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6. Algorithm development for detection of problem with functional system of the aircraft

For the cases in flight and during the ground engine testing of fuel supply the following algorithm is proposed, which is shown in Figure 6. The scheme includes all possible situations connected with the mentioned problem, and sequence of measures for solution taking into account priority of operating aggregates. Beginning of the algorithm is denoted by “S” – “Start”, its ending with “F” – “Finish”. Graph is to be read upside-down following the denotations which correspond to the occurred situation.

Figure 6 Algorithm for determining the damage


During the work the calculation was conducted the analysis for non-failure probability of fuel system operation, its most critical blocks and elements which have the highest tendency to failure, these were fine fuel filter and bypass valves.

The analysis for availability coefficient was conducted for the most unreliable object in the fuel system – fine filter and for the most important element of fuel system – main fuel pump.

It was managed to design the scheme of fuel supply problem resolving including all possible ways of its occurrence. The method proposes optimal way for defining the reason of the issue with short instructions of further necessary actions.


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