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“Adam bol” is a principle cultivated by... A.Kunanbayev

“God is dead” said... F.Nietzsche

“Summa Theologica” was written by a prominent medieval thinker... St. Thomas Aquinas

“The Divine Comedy” is written by…Dante

“There are only two substances in the beginning of the world – thinking and extended substances” (dualism) is from philosophy ofR.Descartes

“Thus Spoke Zaratushtra” is a work ofF.Nietzsche

«Emanation» means: Universe “flows” from the beyond a single principle and exists eternally.

A characteristic feature of the Philosophy of the Renaissance is: Antropocentrism

A policy according to which immigrants and others should preserve their cultures with different cultures interacting peacefully within one nation and one territory is called...Multiculturism

A posteriori means After experience

A priori and a posteriori are important categories in philosophy of…I.Kant

A priori means Before experience

A teaching which enhanced the emergence of philosophy in Islamic countries: Kalam

A thinker Thomas Aquinas formulated 5 proofs of… existence of God

A thinker who formulated 5 proofs of existence of God:Thomas Aquinas.

According to Aristotle, the best form of state is: Aristocracy

According to Existentialism, existence is always Individual being in absurdity.

According to Kierkegaard, the third existential sphere is Religious sphere

According to Leibniz, everything is a monad and monads can be unified into the biggest monad which was named by him as...Godhead

According to Plato, everything can be divided in: Thing and idea

According to whom, “Freedom is conscious necessity”? Spinoza

Aesthetical values are: Beauty, art, harmony, style

Aesthetics is: A philosophical study that researches the sphere of artistic activity and its principles

An idea that human of newborn is “Tabula Rasa” belongs to: J.Locke

An important tradition borrowed by Al-Farabi from ancient philosophy is called: Peripateticism

Anaximander defined the primary substance as: Apeiron

Anaximenes found the primary substance in: Air

Apologetics, Patristic and Scholasticism are the periods of…Medieval philosophy

Arthur Schopenhauer stated that ... prevails everywhere The Will

Basics of Being, the problem of knowledge, the destiny of man and his position in the world is studying: Philosophy

Belief in the supernatural, otherworldly forces, having the opportunity to influence the course of world events is… Religion

Branch of philosophy that studies historical knowledge and interpretation of historical process: Philosophy of history

Causa Sui, according to Spinoza, is Cause of itself

Chinese thinker Mo Di was a founder of...:Mohism

Creationism is... Idea, in which God created everything

Defining characteristic of the religious outlook is: Belief in the supernatural, otherworldly forces, having the opportunity to influence the course of world events

Descartes divides the world into a metaphysical dualism of two finite substances: Extended and thinking

Division to Me, not-Me, synthesis of Me and not-Me comes from philosophy of…? Fichte

Division to Subjective spirit, Objective spirit, Absolute spirit comes from philosophy of… Hegel

E.Kant’s categorical imperative is about… Moral problems.

Eidos Urania is a concept of philosophy of... Plato

Epistemology is: A study of nature, origin and limits of human knowledge.

Ethic is: A philosophical study of principles, moral and human behavior.

European Medieval "school philosophy" was called: Scholastics

Expression «You can’t enter the same water twice» belongs to: Heraclitus

Expression «You can't enter the same water twice» belongs to: Heraclitus

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel belongs to German classical philosophy

He founded the Philosophy of policy in the epoch of formation of the early bourgeois relations…Machiavelli

He indicated difference between conscious and unconscious in human mind... Freud

He was a student at the Sophists school first, and then became their opponent:Socrates

He was called «the first teacher»: Aristotle

Hegel’s outstanding work is… “The Phenomenology of Spirit”

Heliocentric system of the world was proposed by: Copernicus

Heliocentric system of Universe was elaborated by...Copernicus

How can we describe Hume’s doctrine? Agnosticism

How many thinkers does German classical philosophy contain? 5

Immanuel Kant belongs to the German classical philosophy

Immanuel Kant was born in 1724

In considering of that problem there emerged nominalism and realism in the Middle Ages: Universals

In F.Nietzsche’s philosophy, human nature is divided into... Dionysian and Apollonian beginnings

In his “Critique of Practical Reason” Kant considered the ideas of… Hypothetical and Categorical imperatives

In his “Critique of Practical Reason” Kant formulated the Categorical imperative: Act only on that maxim through which you can at the same time will that become a universal law

In metaphysics, Kant claimed, the situation is reverse. Reason, in its attempt to reach absolute truth, comes to Antinomies

Lack of Judgement (“Critique of Power of Judgment”) is the stupidity of the mind. This is the words of...I.Kant.

