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1. E. E. Law – Європейське економічне право.

2. Conflict of Law – конфліктне право.

3. Equity – право справедливості.

4. Commonwealth – спільність, співдружність.

5. Roman civil law – римське цивільне право

6. Law of Tort – правовий делікт.

7. Case Law – прецедентне право.

Word List

Statute – статут, законодавчий акт Парламенту;

case – судова справа;

English Common Law – англійське загальне право;

branch – гілка;

criminal evidence – кримінальне свідчення, доказ;

prosecute – порушувати судову справу;

to punish – карати;

to divide into – ділити;

regulations – нормативи;

statutory law – статутне право.

  1. Give the English equivalents for:

здійснювати політику уряду;

мати справу;

правові відносини;



регулювати відносини між країнами;

в тих випадках;

порушувати судову справу;

сучасні проблеми;

урядові установи;

протиправна поведінка.

  1. Fill in the blanks

1. Law is an important part of …

2. Like its language, law reflects …

3. Law is found in …

4. Continental or Roman Law has developed …

5. Private Law is …

6. Family law is area of law …

7. International Law is the system of law …

8. The law of Tort is …

  1. Read the following sentences and decide if they are true or false.

1. A particular legal system is closely connected with the history, political structure and social values of the country.

2. The legal system is fixed once and forever.

3. The law system is a universal thing.

4. Roman law has developed in the United States.

5. Each country in the world has its own system of law.

6. Law is found only in constitutions and statutes.

7. Family Law is the area of law relating to the organization of the family.

8. Constitutional Law deals with relations between ordinary individuals and the state.

  1. Ask questions to get the following answers.

1. Law reflects values, history and current problems of a society.

2. There are two main traditions of law in the world.

3. Law is found in constitutions, statutes, cases decided by courts and regulations.

4. Constitutional or Roman law has developed in most of Continental Europe, Latin America and many countries in Asia and Africa.

5. Constitutional law defines the principal organs of government and their relationship to each other and to the individual.

6. Land is the most important form of property.

  1. Match the following.

    1. Constitutional law

    a) law connected with public wrongs against society

    2. Case law

    b) a supreme source of law for a government

    3. Civil law

    c) law enacted by a state or federal legislature

    4. Common law

    d) law created by appellate courts

    5. Criminal law

    e) body of regulations imposed by emperors of ancient Rome

    6. Roman Civil law

    f) law reflecting customs of the people

    7. Constitution

    g) law created by appellate courts.

  2. Answer the questions.

1. How do the two great systems of law, Common law and Roman civil law, differ?

2. What documents is law found in?

3. How can you define the term “Administrative law”?

4. What is Family law? What is it connected with?

5. What does International law regulate?

6. How can you define the term “Criminal law”? What are its main purposes and principles?

7. What do you suppose Labour law could be?

8. Define the concept “tort”. What are the main purposes of Tort law?

9. Do you know what the letters EEC stand for? Is Ukraine a member of the EEC? What is EE law?

10. What area of law interests you most?

  1. Write down a summary of the two texts on what law is.

  2. Read, translate into Ukrainian and prove that the proverbs have sense.

1. Customs are as old as Adam.

2. Life is not a bed of roses.

3. Murphy's Law.

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