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Vocabulary activity

1. Read and remember.

Word choice: know, find out, get to know, learn, study.

If you know a fact, person, or place, or how to speak a language, drive a car etc you have information about it in your mind, or the skills to do it.

Often you know something only after you have heard or read about it, or if you have found it out (especially deliberately) or got to know about it (especially by chance). E.g.: When he heard about the affair he became extremely angry. I use my dictionary to find out the correct pro­nunciation (not know). During the visit we got to know something about the American way oi life. You also get to know, a person.

If you learn something, that may mean that you find it out, but this is a formal use of the word. E.g.: He learnt the news/that he had won a prize. Usually to learn means to make an effort to remember something you have found out or been taught, or to practise a skill, so that you then know it. E.g.: I’m trying to learn the names of all the students in my class. He is learn­ing English/learning to drive.

If you spend time learning about something, especially in a school, university etc. you stud.j it. E.g.: He is studying engineering at London University.

Choose the correct word.

  1. Who ... the answer? 2. He hurried off to what the problem was. 3. I ... to drive

when I was 17. 4.1... some French. 5. Did you the fire? 6. I’ve been ... English for 3 years

at London University. 7. The kids had a chance to him.

Word choice: say, tell, repeat, give, tell (somebody about), talk about, speak about.

  • general you say words to someone, but what you tell someone is facts, information etc. said hello/sorry/thanks/a few words to her. told her the reason/the truth/a lie/a story/a joke.

  • you usually only use say with the actual words that are spoken. E.g.: He said, “Open the

  • only tell can be used to report commands. E.g.: He told me to open the door.

  • if you say something again, you repeat it.

  • With some kinds of information give is more usual than tell. E.g.: He gave (us) his opin- me advice/the details/a lot of information/an order/ a message.

  • You usually tell someone about, talk about or speak about (formal) people, thing etc. that) t themselves information

Choose the correct word.

1.I ... to him “I’ll never do anything like that”. 2. ..., dear, don’t grunt. 3.1 ... her what doctor had ... .4. She ... with an Irish accent. 5. She ... what she had been ... by Jane, he ... me all the information needed.

  1. Fill in the blank with the vocabulary word that best fits the meaning of each sentence.

1. He has missed a lot - he’ll have to the group. 2. We’ve done a lot of work today. Let’s have a ... . 3. I ... you a four. 4. - Why are you so sad? - I ... my History exam, lave ... rom the University. 6. You look happy today - I have just... my Literature exam. :hink you are ... a lot of progress. 8. Last year I entered the ... 9. How many ... is the ersity year divided into? 10. What lectures do you ... ? 11. I'm going to be a teacher. I study . 12. He gets only good and excellent marks. He is a ... student.

  1. Fill in the blank with the word that best fits the meaning of each sentence and expand on the sentences.

  1. If you ... a book from a library, you take it away with you for a fixed period of time, lost ... allow their members to borrow items for certain periods of time. 3. Some public ries have good ... sections. 4. If he wants to find a necessary book he uses the ... . 5. Jack ... local library. 6. We can .... this book for you to use at home. 7. It’s a ... library; you can these books, but you cannot take them away. 8. If you want to find this book, use our class.

  1. Answer the following questions:

  1. Why do you want to take up the career of a teacher? 2. Was it difficult to enter the University? What entrance exams to the University did you take? What marks did you get? Were they oral or written exams? Which examination turned out to be the most difficult exam of all for you? Why? 3. What is your purpose in learning English? Have you good knowledge of English? Which aspect do you find the most difficult one? What should you do to acquire good knowledge of English? 4. What subjects do you study? What is your favourite subject? Why? 5. What do you do at your English lessons? 6. Where do you do your English assignment? 7. Are you doing well at (in) English ?

  1. Translate the following text into English in writing:

Я закінчила школу рік тому. Минулого літа я склала три вступні іспити на “відмінно” і вступила до інституту іноземних мов. Наш інститут знаходиться в центрі міста на вулиці Лесі Українки у триповерховому будинку. Це великий новий будинок з багатьма навчальними кімнатами (аудиторіями), лабораторіями, великим актовим залом, бібліотекою, читальним залом та їдальнею. В інституті є шість факультетів. Вони готують вчителів англійської, французької, іспанської мови. В інституті багато викладачів. Багато хто з них займається науковою роботою.

Наш навчальний рік ділиться на два семестри. Наприкінці кожного семестру сту­денти складають іспити з іноземної мови, історії України, мовознавства та інших дисциплін. Після іспитів у студентів канікули. Моя профільна дисципліна - англійська мова.

Заняття з англійської мови у нас кожен день. На заняттях ми розмовляємо виключно англійською мовою. Ми багато працюємо, щоб оволодіти мовою та позбутися помилок. І ми вже досягли певного успіху. Мої однокурсники вступили до драмгуртка та спортивного товариства. Багато студентів беруть участь в роботі науко­вого товариства. На заняттях з англійської мови ми виконуємо багато вправ в усній і письмовій формі, на семінарах робимо доповіді. Я захоплююсь поезією, багато читаю, учу вірші напам’ять, працюю над своєю вимовою. Хоч я - першокурсниця, я не можу не думати про свою майбутню професію. Я сподіваюсь, що буду добрим вчителем.