Leibniz’s main philosophical work. Monadology

Main Renaissance figure who developed a new theory of law? H.Grotius

Miletus school was named after: Name of the city.

Miletus school’s representative Thales thought that the beginning of the world is... Moisture, water

One of the characteristics of the Renaissance is: Antropocentrism

One of the main Nietzsche’s concept was called Will to power

One of the main philosophic works of Baruch Spinoza: “Ethics”

One of the main philosophy books of St. Thomas Aquinas is:Summa Theologica.

One of the most popular representatives of Hedinostic school was…Epicure

One of the outstanding French existentialist: Albert Camus

One of the prominent representatives of the older sophists was:Protagoras

One of the prominent rithor in the Roman Empire was...Cicero

One of the representatives of the stoics was Seneca

Origenes Adamantius is a philosopher ofPatristics

Outlook is ...:System of norms, values and stereotypes in a cultural-historical epoch.

Outlook is: system of views, evaluations, and emotions that characterize the relationship of man to the world and to himself

Outstanding philosopher and doctor of the Arab medieval world, author of «Canon of medical science»: Ibn Sina.

Outstanding philosopher Arab-Muslim medieval world, author of «Canon of medical science»... Ibn Sina

Outstanding philosopher of the Renaissance blamed in heresy and burnt by Inquisition Jordano Bruno.

Philosophic views of ……………….. gave the dualistic approach to the substance of reality: Rene Descarte

Philosophic views of ……………….. gave the rise to the utopian ideas of the Renaissance: Thomas Moor

Philosophy is…One of the historical outlook types about the world, human and his place in the world

Philosophy of the Middle Ages characterized as “school philosophy” was called: Scholastics

Plato founded the school of Philosophy called: Academy

Primordial Being in Indian philosophy is termed as… Brahma

Primordial substance of the nature according to Heraclitus is: Fire.

Representative of the Early Modern Philosophy, who said "I think, therefore I am" Descartes

School of Aristotle called Lyceum

Searching human individuality is a peculiar feature of human creature can be met in Philosophy of... Renaissance

Searching individuality is the peculiar feature of Philosophy of... Renaissance

Sh.Valikhanov’s work is “On Islam in the Steppe”

Socrates’s main interest in philosophy was Social Philosophy, Ethics

Tabula rasa is Pure table

Teachings of Aristotle called Peripatetism

Teachings of Aristotle called Peripatetizm

Thales postulated that the primary substance is: Moisture, water

The author of “The Treatise of the views of the citizens of a Virtuous City” is called “the second teacher”: Al-Farabi.

The author of “Phenomenology of Spirit”:G.Hegel

The author of “Summa TheologicaThomas Aquinas

The author of “The Treatise of the views of the citizens of a Virtuous City” is called “the second teacher”: Al-Farabi

The author of “Three Truths”: Kudaiberdiyev

The author of “Traces of Shamanism among the Kazakhs”: Ualikhanov

The author of famous paradoxes (apories) is… Zeno of Elea

The author of the book «Kutadgu Bilik»:Balassaguni

The basic problem arises, according to Kant, in three fields: Math, physics, metaphysics

The basic problem, as Kant formulated it in his “Critique of Pure Reason”, is to determine: How is a priory synthetic judgment possible?

The definition of public economic formation in materialism was first developed by...Marx

The doctrine about that knowledge is based on experience is: Empiricism

The famous Descartes’s formula “Cogito, ergo sum” is translated from Latin as I think, therefore, I am

The famous representative of patristic studies, author of the books “The City of God”, “Confessions” St.Augustin

The first Baconian idol of mind is Tribe

The first Kant’s greatest work is “The Critique of Pure Reason”

The founder of deconstructivism: J. Derrida.

The founder of medieval Islamic philosophy: Al-Kindi

The founder of medieval Islamic philosophy: Al-Kindi.

The founder of Monadology theory isG. Leibniz

The founder of phenomenology isE.Husserl

The founder of pragmatism is...Charles Sanders Peirce.

The founder of social agreement theory isT. Hobbes

The fourth Baconian idol of mind is Theatre

The lowest caste in India Untouchables

The main category in Taoism isWay

The main parts of philosophy: Ontology, epistemology, ethics, aesthetics

The main postulate of empiricism All knowledge is based on experience.

