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entrance examinations – вступительные экзамены to pay for – оплачивать

to get (to receive) grants – получать стипендию an enterprise – предприятие

to be considered (to consider) – считаться (считать)

a collection of useful facts and theories – сумма полезных фактов и теорий a process which trains a person to analyse – процесс, который учит челове-

ка анализировать

to interrelate various ideas – взаимосвязывать различные идеи to make decisions – принимать решения

to preserve – сохранять to develop – развивать value – ценность

to exchange – обмениваться

10. Read and translate the text:

Higher Education in the Russian Federation

The new academic year has begun. More than a million new students were enrolled into universities and institutes.

In the last several years the number of students in technological institutes has risen. This means that young people are interested in the

specialities connected with new branches of science and technology.

At present a new system of education is introduced in our country – a distance education system. It helps working professionals to continue their education while remaining at their jobs.

The firstand secondyear students study general engineering subjects such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, drawing as well as informatics, a foreign language and a number of others.

The third-year students get more advanced knowledge and begin to concentrate on their special interests. Specialized study and courses will help students to prepare for their future work.

After four years students will get a bachelor’s degree. Then the students may go on with their studies and in a year or two of further study and research get a master’s degree. After graduating from the university they may go on with their study and research and may get a still higher degree.

Higher education plays an important part in the life of any country as it provides the country with highly-qualified specialists for further development and progress.

The main feature of the educational system in our country is that it is accessible and free of charge for some students. If the results of the entrance examinations are not very good, students pay for their education. About 75% of students receive state grants and 15% are sponsored by enterprises.


The higher school today considers education not only as a collection of useful facts and theories but also as the process which trains a person to analyse and interrelate various ideas as well as make decisions.

Education is a process through which culture is preserved, knowledge and skills are developed, values are formed, and information is exchanged. Education is the way to success.

11.Translate into English rapidly. If you can’t, review the list of words


1.черчение, развивать, считать, предприятие, оплачивать, бесплатный, ценность, обмениваться, наука и техника, вступительные экзамены, анализировать, специализированное обучение;

2.получать стипендию, высококвалифицированные специалисты, принимать решения, сумма полезных фактов и теорий, для дальнейшего прогресса и развития, продолжать свою учёбу, сосредотачиваться на чем-то, играть важную роль в чем-то, степень магистра, знания повышенного типа.

12.Read the text 'Higher Education in the Russian Federation'. Find the Russian equivalents for the English word combinations:

a distance education system, to be connected with, a process which trains a person to analyse, to provide, to interrelate various ideas, to remain at one’s job, a bachelor’s degree, general engineering subjects, to be enrolled into a University.

13.Complete the sentences:

1.The firstand secondyear students study ... . 2. The main feature of the educational system in our country is ... . 3. After four years students will get ... . 4. The third-year students get more advanced knowledge and ... . 5. Education is a process … . 6. About … % of students receive state grants and … % are sponsored by enterprises. 7. If the results of the entrance examinations are not very good ….

8.The computer system of learning helps working professionals ... .

14.Correct the wrong statements:

1. The firstand secondyear students study specialized subjects. 2. The academic year begins on the first of January. 3. If the results of the entrance examinations are very good, students pay for their education. 4. After four years students will get a master’s degree. 5. Higher education is compulsory in Russia. 6. A course at institutes or universities usually takes 10 years. 7. In the last several years the number of students in technological institutes has fallen. 8. About 15% of students receive state grants and 75% are sponsored by enterprises.

15. Make up the plan of the text “Higher Education in the Russian Federation”. Retell this text according to your plan.


16. *Read the text about the higher education in Great Britain and be ready to answer the questions:

Higher Education in Great Britain

There are about 90 universities in Britain. They are divided into three types: the old universities (Oxford, Cambridge, Edinburgh Universities), the 19th universities such as London and Manchester, and the new universities. Universities accept students mainly on the basis of their “A” level results, although they may in-

terview them as well.

At present, students who have been accepted by universities or other institutions of higher education receive a grant from their local authority, which covers the cost of the course.

A university consists of a number of faculties: divinity, medicine, arts (philosophy), law, music, natural sciences, economics, engineering, agriculture, etc. After three years of study a university graduate gets the Degree of Bachelor of Arts, Science, Engineering, etc. Later he may proceed to the Degree of Master and then a Doctor’s Degree. The first post-graduate degree is that of Master, conferred for a thesis based on at least one year’s full-time work. Everywhere the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy is given for a thesis, which is an original contribution to knowledge. Research is an important feature of university work.

Colleges of Education provide two-year courses in teacher education or sometimes three years if the graduate specializes in some particular subject.

