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Exercise 1. Comment upon the meaning of modal verbs. Translate into Russian (can, may).

1. "Can't you sleep, Signor Tenente?" he asked. "No." "I can't sleep, either." (Hemingway)2. Alice: I'll come too if I may. (Gow and D'Usseau)3. I said, "I am Martin Lynchgibbon. We have met before, though you may have forgotten. Palmer asked me to meet you. May I carry something?"(Murdoch)4. "She cannot have heard of her father's death," said Braybrooke. "But she had! For I expressed my sympathy and she thanked me." (Hichens)5. It was not many hours ere he, Esmond, was in London, of that you may be sure, and received with open arms by the old Dowager of Chesley... (Thackeray)6. Darling, I'm sorry I was so drunk yesterday... I may have seemed churlish, but don't think I'm not deeply grateful for your concern. I may yet need your help... (Murdoch)7. Julia: Why is she coming home? Maude: I don't know... I suppose she got fed up with Paris after five years. She couldn't have had much fun. (Taylor)8. Howard: Lieutenant, may I ask a question?(Gow and D'Usseau)9. "Can I possibly have made a mistake?" she thought. (Forster)JO- Oh. this house, this house! I come back to it after twenty-three years and it is just the same... really. Hesione might at least have been here: some preparation might have been made for me. (Shaw)11. "He may not even know I'm here." (Forster)12. They can't understand the English language, anyway.(Hemingway)

Exercise 2. Insert may (might), can (could) or the contracted forms of may not, might not, cannot, could not (mayn't, mightn't; can't, couldn't). Translate into Russian.

1. "There is a man I know," I said; "you have met him, a man named Longrush." (Jerome

K. Jerome)2. He noticed at once that her manner was as natural almost as a frank, manly

schoolboy's,... there never (he thought] have been a grain of affectation in her. (Hichens)3. I_

- neither lie comfortably in bed nor find anything to do with myself if I got up. (Murdoch)4. She

jumped up when she saw me and said, "Really, I think she have waited a bit before dismantling

the house!" (Murdoch)5. I beg the Magistrate's pardon, but I request a few minutes private

conversation with him on a matter of deep importance to himself? (Dickens)6. "You are a sworn constable?" "I be, sir." "Then pursue the criminal at once, with assistance, and bring him back here.

He — have gone far." (contracted) (Hardy) 7. I said," I help you?" (Murdoch)8. "Perhaps,"

said the Captain, "you have heard your head governor mention my name?" (Dickens)9. "She's

gone, she's gone! Your Heathcliffs run off with her!" gasped the girl. "That is not true!" exclaimed Linton, rising in agitation. "It — not be: how has the idea entered your head? Ellen Dean, go and

seek her. It is incredible: it not be." (E. Bronte)10. "Ididn't say he wasn't a colonel," he said,

"he have been once for all I know. After all, he's almost forty." (Benson)II. Catherine's cup was

never filled: she neither eat nor drink (E. Bronte)12. Oh, welf, you be right. I don't know.

I'm not going to try to explain or adjust myself now. (Dreiser)13. "Old Callendar wants to see me at his bungalow", he said not rising. "He— have the politeness to say why." (Forster)

Exercise 3. Translate into English using the verbs can and may whenever possible.

1. Heможет быть, чтобы она прочла эту книгу за два дня; она, возможно, только просмотрела ее. 2. «Не может быть, чтобы вы потеряли билет, вы могли положить его в карман».—«Нет, я могла выронить его в трамвае». 3. Не может быть, чтобы он уже приехал, я получила телеграмму только вчера. 4. Неужели он уже получил мое письмо? 5. Неужели он не получил моего письма? 6. Ваши часы, возможно, спешат; не может быть, чтобы сейчас было девять часов. 7. Он не мог получить книгу, потому что библиотека была закрыта. 8. Не может быть, чтобы он получил книгу, ведь библиотека была закрыта. 9. Не могли ли бы вы дать мне эту книгу дня на два? 10. Нет, я не верю этому, не может быть, чтобы она меня обманула. 11. Я останусь дома; она, возможно, будет мне звонить. 12. Право, Джордж, ты мог бы помочь мне нести этот тяжелый чемодан, разве ты не видишь, как мне это тяжело? 13. «Где ключ?» — «Не знаю, Ольга могла взять его с собой по ошибке». — «Не может быть, чтобы она его взяла, у нее ничего не было в руках, когда она уходила». 14. Наконец-то вы пришли! Вы могли прийти пораньше, ведь вы же знали, что я больна.

Exercise 4. Comment on the meaning of modal verbs. Translate into Russian.

