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Students’ life

Our university

The system of education


















  1. Find the initial forms of the following verbs and make up some sentences with these verbs: been, has, brought, called, gets, jogs, goes, needs, followed, plays, had, done, gone, spent,


  1. Give all the forms of the following verbs:

be, live, get, go, take, look, have, lead, ask, begin, mean, sit, spend, enjoy, discuss, find, finish, keep, hate, put.

  1. Refer the following sentences to the present or past perfect. Use openings: She (he) says; She (he) said. Add the following words: for four years, already, after, today, in the mor­ning, for a month. E.g., She says she has learnt German for two years.

1. He learns Ukrainian. 2. She does her homework. 3. I make my bed, then I go to the bathroom. 4.1 have six lessons. 5.1 do my morning exercises. 6. They stayed at the seaside. We came there too. 7.1 read a book. 8. Do you translate the texts? 9. Does she do the flat? 10. Did he write a letter?

  1. Make up all kinds of questions from these sentences. E.g., The students have read an interesting article. Have the students read an interesting article? Have the students read an interesting article or a book? The students have read an interesting article, haven’t they? What sort of article have the students read?

1. He has come home late. 2. She has brought an interesting book. 3. They have done it themselves. 4. We have finished our work in time. 5. He has got a good mark. 6. They had brought some apples. 7. We had given him our address. 8. She has arrived in London. 9. They had paid the bill. 10. He had stayed at home.

  1. Ask your friend about what he / she has done today. Use the present perfect of the fol­lowing verbs:

be, see, play, read, go, write, do, buy, bring, read, ask.

Model: Have you done your room? - Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.

  1. Translate the fallowing sentences into English.

1. Я вже закінчив свою роботу. 2. Вони вже поснідали і збираються їхати в університет. 3. Ти прибрав у квартирі? 4. Ти приготував чай? 5. Після того, як я приготую уроки, я трохи прогуляюсь. 6. Вона вивчає англійську мову вже шість років. 7. Діти проснулися? 8. Коли я прийшов додому, мати вже приготувала обід. 9. Вони закінчать роботу до шостої години. 10. Я прочитав цю книжку. Вона мені дуже сподобалась. 11. Ми прослухали текст, а зараз читаємо його вголос. 12. Я ходжу в університет п’ять разів на тиждень. Зараз я іду в університет. Я заходив до тебе вчора. Я вже був в університеті. Я піду в університет завтра. Сьогодні я себе погано почуваю.

  1. Imagine that your friends - Helen and her husband - have recently moved into a new flat.

They haven 4 much money so they are furnishing it very slowly. Ask them what furniture they have managed to buy for their kitchen, bedroom, sitting-room.

  1. Work in twos. Fill in the missing parts of the dialogue and then act it out.

  • What’s everybody talking about?

  • Haven’t you heard? Ann ...

  • You are kidding. Has she ever been there before?

  • Can she speak Spanish?

  • Yes, she cam

-... ?

  • She has made friends with a lot of students.

  • Then, Ann’s dream has come true,... ?

  • Oh, yes. I envy her.

  1. Do the following performance exercise. Your dream came true. You entered the English Faculty of the University after you had studied English at school. Think about the following questions and answer them. Make use of the questions while talking to your friend. Take turns asking questions.

1. What was your favourite subject at school? 2. Had you read any English books before you entered the University? 3. Did you read much at school? Had you read any English books in translation before you began to learn English? 4. Who had advised you to enter the University before you made your own choice?

  1. It’s an extract from Theatre by W. S. Maugham. Put the verbs in brackets in the appro­priate tense. The tenses used are Past Simple and The Past Perfect Tense, Past Progressive. Say why it created quite a little excitement when Julia went to Eton.

From the time that he first (to go) to his preparatory school Julia (to see) little of him. During the holidays she (to act) always at night and he (to go) out with his father or with a boy friend, and on Sundays he and* his father (to play) golf together. If she (to happen) to be lunch­ing out it often (to happen) that she (to see) him for two or three days together except for a few minutes in the morning when he (to come) to her room. It (to be) a pity he (can) not always have remained a sweetly pretty little boy who (can) (to play) in her room without disturbing her and be photographed, smiling into the camera, with his arm round her neck. She (to go) down to see him at Eton occasionally and (to have) tea with him. It (to flatter) her that there (to be) several photographs of her in his room. She (to be) conscious that when she (to go) to Eton it (to create) quite a little excitement, and Mr Brackenbridge, in whose house he (to be), (to make) a point of being very polite to her. When the half (to end) Michael and Julia already (to move) to Taplow and Roger (to come) straight there. Julia (to kiss) him emotionally. He (to be) not so much excited at getting home as she (to expect) him to be. He (to be) rather casu­al. He (to tell) Julia at once that he (to desire) to leave Eton at Christmas, he (to think) he (to get) everything out of it that he (can), and he (to want) to go to Vienna for a few months and learn German before going up to Cambridge.