Some of those who decide to leave school at the age of 16 may go to a further education college where they can follow a course in typing, engineering, town planning, cooking, full-time or part-time. Further education colleges have strong ties with commerce and industry.

In 1971 the Open University was started. Nearly all students are studying part-time. The Open University's style of teaching is called “supported open learning”, also known as “distance learning”. Your course may use any of the following different media that you will use from home (or wherever you choose to study): printed course materials, set books, audio cassettes, video cassettes, TV programmes, cd-rom/software, web site.

17. Answer these questions:

1. What are the three types of universities in Great Britain? 2. What is necessary to go on to higher education?

3. What grants do students receive?

4. Differentiate between the first, the second and the highest degrees given after the graduation from a university. What is necessary for getting these degrees?

5. What other institutions of higher education are there in Great Britain?

18. Read the following sayings and explain them:

1. Live and learn.


2.Where there is a will there is a way.

3.A man is never too old to learn.

4.Knowledge is power.

19. How many English words do you know? (a game):

Each player must take a large sheet of paper. Write the word “education” on it vertically.













Try to find words: nouns for the first column, verbs for the second column and other parts of speech for the third one. Mind, the words must begin with the letters that are in the word “education”.

After all the players finish their work, let them read the words in turn. The winner is the player with most words.

20. Read, translate and reproduce the dialogues:

Dialogue 1

OLAF: I say, John. What is a tutor?

JOHN: The Tutorial System is one of the ways in which Oxford and Cambridge differ from all the other English universities. Every student has a tutor and as soon as you come to Oxford one of the first things you do is to go and see your tutor. He, more or less, plans your work, suggests the books you should read and sets work for you to do, for example an essay to write. Each week you go to him in his rooms, perhaps with two or three other students, and he discusses with you the work that you have done, criticizes in detail your essay and sets you the next week’s work.

OLAF: Does the tutor also give lectures? JOHN: Yes, he does.

OLAF: But aren’t lectures given by the professors?

JOHN: Yes, though professors don’t give a great many lectures. They are often appointed not so much to do teaching work as to carry on research in their particular subjects.

OLAF: Can you go to any lecture you like, no matter whether it is by a tutor or professor of your college or not?


JOHN: Yes. Lectures are organized not by the colleges but by the university, and so any member of the university may attend, for all students are members of a college and of the university.

OLAF: You said that lectures were «organized by the university». Where is the university?

JOHN: It must seem rather strange to you but there isn’t really any university at Oxford as there is, for example, at Manchester or Bristol or Edinburgh. Oxford (like Cambridge) is a collection of colleges, each self-governing and independent. «The University» is merely an administrative body that organizes lectures, arranges examinations, gives degrees, etc. The colleges are the real living Oxford and each has its own character and individuality.

Dialogue 2

Masha: I’d like to clear up some things about higher education in England.

Alice: I’ll do my best to help you.

Masha: What kind of institutes have you got in England?

Alice: I suppose, by «institutes» you mean educational institutions? We don’t usually call them like that. In Great Britain we have universities and colleges.

Masha: By the way, what is meant by a «residential» college?

Alice: It’s a college with a hostel, which is usually situated on the same grounds as the principal building. All the students live in the hostel, and so do the majority of the teaching staff. There are also many non-residential colleges, which haven’t got any hostels.

Masha: I see. Now, what is the difference between a university and a college? Alice: Well, first of all, the curriculum is different: colleges give a specialized training, and at a university the curriculum is wider. University teaching combines lectures, practical classes in scientific subjects and small group teaching in either seminars or tutorials. The last is a traditional feature of the universities of Oxford

and Cambridge. The course of studies is longer – three or four years. Masha: And at a college?

Alice: It depends on the type of the college. Colleges of education, for example, have a two-year course, sometimes three, if the student is specializing in some particular subject.

Masha: Two years only – and you get your diploma! It’s quick, isn’t it? Alice: Colleges of education, by the way, don’t confer diplomas on their

graduates. They award certificates to them. Diplomas are conferred on graduates of technical colleges.

Masha: What about universities?

Alice: A university graduate will leave with the Degree of Bachelor of Arts, Science, Engineering, Medicine, etc.

Masha: Oh, I see. Thank you for the information.


Unit 6.



6.1. Modal verbs

I can (can`t) drive a car.

I could run fast when I was young.

Can (Could) you help me?

I must hurry. I mustn`t be late.

May I ask a question?

It might rain.

You should go to the doctor.

I have to wear glasses.

You needn`t go. You can stay if you want.

