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Темы эссе по дисциплине «Профессиональный

иностранный язык» (английский)

для студентов 2 курса направления подготовки

«Бизнес информатика»

1 семестр

  1. Some people don’t care about advertising, while others say that advertisements and commercials may be very harmful.

  2. Some people are sure that if we want to build relationships successfully, we must have good manners. However, others say that nowadays good manners are not as important as they used to be.

  3. Some people have a lot of wishes and plans, but they think they will never come true. Others say that you must believe in yourself and success will come to you.

  4. Some people think that time management skills are not important for success in both their work and home life. Others are convinced that it is essential to make good use of their time.

  5. Some people change their jobs every few years. Others say it is better to work for one company for a long period.

  6. At present there is no difficulty in choosing a career. However, many people say that it is not so easy to find a really good job.

  7. Nowadays a lot of people work so much that they do not have time to do anything else. Some people say that workaholism is a key to success. Others are convinced that it is rather bad to be addicted to one’s work.

  8. According to some people, it is better to work abroad. Others say that they would prefer working in their own country.

  9. Some young people say that they want their future job to be well-paid. Others believe that the most important thing is to love what you do.

  10. Teamwork skills have become highly valued by employers. However, some people say that sometimes teams cannot work successfully.

  11. Some people think that to be a success you need talent; others believe that hard work can compensate for the lack of it.

  12. Some people say that it is impossible to work without inspiration. Others say that inspiration is not essential.

  13. A sense of humour while doing business is usually considered to be one of the most important human features. However, some people say that humour is not always good.

  14. Some people believe in luck, while others say that it doesn’t exist.

  15. Some people say that one should analyze the situation before making a decision. Others believe that it is better to rely on one’s intuition.

  16. Some people say that ambitiousness is a wonderful quality, while others believe that it is not so good to be ambitious.

  17. It is reported that billions of dollars are spent on space exploration projects every year. Some people believe that this money should be used to solve problems on Earth.

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