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Методичка по английскому.doc
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7. Fill in the gaps below with the present simple or present continuous form of verbs in the list, as in the example.

be (x2), leave, seem, know, wait, write, fly, grow up, have, make, hope, need, work, attend, com back, look forward

Dear Jane,

How 1) are you? I 2) … to tell you our great news.

As you 3) … , Brad 4) … for an international media company. Well, he was offered the opportunity of a lifetime last week – to live and work in Madrid for two years. He 5) … tomorrow for sunny Spain to look for flat for us. He 6) … at noon so I 7) … a long list of thins he 8) … to consider before choosing a flat.

We 9) … so many things to do when he 10) … . We 11) … Sally’s wedding in may and we have to pack all our things. I 12) … to it so much, I can hardly wait.

Jack and Kate 13) … fine. They 14) … so quickly that it 15) … like only yesterday they were babies.

Well, the kids 16) … for me to make their lunch so I’d better go. I 17) … you ‘re all fine. We’ll see you at Sally’s wedding.


Vocabulary tasks:

8. Answer the following questions to the text.

  1. Where is Newton's analysis of motion summarized?

  2. What does the Newton’s first law state?

  3. What can we call inertia?

  4. Does Newton's first law hold in every reference frame?

  5. What is noninertial reference frame?

9. Are the following statements about the text true or false?

  1. Newton's first law of motion is far from to Galileo's conclusions.

  2. Newton's first law is often called the law of relativity.

  3. Reference frames in which Newton's first law does hold are called velocity reference frames.

  4. The accelerating reference frame are called inertial reference frame.

  5. Every body continues in its state of rest or of uniform speed in a straight line unless acted on by a nonzero net force.

10. Match the first part of the sentence (1 –6) with the second part (a-f).

1. Newton's analysis of motion is summarized

2. The Principia is

3. Newton's first law does not hold

4. We can assume that reference frames fixed

5. How can we be sure a reference frame

6. The law of inertia is valid

a in every reference frame.

b in reference frames.

c in his famous "three laws of motion".

d is inertial or not?

e on Earth's rotation.

f a great work.

11. Complete the sentences with words from the box.

acceleration - motion - law - velocity - concepts - inertia

  1. They introduced partially defined … .

  2. Newton's first … is often called the law of inertia.

  3. The more mass a body has, the harder it is to change its state of … .

  4. We can say that mass is a measure of the … of a body.

  5. Newton perceived that the … will change.

  6. The … depends on the mass of the object as well.

Speaking task:

12. Match the icons (a-i) with the words (1-9). Say what the command or tool does.



1. Perfect Tenses (Перфектні часи).

  1. ComparisonsofAdverbsandAdjectives(Ступені порівняння прикметників і прислівників).

  2. Question types. Yes and no questions. Informative questions(Типи питальних речень).

Reading tasks:

1. Read the words, pay attention to the different types of syllables.


Відкритий склад

Закритий склад

голосна + r

голосна + re


I i

















N n

[n] – н – на початку слова

[η] – задньопіднебінне н – завжди в закінченні –ing

[η] - [н] с призвуком [г]=[н(г)]

number - номер beggingпочаток

bank - банк

Q q

[k] –м­’яке к’ - на початку слова

[kv] – кв – майже завжди в закінченнях –qu\ -quo

queue – черга

quoting - цитата