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(number, road)








Here are some typical English and American addresses. Which do you like — or dislike—thesoundof?

Apartment 2, Marigold Mansions

The Grange, West Hill Drive 21 Wellington Gardens 10RillingtonPlace

365 Churchill Avenue

18 Newtown Crescent

33 Sunset Boulevard

28 Poplar Terrace

12AThe Promenade

322AWaite'sWalk 1 The High Street 8 Chestnut Grove 1 Tin Pan Alley 24 Lincoln Lane 130 Hovis Hill

48 Cannery Row

21 The Arcade


8 Park Close

Look at the letter to Santa Claus. How would you write your address?

Cover the right-hand column. Then read and become familiar with the directions in the left-hand column. When you can use the phrases on the left with ease, study the right-hand column. It contains expressions of location and the names of places associated with each line on the left. Learn to use a few at a time.

Well, it's situated in

in the Far East, in the Middle East

central Germany -

in the North of Spain, in southern Portugal

or rather,

inside the Arctic Circle, in S.E. Asia

the centre of

near the Antarctic, within the tropics

West Germany.

at the South Pole, on the Equator

It's almost exactly

on the same line of latitude as Peking

due west of Prague,

longitude 8 degrees East

mid-way between

on the other side of the Andes from Lima

Luxembourg and

50 miles to the north of Oslo

East Germany.

just over the border from El Paso

It's about 100 miles

approximately 40 kilometres from the coast

from the Belgian

some 30 miles from the nearest big town

and French

10 miles along the coast from Valencia


100 miles down river from Khartoum

It's roughly

three hours by carfromRio



half an hour's

drive from Frankfurt, which is in

turn an hour's flight from


It stands on theRhine,just above where the Rhine meets the Main, at the southern tip

of the most picturesque stretch of the river.

It is set in the middle of

one of the world's finest wine-producing areas.

It is built on the edge of the Taunus

forests and is surrounded to the north and west

by trees.

It lies on the other side of the river from the city of Mainz and stretches several miles in the direction

of Koblenz.

Approaching it from thenorth,bycar orbytrain,

I always used to travel down the west bank of the river

The district is some distance from the city centre, in one of

suburbs lying to the south and

running adjacent to the Rhine.

To find it from the Centre Station, you turn left out ofthe main gate, follow the main road up the hill, across the traffic lights, over the next crossroads and then through a long tunnel.

a three-day journey by train from Algiers a five-day voyage from Perth

four hours by plane from Singapore eight hours by air

two days by ship twenty-four hours by sea

it lies on the coast

near the mouth of the Ganges on the banks of the Nile deep in the interior

in the Loire valley miles from anywhere

in the most northerly part of Sweden the southernmost London district the furthest point west

the south-east corner ofSwitzerland

on the fringe of the agricultural region just below the industrial heartland

in the centre of a holiday resort area on the slopes of the Himalayas

at the foot of the mountains on the side of a hill

on a long, thin peninsula on an island

beside a lake

a few miles from the mainland

directly opposite the port of Southampton

extends over an area of 80 square kilometres

it can be reached by road or rail coming from the highlands

drive down the motorway travel cross-country keep to the minor roads go via Lyons

on the far side of town from the beach quite a long way from the bus station a bus journey from the town centre just a stone's throw from, the airport quite a way out of town

on the outskirts of the town in one of the outlying villages in a very remote part parallel to the canal

a few miles inland

to get to it from the ferry terminal bear right

go straight on cross over

follow the pavement round through a pedestrian precinct up and down the hill

across the fields along a country lane


To get to the street, it's left at the next lights, under the railway bridge, second turning on the right then third left.

There is a short cut through

the back streets but the long way round

is easier.

The street is one of the turningsoff to the right.

You can't miss it.

Thehouse is at the far end of the street, the third or

fourth from the end on the right, just down from a little pizzeria.

It's a five-storey building and the flat is on the second floor.

It's self-contained and has

its own entrance down a little alley that

runs along the side of the building.

Ignore the steps leading down to thebasementand go up the first flight of stairs, through the door at the top, a fewyardsalong thepassage,then up the staircase toyourright.

Gothroughthehall. To your left is

the second bedroom.



take the left fork at the junction over a railway crossing through a little wood

leave the cathedral on your right followthesignstoEndgate

head for the spire in the distance

it's about two miles as the crow flies quite a lot further by road half-an-hour's walk

about forty minutes on foot a ten-minute bus ride

quarter-of-an-hour on the underground twenty minutes by taxi

two blocks away from the hospital the third exit off the roundabout a sharp turning to your left

a one-way street a no-through road acul-de-sac

halfway along on the left towards the end of the street on a bend in the road

the last one in the street

on a corner, opposite a florist's

just across the road from a telephone kiosk next to an Indian restaurant

just past a pillar box

with a bus-stop right outside

a (semi-) detachedhouse a terraced house

a skyscraper a tower block a bungalow a maisonette


a long drive leading up to the house parking space at the front

a green front door a side entrance over a shop

take the lift up to the third floor

a spiral staircase leading to the attic

a revolving door a sliding door

a few steps along the landing through the French windows out on to the balcony

the master bedroom the spare room

the bathroom



on your right.

the toilet


the lavatory

another passage

the WC

leading off to

the loo

the left.

the larder (a food cupboard)


the living room

which looks out

the sitting room

on to the street,

the dining room

is the second


door on the

it faces south



On your right

just inside on the left

as you go in,

to the left of the fireplace

behind the door,

along the wall opposite


on the right as you look at it

at least there

directly in front of you

was ten years ago.

under the window


next to the piano

That was where she was


sitting when I left the


room ten years ago. If


she's still there, give


her my regards, will you?



Look at the map of the world. Plan your ideal journey round the world.

Describe the layout of your home and where the furniture is in each room.

Explain how to get from your house to the nearest railway station.

Add any other words or expressions about locations you meet.


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