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  1. Ensuring the safety of staff as factor competitiveness

Until now, in the economic literature there is no consensus on the interpretation of the essence of the category "competitiveness staff", but most scientists are convinced that the competitiveness of staff is crucial component of competitiveness.

In his works, scientists have different definitions essence of the concept of competitiveness. Determination of Russian scientists can be grouped in three areas: the first is based on an evaluation of internal and external activities; second - in determining the competitiveness of goods; third combining commodity and production elements of the company [1].

This means that competitiveness is characterized by multiplicity and ambiguity of definitions, multidimensional approach to the disclosure of this concept. In this regard, a single, universally accepted definition of competitiveness in today formulated.

Ukrainian scientists in their work entails the following approaches to determining the competitiveness of enterprises, comparative, resource and system [2]. Our focus in this analysis drew resource approach because its essence lies in the fact that competitiveness based on potential capabilities of enterprises due to the level of development and use of strategic potential.

So, we define competitiveness as one of the most important categories of market economy, which characterizes the ability and effectiveness of enterprise adaptation to a competitive environment that is changing through the rational use of available resources, including priority acts staff.

As the leading specialist management Iacocca Lee: "Determining the nature of the enterprise can fit in three words: people, product, profit. In the first place are the people. If you do not have a reliable team, then the rest of the factors that will do little. If you already have staff, consisting of trained, intelligent and energetic people, the next step should be to stimulate their creative abilities "[3].

Staff - the most valuable resource of the enterprise, the main source of productivity and guarantee competitiveness.

Competitiveness staff - a complex economic category, which reveal the essence of such conceptual approaches to its definition [18]:

  • the ability of staff to generate ideas using all the opportunities that arise in the external and internal environment; timely detect and prevent threats to claim idpryyemstva activities; invent and faster than the competition to introduce innovation at all stages of the product life cycle; ensure the achievement of goals and now his mission; 

  • better ability compared with other contenders for the post, meet the requirements of employers, the ivnem knowledge, abilities and skills; 

  • the ability to express their personal, professional and business quality, faster and better on other Employees realize their own potential, which gives the opportunity to receive appropriate remuneration achieve appropriateialnoho social status and provide service and professional growth; 

  • the ability to effectively carry out the functions and make timely ishennya was qualified to design, production and sale of high quality, with special consumer properties, products for the effective use of all resources (material, organizational, financial, information, labor).

After objectivity trends of increased competition becoming increasingly important for the company acquires ensure competitiveness by achieving competitive advantage.

Mobilization own internal capacity, proper consumer choice and effective use of resources characterize the competitive advantages of the company.

Russian scientists determine competitive advantage as the exclusive value of any system that gives it a competitive advantage; like characteristics, quality characteristics and product features that influence consumer choice [4;5].

According to local scientists, competitive advantage is derived from the effective use of all available types of resources available to the company [6; 7].

Under competitive advantages in terms of enterprise economy, commonly understood as a result of the introduction of innovation, improve product quality, achieve high productivity, high qualification of the personnel. In terms of management, competitive advantages are the result of effective management decisions, rational organization of production, implementation of creative methods for strategic and tactical planning, effective mechanism of motivation.

The practice of enterprises proves that it has the ability to create personnel and provide competitive advantage.

Construction in Ukraine a socially oriented market economy requires new skills from the staff: increase initiative, creativity, responsibility and reliability. Managers of enterprises tend to have in its subordination not only good warehouse workers who would be most answered the task, but also looking to its preservation, development and increased reliability. Reliability is one of the important components of professional competence of employees of both public and private enterprises. Employees who have such a quality, retain moral stability and loyalty to the company, feel "tied" to it, the work itself is highly motivational for them significance, and its loss is estimated as a serious setback in life.

It should be borne in mind that the reliability depends on various reasons and can change people due to changing conditions, particularly the emergence of non-standard and extreme (emergency) crisis. In these situations very likely manifestation of insecurity in people who do not consider themselves bound to respect the moral requirements or have some personality weaknesses.

Any changes in the company usually cause resistance from the staff that can lead to conflict. However, modern school management has concluded that the conflict despite the negative traits play a positive role - the company contributes to traffic ahead and identifies factors that hinder this process.

Based on the results of the study conflicts can specify their reasons, that the circumstances of social interaction types of workers that lead to a clash of interests, attitudes and goals (Fig. 1.4).

Fig. 1.4. Types circumstances of social interaction of employees that lead to a clash of interests, attitudes and goals

Source: Developed by the author based on [19, c. 167]

Interests sotsioprofesiynyh different groups represented workers and team leaders also differ significantly. Due to differences in the nature and content of labor, education, access to government information and these groups have different social status that often causes aggravation of contradictions between them.

Methods and results reflect the possibility of resolving conflicts through collective and development, to judge the viability and competitiveness of the staff.

An important factor affecting the competitiveness of staff, is the willingness of employees to innovate . The management of organizational changes actively investigates domestic and foreign scientists. As the results of studies of the main causes of failure in the first place innovation usually takes the human factor, that is a misunderstanding, reluctance or even resistance from staff. This situation updates the assessment of the readiness of the personnel to changes in the company.

