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Primary Groups and Secondary Groups

Primary group

Secondary group

Quality of relationships

Personal orientation

Goal orientation

Duration of relationships

Usually long-term

Variable; often short-term

Breadth of relationships

Broad; usually involving many activities

Narrow; usually involving few activities

Subjective perception of relationships

As an end in itself

As a means to an end

Typical examples

Families; close friendships

Co-workers; political organizations

Task 8. Characterize in brief:

  1. Primary groups.

  2. Secondary groups.

Task 9. Read the text and translate it in writing:


The term social network designates social ties that link people without the intensity of social interaction and common identity of a social group. A social network resembles a social group in that it joins people in social relationships. It differs from a social group because it is not the basis for consistent social interaction and generates little sense of common identity or belonging. Social networks also have no clear boundaries, but expand outward from the individual like a vast web.

Social ties within some networks may be relatively primary, as among people who attend college together and have since maintained their friendships by mail and telephone. More commonly, network ties are extremely secondary relationships that involve little personal knowledge. A social network may also contain people we know of or who know of us – but with whom we interact infrequently, if at all. Even though social ties within networks may not be strong, these relationships represent a valuable source that can be used to personal advantage.

Task 10. Find in the text “Primary and Secondary Groups” English equivalents for:

личный интерес; прочные связи; благополучие; формирование установок; скорее чем; быть ограниченным; граница; достигнуть определенной цели; целевая ориентация: напротив; взаимовыгодное сотрудничество

Task 11. Give Russian equivalents for the following English words and word-combinations:

to draw distinction; to designate; to display genuine concern; major importance; sense of comfort and security; personal benefits; mutual; transitory; duration; overall welfare; crucial importance; likewise; to reciprocate

Task 12. Make up word-combinations and translate them into Russian:

To display - genuine concern



To share - troubles





To shape - personal attitudes

social identity


world outlook


To be aware of - reality

social respect


cultural norms

mutually beneficial cooperation

Task 13. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

  1. Such considerations are not of crucial importance.

  2. Personal concern in social interaction is of certain value in drawing a distinction between primary and secondary groups.

  3. The family is of major significance in shaping personal attitudes and behavior.

  4. The problem of interpersonal relationships is of great interest for the social thinkers.

  5. Secondary relationships are of definite importance in the study of social groups of people.

  6. Human activity in social community is of deep concern for the sociologists.

Task 14. Answer the following questions:

  1. What is of great concern for the sociologists in the study of primary groups?

  2. What is of chief significance for you in your subject of investigation?

  3. What is of major interest for the sociologists dealing with the public opinion poll?

Task 15. Memorize the following words and word-combinations:

attitude on the basis

benefit (n.,v.) personal orientation

boundary primary

concern (n) reflect

crucial secondary

genuine sensitive

goal orientation shaping

limit (n.,v.) short-term

long-term transitory

mutual welfare


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