1.1 have brought back your man—not without risk or danger; but every one must do his duty.(Hardy)2. "May I escort you home?" he said. (Hichens)3. Blanche: I'm sorry. I must have lost my head for a moment. (Tennessee Williams) 4. "There must be something wrong somewhere," he said w-ith a solemn, dejected movement of his head. (Caldwell)5. Gracing the centre table was a Bible and a yellow plush album, in which was not a single picture... It must have been the yellow plush that had fascinated them. (Dreiser)6. "Something must have happened. He behaves quite differently to me, he's cold and he looks at me in such a terrifying way as if he were thinking about killing me... And honestly Martin, I'm frightened." "...Pull yourself together," I said. "You must be imagining all this."7. Sir Robert: Gertrude, what you tell me may betrue, but it happened many years ago. It is best forgotten! Mrs. Cheveley may have changed since then. (Wilde) 8. She passed the girls' room, noticed that they were quiet and therefore must be doing as they had been told, and went on to the children's room. (Benson) 9. "May not the editor have been right in his revision of your Sea Lyrics...?" she questioned. "Remember, an editor must havej)roved qualifications or else he would not be an editor." (London) 10 , Stanley: That must have been a pretty long time ago.

(Tennessee Williams)11. Both of you behaved very badly. You might have given me a little encouragement. (Maugham)

Exercise 5. Insert may (might) or must. Translate into Russian.

I. She said: "Please, please make no sign. That man at the door is mad. Do something. He

kill me!" (Dreiser) 2. He was the father of three sons and two daughters, so I was told, all of

whom have hated him; those I knew did anyhow. (Dreiser)3. You be exhausted after all the

tennis you played this afternoon, Minnie. (Maugham)4. You be getting better, since you can

leave your bed? (Ch. Bronte)5. "I can't stay," Stephanie said.79 As she walked down the corridor,

she heard Marguerite calling after him. "You have told me before I started tea." (Saxton)6. I

said, "What time is it, Antonia?" "Ten o'clock"... "I —have slept for twelve hours." (Murdoch)7.

She have recognized his voice, for the light disappeared from the apartment, and in a second or

two the door was unlocked and opened... (Hardy)8. Late299 stood, smiling, in front of the door. "Well, Bertha?" he said. "Ah, Beryl! Well, Jack!" His daughter alone replied. "Well, Father, you_ have let us know beforehand!" (Galsworthy)9. "How did it happen?" "It was the streetcar," Esther said. "It hit her. It— have tossed her right onto the cinders at the side of the track." (Benson)10. It

occurred to him that perhaps his hostess be in, her boudoir. It was a possibility; he would go and

see. (Huxley)11. The doorway was all dark. The lights in the house have gone out. (Priestley)

12.1 do-these things sometimes in absence of mind; but surely I don't do them habitually. (Shaw)

Exercise 6. Translate into English using the verbs can, may, must.

1. Уже пять часов. Собрание могло уже кончиться; подождем немножко, он может скоро прийти. 2. Петя, должно быть, заболел, иначе он был бы уже в театре, он никогда не приходит в последний момент. 3. Не может быть, чтобы она забыла о концерте, это совсем на нее не похоже. 4. Я его сегодня не жду; но, кто знает, может быть, он и придет. 5. «Хотела бы я знать, где она достала „Три товарища" Ремарка?». — «Она могла взять ее в нашей библиотеке». — «Не может быть, чтобы она взяла ее в нашей библиотеке: Семенова вчера взяла последний экземпляр». — «Ну, должно быть, она взяла ее в другой библиотеке». 6. «Где Павел?» — «Не знаю, он, возможно, пошел в филармонию". — «Ну, это не очень-то любезно с его стороны; он мог бы взять билет и для меня». — «Посмотрите-ка, на столе что-то лежит, он, должно быть, оставил вам билет и записку». 7. Не может быть, чтобы она здесь была вчера. Если бы она была здесь, она оставила бы мне записку. 8. Не возвращайте пока книгу в библиотеку; она может вам понадобиться для доклада. 9. Может мне взять вашу книгу? 10. Можно употребить здесь настоящее продолженное время? 11. Он сказал, что доклад у него уже готот и он может прочесть его завтра на собрании. 12. «Он, должно быть, уже ушел». — «Не может быть, чтобы он ушел, не повидав меня». 13. «Где Мария?» — «Она, должно быть, еще спит». 14. Вы, должно быть, ошибаетесь, на двадцать пятой странице нет таких слов

Exercise 7. Translate into English using the verbs can, may, mast. (Based on an episode from

To Let by J. Galsworthy.)