The most common model that describes and allows you to assess personnel in terms of preparedness for change is the model ADKAR , proposed by D. Hyatt [9]. The key idea underlying this model is that for the successful implementation of any changes necessary to manage not only the organization as impersonal system, but also the necessary modifications staff of the organization as actors who have an important part of intellectual capital is the and direct participants who implement future changes. D. Hyatt identified five major steps that are employees of the company in the process of adapting to the new situation that has arisen as a result of innovations. Model name ADKAR formed from the first letters of the names of the phases (phase change):

A - Awareness - awareness of the changes they need awareness, understanding of the essence;

D - Desire - desire to support change, take part in their conduct;

K - Knowledge - knowledge about ways to implement change their results;

A - Ability - the ability to implement changes, introduction of innovations, continuous support;

R - reinforcement - consolidation of the first results of changes to further support their implementation.

Analyzing the characteristics of each of the above steps, carried out a comprehensive assessment of readiness of personnel to future changes.

The focus in ensuring the competitiveness of enterprises should focus on prevention and prevention of violations of loyalty of workers - namely enhanced safety personnel.

One of the key elements of the system of personnel management, which enhances the reliability of staff is a quality selection of personnel. Under professional selection process, we understand the isolation of the candidates persons according to their individual typological and personal qualities, potentially capable of effective implementation duties.

Unfortunately, the research practices of personnel services domestic enterprises indicates that only a relatively small number of enterprises are serious about using effective technology professional selection of employees.Typically, testing is a formal selection process, without the use of psychological techniques [10]. Also, be aware that the standards of selection consisted of a narrow professional field - in professions such "man - technology - social and psychological environment" . A large number of professions, significant social and psychological factors of successful people need a differentiated approach in shaping the goals and criteria of selection of personnel according to the characteristics of specific positions and jobs.

Objective the need to develop guidelines for implementing innovative technology personnel selection consultants have the research on organizational development of enterprises believe that only 10% of employees can articulate the objectives of their own activities, and only half of them consistent with the concept of leadership. [11] Lack of staff understanding the ultimate goal of their actions as a consequence - inefficient methods of achieving the strategic goals of the company, reducing its competitiveness.

Overseas experience shows that the human factor reliability test performed by a professional staff selection, scheduled and unscheduled inspections. Professional selection of candidates is carried out necessarily sustainable schemes: a conversation with an expert psychologist, physiological testing and special Psychophysiological research.

In the US, the reliability of the human factor calculated by the ratio of surveys conducted polygraph to the total population, expressed as a percentage. Performance Indicator ranges from 4.5% to 5%, which is estimated at 10 million checks a year. If it is less than 1.5%, the survey of polygraph considered ineffective. The composition of the total number of inspections include: checking relating to the procedure of physical fitness training, scheduled and unscheduled screening, internal investigations and measures to combat crime. Share inspections using polygraphs in the number of measures against crime from 10% to 12% of the total number of inspections. A number of polygraphs and professionals involved in physical fitness and audits, ranges from 10 - 15% of polygraphs and professionals. A total of 15,000 US operated polygraphs and about the same experts [12].

In Ukraine professional selection using polygraph interviews conducted only for personnel of the Interior. However, the practice of domestic enterprises in the fierce competition, industrial espionage requires the development of measures of financial and economic security by ensuring the safety of personnel.

One of the criteria that illustrates the real state of compliance and safety professional staff is staff turnover . High turnover of staff and the staff of stability are two major manifestations of interrelated and complementary characteristics - mobility and stability, objectively necessary enterprise functioning in a competitive environment. Mobility of staff - a necessary condition for maintaining consistency and proportionality between the factors of production. Along with mobility is necessary to preserve the relative stability of employees regarding the profession occupied workplace, the working group, which is an important prerequisite for the effective formulation and use as personal factors and material factors of production.

Turnover of personnel occurs for various reasons and is provided by the movement of workers around workplaces (staff turnover). One of these forms is fluidity. Describing this figure, we must remember that the fluidity is required, that is due to changes in production, for reasons of staff reduction, and - redundant. Excessive turnover forced to spend a large amount of company funds to pay severance pay, compensation for unused vacation, liquidation of arrears of wages to employees, etc. [16].

Ensuring the stability of the staff of the company - an important factor in competitiveness staff. The fact that staff turnover associated with temporary inactivity and their jobs; falling productivity in those who took the decision to release, and those who just came to the company, the period of adaptation; losses from the lack and quality of products in cases where the professional qualification characteristics of new employees does not fully meet the requirements of the vacant jobs. It is also linked to non-use of the educational potential of people with higher and secondary special education, hired not by profession, additional costs for training new employees, their adaptation to the requirements of production.

Technology of forming a reliable staffing should be defined as the efficiency of selection and appointment of personnel, professional advancement of employees, and the quality of social and psychological work at the company. Therefore, you should pay attention to both aspects (Fig. 1.5).

Therefore, to ensure the reliability of staff to improve its competitiveness possible by using modern technology and professional selection of employees further impact on socio-psychological climate in the team.