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3. A candidate should be prepared to answer these common job interview questions. Do you agree with the comments which follow?


1. Why do you want to work for us? Recall any job goals you have and apply them to the job under discussion. Briefly describe your qualifications for the job and contributions you could make to the company. Talk about how your professional skills will benefit the company. Always position your answer with some "give and take"*, describing what you can offer the employer.

2. What is your greatest shortcoming? Be honest here and mention it, but then turn to ways in which you are improving. Do not concentrate on your weaknesses, but do not keep silent about them. Try to turn a weakness into strength, e.g. "I often worry too much over my work. Sometimes I work late to make sure the job is done well".

3. What do you like doing in your free time? The interviewer may be looking for evidence of your job skills outside your professional experience. For example, hobbies such as chess or bridge demonstrate analytical skills. Reading, music, and painting are creative hobbies. Individual sports show determination, while group sport activities may indicate you are comfortable working as part of a team. So any sports or communal activity is a plus, but do not mention activities that might result in a long sick leave (e.g. hunting).

4. Why are you looking to leave your present job? Do not criticize the existing position. One good answer is that you like your present job very much, but your potential for growth is limited because of its size. Never attack your previous employer. This only makes you look bad. If you did not have any problems, simply give reasons, such as: you relocated away from job; the company went out of business; you were laid off; it was a temporary job; there was no possibility for advancement; you wanted a job better suited to your skills, etc.

5. What are your salary expectations / requirements? As far as your present salary is concerned, provide a salary range. In case you do not want to answer this question directly, deflect it back to the interviewer by saying something like: "I don't know. What are you planning on paying the best candidate?" or "I am glad you brought up the subject of compensation. What is the salary range for this job?"

4. These job interview questions are common. Select the best response for each of them. Note that more than one answer may be correct.

Why do you think you are best suited for the job?

- I’ve held a lot of positions like this one and that experience will help me here.

- You need someone who can produce the results and my background and experience are proofs of my ability. For example, …

Why did you leave your last job?

  • I was one of 300 people laid off when the sales fell.

  • I couldn’t get along with my boss as he always looked over my shoulder.

  • I want to move on to a company that will not stunt my growth.

  • I have a solid plan for my career. Within that plan I’m looking for additional responsibility and more room for growth.

What are your long-term objectives?

  • Long-term, I hope to start my own business.

  • I hope to build my career with a company such as this one and take advantage of opportunities to learn so I will be considered for other positions.

What salary are you expecting?

  • Money is not very important for me. I need to be able to pay the bills but the work environment is more important to me.

  • I’m very interested in finding the right opportunity. My salary requirements are negotiable and I will be open to any fair offer when I do so.

  • Well, my salary requirements are open. I believe that the right position with the right benefits would make my salary negotiable.

Why did you decide to try our company?

  • Well, I am just trying everybody.

  • On today’s tough job market you have to try every company with an opening that matches your qualifications and experience.