Соме остановился перед картиной одного из начинающих художников, с интересом ее рассматривая. «Что бы это могло изображать?» — думал он. «Они могли бы, по крайней мере, сделать надпись. Ах вот, судя по каталогу, это, наверное (должно быть), и есть картина, изображающая „Город будущего". А что значат эти вертикальные черные полосы? Может быть, это самолеты? Джун опять устраивает выставки произведений молодых художников. Она, должно быть, все еще полна иллюзий и думает, что со временем они могут стать знаменитостями. Но где же Флер? Что могло ее задержать? Не могла же она забыть о своем обещании? Да нет, она, наверное, опять пошла к Имоджин Кардиган. Эти женщины! На них никогда нельзя положиться!» Вдруг он заметил даму и юношу. Что-то в ней показалось ему знакомым. Неужели Ирэн? После стольких лет! И она его увидела. В глазах его, должно быть, отразилась саркастическая улыбка Джорджа Форсайта, так как лицо ее приняло жесткое выражение, и она прошла мимо.

Exercise 8. Comment and translate into Russian (to be+ infinitive).

1. The typewriter people were again clamoring for money, insistently pointing out that according to the agreement rent was to be paid strictly in advance. (London)2. By that time of evening only a few persons were to be seen on the wet streets and most of the shops and stores were dark and closed for the night. (Caldwell)3. "You're to go now, Blick!" said Hunter, getting up.(Murdoch)4. I distinctly told you to stay with her every minute I was away. You are not to be trusted. (Fischer)5. It was after breakfast, and we had been summoned in from the playground, when Mr. Sharp entered and said: "David Copperfield is to go into the parlour." (Dickens)6. Demetrius was nowhere to be found. (Douglas)7. When my wife and I settle down at Willowmere it's possible that we shall all come together. But if this isn't to be, for Heaven's sake, let us recognise that it is simply because it can't be, and not wear hypocritical faces and suffer and be wretched.(Pinero)8. The snow which had lain so thick and beautiful when I left the country was scarcely to be seen in the city... (Murdoch)9. Your mother arranged that she was to come down from London and that I was to come over from Dover to be introduced to you. (Shaw)10. Mrs. Moore, your delightful doctor has decided on a picnic, instead of a party in his house; we are to meet him out there... (Forster)11. For June this evening, that was to have been "her treat", was the most miserable she had ever spent. (Galsworthy)12. Eliza, you are to live here for the next six months, learning, how to speak beautifully, like a lady in a florist's shop. (Shaw)

Exercise 9. Comment and translate into Russian (to have+ infinitive, to be+ infinitive).

1. Blanche: I didn't save a penny last year and so I had to come here for the summer. That's why I have to put up with my sister's husband. And he has to put up with me, apparently so much against his wishes. Surely he must have told you how much he hates me. (Tennessee Williams)2. "His mother, my dear," said Miss Tox, "whose acquaintance I was to have made through you, does not at all resemble her." (Dickens)3. I had made arrangements so as not to have to come to the office again for a little while. (Murdoch)4....I could scarcely repress my curiosity as to the nature of this composition which was to be published, at his request, presumably, by The Banner. (Dreiser)5. There are some things that have to be said sooner or later, and I'd rather hear them from you than from anybody else. (Caldwell)6. She [Ellie] begins stroking Mangan's head, reversing the movement with which she put him to sleep. "Wake up, do you hear! You are to wake up at once. Wake up..." (Shaw)7. "I can't stay in this place any longer!" she cried in utter desperation. We've got to move out of this apartment. (Caldwell)8. He had been indeed with that luckless expedition of the Chevalier de St. George, who was sent by the French King with ships and an army from Dunkirk, and was to have invaded and conquered Scotland... (Thackeray)

Exercise 10. Insert to have (to have got) or to be in the appropriate form. Translate into


1. He toiled on all day, recollecting, at the last moment, that he to have dinner at the

Morses'. (London)2. He shook his head again, when Gertrude offered him money, though he knew

that within the day he to make a trip, to the pawnbroker. (London)3. There were thirty poems in

the collection and he to receive a dollar apiece for them. (London)4. But just then we hit a

stretch of unpaved road where the mud was thick and the ruts were hard to follow. I to stop

talking and watch what I was doing. (Maltz)5. During their absence, Mahmoud Ali had gone off in

his carriage leaving a message that he should be back in five minutes, but they on no account to

wait. (Forster)6. At this meal they arranged their daily habits. The major to take the

responsibility of ordering everything to eat and drink; and they to have a late breakfast together

every morning, and a late dinner together every day. (Dickens)7. Stella: People— to tolerate each

other's habits, I guess. (Tennessee Williams)8. He told me to say you not to worry about him and

that he'll recover in time. (Murdoch)9. She trembled that day as she prepared to go down to the

wedding. She to be a bridesmaid. (Lawrence)10. The time was fixed for his sailing. It to take

place almost immediately: yet much remained to be done; many domestic preparations to be

made. (Gaskelt)11. "You see practically the minute he left town, Lon spent his whole allowance. All of it." "But he's only been there a week and that money— to last him through October," Mrs. Smith said. (Benson)

Exercise 11. Translate into English using the verbs can, may, must and the expressions to be+