, мало яблок, много книг, немного сока, немного воды, много новостей, мало информации, несколько машин, мало хлеба.

Topical vocabulary

14. Read and remember the following words and word-combinations:


block of flats

многоквартирный дом


multistoried building

многоэтажный дом



одноэтажный дом





detached house



semi-detached house

дом на две семьи


apartment (Am.), flat (Br.)




дача, загородный дом









подвал, погреб



подвал, полуподвальный жилой этаж



коридор, холл, прихожая





living-room (sitting-room,













детская комната








lavatory (toilet)



pantry (storeroom)










пол, этаж (внутри дома, на лестнице)








central heating

центральное отопление


running water



rubbish chute






lift (elevator – Am.)



wall units

стенка (корпусная мебель)



буфет, сервант



шкаф для посуды


carpet/ rug







люстра, светильник








coffee table

журнальный столик





















музыкальный центр


chest of drawers



dressing table

туалетный столик



шкаф для одежды



книжный шкаф



книжная полка


reading lamp

настольная лампа





house plant

комнатное растение

15. Match the headings (types of dwelling (типы жилищ), places in the house (комнаты и другие помещения), conveniences (удобства), a living room (гостиная)) and the groups of words.

16. Make up as many sentences as you can:









журнальный столик










книжный шкаф





шкаф для посуды

in the bedroom




музыкальный центр

in the kitchen





in the living-room









настольная лампа










шкаф для одежды
















в комнате





на полу





на стене





в углу





на столе









house plants








17. Look through the words and word-combinations before reading: not far from smth. – недалеко от чего-л.

storey – этаж, ярус

room – комната; помещение comfortable – уютный, удобный square – квадратный (по форме) dining-table – обеденный стол chair – стул; кресло

to hang – висеть several – несколько shelf – полка, стеллаж wall – стена

window – окно picture – картина

cosy – уютный; удобный bed – кровать

desk – письменный, рабочий стол

built-in furniture – стенной шкаф, стенная мебель housekeeping – домашнее хозяйство

enough – довольно, достаточно

18. Read the text and be ready to answer the questions.

My Flat

We have a nice flat. It is not far from the center of the city. It is a new six- teen-storey building in Gagarin Avenue. There are two lifts in the house. Our flat is on the fourth floor. It has all modern conveniences, such as central heating, gas, electricity, cold and hot running water and a rubbish chute.

There are three rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a hall in our flat.

The living-room is the largest and most comfortable room in the flat. In the middle of the living-room we have a square dining-table with six chairs round it. There is a hanging lamp above the table. To the right of the dining-table there is a wall-unit which has several sections: a sideboard, a wardrobe and some shelves. At the opposite wall there is a piano.

Between the two large windows there is a little table with a color TV-set on it. There are two comfortable armchairs in front of the TV-set. In the left-hand corner there is a small round coffee-table, a sofa and a standard lamp. The walls of the living-room are light-green. There are some pictures on the walls.

My bedroom is smaller than the living-room, but it is very light and cosy. There is a bed on the right and a desk next to the window. There is a computer on the desk. On the left there is a wardrobe. There is a thick carpet on the floor and nice curtains on the window.