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ЭССЕ 2-БИ.doc
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2 Семестр

  1. Our life is full of stress. Some people say that they feel stressed almost every day, while others think that it is possible to cope with stress and to relax.

  2. A lot of people believe that it is impossible to get rid of poverty. Others say that poverty can be reduced.

  3. Most people are worried about the problem of overpopulation. Others think that the situation is not as terrible as it seems to be.

  4. It seems that people of different nationalities will never understand each other. However, others believe that countries can work together to improve productivity.

  5. Some people say that television, radio and newspapers advertising have changed our lives for the better. However, others believe that the mass media has more disadvantages than advantages.

  6. A number of people believe that pocket money teaches teenagers to be responsible. Others say that teenagers are too young to deal with money and that their parents should just buy them what they need.

  7. Some people think they can be happy only being rich, while others don't care too much about money.

  8. A lot of people say that it is very important for everybody to own property. However, others are not so sure that property can make our lives better.

  9. Some people say that making money with the Internet is reality, while others think it is a myth.

  10. Some people say that high social status is very important for everybody. Others are convinced that it is better to have a high income.

  11. Technology is an important part of our lives. We use computers and other electric equipment at work and in the home. However, some people believe we rely too much on machines, and that the more technology improves, the lazier and weaker humans will become.

  12. Some people say that technical devices do more harm than good. However, others think that it is impossible to live without computers or mobile phones nowadays.

  13. Most people are used to sending e-mails and SMS messages. But others still prefer traditional paper letters or phone calls.

  14. The Internet has revolutionized the way people live and work. However, some people think it has more drawbacks than advantages.

  15. Internet dating is becoming more and more popular. However, many people say that meeting people online is dangerous.

  16. Various social networks have aroused great interest among Internet users. However, some people say that they have a lot of drawbacks.

  17. Artificial intelligence performs quite a lot of jobs nowadays. However, many people are worried about computers doing the same things that people can do.

  18. Some people think that science plays the most important role in the development of our civilization; others believe that our world would be impossible without industry.

Список литературы

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