1.Complete the sentences using one of the modal verbs: can (can`t), could (n`t), may (not), might (not), must (n`t), (don`t) have to, should (n`t), needn`t:

1.It`s late. I … go now.

2.It`s a fantastic film. You … see it!

3.I … ride a bike but I … drive a car.

4.Buy a lottery ticket. You … be lucky.

5.Your hands are dirty. You … wash them.

6.Kate … go to work yesterday. She was ill.

7.You … use my phone. I don`t need it now.

8.You are speaking very quietly. I …hear you.

9.When you are driving you … wear a seat belt.

10.Jim is not often at home. He … travel a lot.

11.The windows aren`t dirty. You … clean them.

12.I want to know what happened. You … tell me.

13.I`m not working tomorrow, so I … get up early.

14.It`s late and you are very tired. You …go to bed.

15.Ann is not feeling good. She … come to the party.

16.Sorry, but we … come to your party next Saturday.

17.I have a terrible toothache. I …go to work tomorrow.

18.We watch TV all the time. We … watch so much TV.

19.The light is on in the window. Somebody …be at home.

20.Before Sue came to Britain, she … understand much English.

2. Translate from Russian into English using modal verbs: a) can, could

1. Мы не смогли позвонить вам, т.к. у нас не было телефона. 2. Она не смогла прийти на вечеринку. 3. Он не смог сдать экзамен (to pass an exam). 4. Мы не можем сделать это. 5. Могу ли я вам помочь? 6. Я могу начать работу завтра вечером. 7. Я умею читать и переводить английские тексты со слова-


рем. 8. Вы не могли бы дать мне свой телефон? 9. Мне очень хорошо было видно эту улицу. 10. Я не могу помочь вам.

b) may, might

1. Вы можете идти домой, если хотите. 2. Они, может быть, поедут загород (to the country) на выходных. 3. Можно мне выйти? 4. Подождите (to wait) немного, директор может скоро прийти. 5. Скоро может пойти снег. 6. Я думал, что мне можно смотреть телевизор. 7. Можно я вам позвоню? 8. Доктор говорит, что я уже могу купаться. 9. Не трогай (Don`t touch) собаку: она может укусить (to bite) тебя. 10. Я могу забыть (to forget) об этом.

c) have to, must

1. Вы должны тренироваться (to train) каждый день. 2. Ты должен уважать (to respect) своих родителей. 3. Вы должны много работать. 4. Нам надо идти. 5. Ему приходится рано вставать. 6. Нам пришлось заплатить штраф (to pay a fine). 7. Должно быть, она знает несколько иностранных языков (foreign languages). 8. Вам предстоит выучить это стихотворение (to learn a poem). 9. Ей пришлось пойти к врачу. 10. Вам нельзя здесь курить.

d) should

1. Не следует есть фаст-фуд. 2. Вам следует посоветоваться (to take advice) с родителями. 3. Тебе не следует ходить туда. 4. Тебе не следует пропускать занятия (to cut classes). 5. Ей не следует с ним разговаривать. 6. Вам не следует давать детям столько сладостей (sweets). 7. Тебе следует больше тренироваться (to train). 8. Вам следует извиниться (to apologize): вы не правы. 9. Ему следует рано ложиться спать. 10. Тебе следует пойти к врачу.

e) need

1. Нам не надо торопиться (to hurry), у нас много времени. 2. Ты можешь не ходить в библиотеку: у меня есть эта книга. 3. Вам не обязательно звонить мне: я помню (to remember) о своем обещании (promise). 4. Тебе не нужно ходить туда, ты можешь позвонить. 5. Вам не нужно идти в магазин, я все уже купил. 6. Ему незачем беспокоиться (to worry about) о ней. 7. Нам нужно переводить эту статью? 8. Тебе не нужно помогать мне, я могу сделать это сам.

3. Translate from Russian into English using modal verbs:

1. Мой друг, должно быть, сейчас в университете. 2. Не мог бы ты помочь мне? 3. Может быть, он придет завтра. 4. Ты должен позвонить ей завтра. 4. Торопись: ты можешь опоздать на поезд. 5. Можно войти? – Пожалуйста. 6. Вам следует больше работать. 7. Тебе не следует ходить туда. 8. Возьмите зонт, возможно пойдет дождь. 9. Я не могу понять вас. 10. Вам незачем беспокоиться об этом. 11. В конце курса студентам необходимо сдать экза-


мен. 12. Здесь нельзя курить. 13. Нам можно не повторять эти правила: мы их знаем.

