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III Answer the questions:

  1. What does the term “textiles” refer to?

  2. What materials provided warmth and shelter in ancient times?

  3. When did textile technology begin?

  4. What made possible the production of thread?

  5. What cloth was the most popular in ancient times? Why?

  6. What areas and manufacturing processes does modern textile technology cover?

  7. What processes are involved in production and use of textiles?

  8. What sectors of the textile industry are there?

IV Complete the sentences with the words from the text and translate them:

  1. ... from the earliest times to fulfil many purposes.

  2. ... some plants, as well as animal skins... .

  3. The Egyptians were ... producing fabrics.

  4. When early humans changed their way of life... .

  5. The fabric produced was for... .

  6. ... is a global industry with large companies ... .

  7. The people involved are... .

V Read the words from the Ex.1. Look through the text again and find out the sentences with them. Make up your own sentences with these words

VII Give definitions to the words: textile, fibre production, yarn production, fabric production, dyeing of fabric, textiles people, clothing people.

VIII Translate the sentences into English:

  1. В стародавні часи люди використовували шкури тварин.

  2. Головне призначення одягу людини − захист від несприятливих погодних умов.

  3. Люди навчилися прясти нитку завдяки волокнистій структурі деяких рослин.

  4. Люди почали прясти, ткати та вязати, коли вони стали осідлими.

  5. Багато років тому люди любили використовувати льон для виробництва текстильних виробів.

  6. Кваліфіковані спеціалісти у галузі текстильного виробництва повинні знати про походження та властивості волокон, пряжі та полотен.

  7. Текстильне виробництво охоплює багато виробничих процесів.

  8. Виробництво текстилю починається з обробки чи виготовлення волокон.

  9. Різні волокна можуть бути перетворені в нитку або в пряжу.

  10. Полотно виготовляється з пряжі або з нитки.

Reading and writing skills

I Quickly read the text below. Choose the main topic discussed in the text

  1. Textile manufacturing in ancient times

  2. Historical development of knitting machines

  3. Evolution of textile production

1 - Textile making is a very ancient craft, with a history almost as old as mankind itself. Remembered and recorded in poetry and ancient stories and myths, textiles have always been important to man. As well as providing protection from the environment, the first textiles were used as decoration, providing status for the owner. They were also used as tools, bags for transporting things and for holding food as it was gathered.

2 - In 1782, the invention of the steam engine gave the world a new power source and started the Industrial Revolution. Previous to this the production of textiles had been a domestic system, a cottage industry with textiles spun, knitted and woven in the home. By the middle of the nineteenth century, however, there was a whole range of new machines and inventions that were to take textiles into an era of mass production in factories. The development of man-made fibres and new dyestuffs in the early part of the twentieth century, and continuing technological developments, have led and continue to lead to new products and applications. The actual processes of textile manufacture, however, are still very much as they have always been, with the vast majority of cloth being woven or knitted from yarn spun from fibre. And, while much production may be very technologically advanced, hand-produced textiles are still made in many countries exactly as they were many, many years ago.

3 - Textiles are produced in almost every country of the world, sometimes for consumption exclusively in the country of manufacture, sometimes mainly for export. From cottage industry to multi-national corporation, textiles and clothing are truly global industries.

4 - Nowadays, many different types of companies are involved in the production of textiles and clothing world-wide; some companies own many huge manufacturing plants in many different countries while others will have only a few employees and some may not, actually manufacture at all.

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