The meaning of the notion of EPISTEME in Greek philosophy: Knowledge

The method that comes from common to local knowledge isDeduction

The most characteristic feature of the Early Modern Philosophy: Knowledge centrism.

The most famous of the cynics is: Diogenus from Sinopa

The most famous of the cynics is:Diogenus

The most general organization of humans is… Society

The most prominent student of Plato’s Academy: Aristotle

The object of knowledge according to Nicholas of Cuza is: God is an absolute Maximum

The object of philosophy is: World in whole and the place of man in this world.

The principal Baconian work is “Novum Organum, New Instrument”

The school founded by Plato was called: Academy

The second Baconian idol of mind is Cave

The second Kant’s greatest work is “Critique of practical reason”

The second Kant’s work is… Critique of Practical Reason

The Socratic main value was formulated as Virtue is knowledge

The teacher of Alexander the Great was: Aristotle

The third Baconian idol of mind is Marketplace

The third Kant’s greatest work is “The Critique of Judgment”

The title of the Great Baconian utopia is “New Atlantis”

The translation of the word “philosophy”: Love wisdom.

The word "Sophist" is translated from Greek as: Wise man

The word “Sophist” is translated from Greek as: Wise man

Theory of knowledge: Epistemology

Translation of word “axiology”:Doctrine of significance and values.

Under the Renaissance human was considered as: creator, artist, rich microcosm.

Under the Renaissance man was considered to be as Human – creator, artist, rich microcosm.

Vedanta is an Indian school of …: Orthodox direction

What beginning did Heraclitus recognize? Logos

What beginning did Pythagoras recognize? Numbers

What book did Descartes count as a main instruction for development human mind? Discourse on the Method”.

What European notion corresponds to the concept of Tao? God

What of the schools in ancient India developed logic explanation of the world? Nyaya

What philosophy was divided into Westernizers and Slavophiles? Russian

What school do Leucippus and Democritus belong to? Eley school

What value should be put into the essence of social reality? According to L.Feuerbach? Love

What was Antique philosophy almost? entirely Greek

What was the central problem of the Greek school of Philosophy of the early period:Cosmos and its origin.

What was the central problem of the Greek school of Philosophy of the early period: Cosmos and its origin.

What writing did Confucius write? Lunyu, or Analects

Where did Socrates teach? In the streets, market place, and gymnasiums

Which direction is the 20th century was engaged in philosophy of language? Analitical philosophy.

Which form of organization of people Confucius compared the state family

Which method Descartes used to start his philosophy? Deduction

Which of the following subjects did Descartes most admire when he was a student? Mathematics

Which schools is from the heterodox schools of Ancient India Buddhism

Who belongs to the Pluralists school? Anaxagoras

Who defended ideas of intuitivism in the 19th century? Henry Bergson

Who defined the beginning of the world (ARCHE) as fire: Heraclitus of Ephesus

Who developed geographical determinism as an anthropological doctrine? Montesquieu

Who first introduce the word “philosophy”? Pythagoras

Who is considered as the first thinker of Renaissance? D.Alighieri

Who is the author of “Discourse on Method”? Descartes.

Who is the author of “On Learned Ignorance”? Nicolas of Cusa

Who is the author of “The Canon of Medicine”? Ibn Sina

Who is the author of this statement: “It’s impossible to enter the same river twice”? Heraclitus of Ephesus

Who is the founder of Eleatic school? Parmenides

Who of the labeled philosophers is a Sufist? Al-Ghazali

Who offered psychoanalytic theory in human nature? Sigmund Freud

Who said that: “ Man is a measure of all things”? Protagoras

Who said that: “Good and evil are the same opositions”? Heraclitus of Ephesus

Who was called as Philosopher of Arabs? Al Kindi

Who was considered to be the first philosopher of Greece? Thales

Who was considered to be the first philosopher of Greece? Thales

Who was the author of second and third volumes of “Capital” Engels

Who was the most prominent dialectic philosopher in German classical philosophy? Hegel

Who was the teacher of Aristotle? Plato

Who were the classical philosophers in the Ancient Greek-Roman philosophy? Socrates, Plato, Aristotle

Word “Epochè” in the philosophy of Husserl is translated from Greek as: Suspension, abstinence

Zeno of Elea developed paradoxes (apories) about Absence of Motion

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