Topical Vocabulary

4. Read and remember the following words and word-combinations:


to go on holiday/ vacation

поехать, отправиться в отпуск


to go on a business trip

поехать в командировку, деловую поездку


to go to a travel agent`s/ agency

пойти в туристическое бюро и взять ре-


and to get brochures

кламные проспекты


package tour/ holiday

тур с полным пакетом услуг


to pack things

складывать, упаковывать вещи


delays and cancellations

задержки и отмены (например, рейса)


to arrive in (a country, a city)

прибыть (в страну, большой город)


to arrive at (a town, a station)

прибыть (в небольшой город, на вокзал)


to stay in/ at a hotel (to put up

остановиться, разместиться в гостинице


at a hotel)






b&b (bed and breakfast)



to book a seat (a flight, a room)

заказать билет (на самолет, номер в гости-





to make a reservation

забронировать, зарезервировать


single ticket

билет в один конец


return ticket

билет в оба конца


to go on a sightseeing tour (an

поехать на экскурсию





to make a tour of a place

осмотреть место


to see the sights/ places of in-

посмотреть достопримечательности








to go camping

жить в кемпинге


to go to the seaside

поехать на море


resort (seaside, mountain, ski)

курорт (морской, горный, горнолыжный)


to swim in the sea

купаться в море


to lie in the sun

загорать, лежать на солнце


to get a bronze tan

загореть, получить бронзовый загар


bathing suit

купальный костюм


swimming trunks



to like/ to be fond of water

любить водные виды спорта





air/ train/ bus/ taxi fare

стоимость билета на самолет/ поезд/ авто-



бус/ такси


How much is the fare?

Сколько стоит проезд?


public transport

общественный транспорт








ticket office

билетная касса









рейс задерживается



рейс отменен



регистрация на рейс


check-in counter/ desk

стойка регистрации


carry-on luggage

ручная кладь


boarding pass

посадочный талон


to go through customs

пройти таможенный досмотр


to go through passport control

пройти паспортный контроль


to fill in the declaration form

заполнить таможенную декларацию


duty free shop

магазин беспошлинной торговли



выход на посадку


to take off



to land




пункт назначения


baggage claim

выдача багажа



платформа, перрон






попутчик, пассажир


to get on/ off a bus/ train/ taxi

садиться в/ выходить из автобуса/ поезда/





to change buses/ trains

пересаживаться с одного автобуса/ поезда



на другой


to take bus №65

сесть на автобус №65

5.Match the headings (on a tour (в поездке), transport, at the seaside (на море)) and the groups of words.

6.Look through the words and word-combinations before reading:

either … or – или … или

business travel – деловая поездка, командировка advantage – преимущество

disadvantage – недостаток

no doubt – без сомнения, безусловно, конечно fellow passenger – попутчик

window seat – сидение у окна (в транспорте, в доме) to involve – влечь за собой, приводить (к чему-л.) delay – задержка

cancellation – аннулирование, отмена airsick – страдающий воздушной болезнью convenient – удобный

expensive – дорогой (о стоимости)


slow – медленный, тихий comfortable seats – удобные места sleeping car – спальный вагон dining car – вагон-ресторан journey – путешествие, поездка pleasant – приятный

safety – безопасность

exciting – волнующий, захватывающий on deck – на палубе

panoramic view – панорамный обзор air-conditioned – с кондиционированным воздухом seasick – страдающий морской болезнью convenient – удобный

7. Read the text and be ready to answer the questions:

The Ways of Travelling

Travelling became a part of our life. Thousands of people travel every day either on business or for pleasure. They travel by train, boat, airplane, car and finally they can travel on foot. They all have advantages and disadvantages.

No doubt, travelling by air is the quickest means. It is particularly important if you are travelling long distances. The time on the plane goes

by quickly, especially if you watch a video, read a book or speak to your fellow passengers. If you have a window seat you can get a wonderful view of the beautiful cloudy sky. However, flying often involves delays and cancellations. You can

spend more time getting to and from the airport than actually flying. Besides, some people can feel air-sick because of the turbulence. Finally, air-travelling is the most convenient and more expensive than any other form of modern transport.

One of the most popular means of travelling is travelling by train. Travelling by train is slower than travelling by plane, but it is less expensive. You can see many interesting places of the country through the window. Modern trains have more comfortable seats. There are also sleeping cars and dining

cars that make even the longest journey more pleasant. Speed, comfort, safety and pleasure are the main advantages of trains and planes. That is why many people prefer them to all other kinds of travelling.

Some people prefer travelling by ship which is very exciting. If the weather is fine you can relax on deck and enjoy the panoramic view of

the sea or river. Modern ships are usually very comfortable: they offer air-conditioned cabins, a large dining area and even a swimming pool. But of course, if you are sea-sick travelling by ship is not a good idea.