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daily a publishing company a quiz show

to report an editor to devote to

on the one (other) hand to allow to translate

quality newspapers considerate freedom cable

to concern oneself with to reflect satellite

factual conservative available

major a comment

a popular in addition to

a tabloid matter

to concentrate on a supplement

emotive reporting a feature article

to feature a channel

a circulation to broadcast

to advertise a content

to aim a TV programme

to entertain rather than inform a chat show

to own a panel discussion of current events

The best source of getting information about the world

Alex: What do you think is the best way of getting information about the world?

Tom: It is a very difficult question. Perhaps, the best way to learn about the world is reading newspapers. They are packed with the latest news, information and facts and help us to be in the know of everything. Besides, they usually provide us with extra details, commentaries and background information. What is more, newspapers cater for a variety of political views, interests and levels of education so you can choose a newspaper according to your interests.

Alex: Actually, I don’t like reading very much. It takes so much time. And newspapers… They make my hands dirty and the print is so small! My eyes usually get so tired.

Tom: But you can’t but agree that newspapers provide us with reliable information. And if you are tired, you can put it down and turn to it later.

Alex: You are right. Still, I prefer the radio. It’s good to listen to the radio in a car, or in the open air, or when you do something about the house. You can tune into all kinds of stations: pop or classical music, news, sport or foreign radio stations so you can keep up-to-date with the news. Besides, radio has fresher news than newspapers. They are informed every half-hour.

Tom: I don’t agree with you. Radio news items are very short and you have to believe the presenter’s opinion because you don’t have enough information. Besides, the news items on the radio are also recorded beforehand so they are not always fresh. What is more, sometimes it’s difficult to find a necessary radio station.

Alex: What about TV then? It is a wonderful source of information. When you need immediate information about the latest world events, you switch the TV on. Besides, I like TV news because I can see everything with my own eyes. Television is a reflection of the modern world and it allows me to follow the events in faraway countries without visiting them.

Tom: I can’t but agree with you. There are hundreds of various programmes on TV that keep you informed about the rest of the world. But for the television, I would not be able to watch extraordinary animals and to learn about their life and habits. However, television has certain disadvantages.

Alex: What disadvantages?

Tom: For example, they usually show the same news on all channels. And if I want to get some news, I have to wait until the news programme is on. In addition, you can’t get information about everything on TV.

Alex: Well, the same can be said about newspapers and the radio. I think there is no source of information without any drawbacks.

Tom: We live in a multimedia society. Let’s take advantage of it and learn everything from our computers.

Alex: But how can we get information from computers?

Tom: Haven’t you heard about the Internet? It has become another important source of information which allows you to learn about almost everything. It’s much easier to surf the Internet than to go to the library and find the necessary book or a magazine. All the latest information is available to you in your home at any hour of the day and night. You don’t have to wait for news programmes to be in the know of everything.

Alex: But you have to pay for the Internet! Isn’t it very expensive?

Tom: We also have to pay for newspapers, radio and television. With the development of new technology the Internet is as expensive as all other sources of information.

Alex: But we can’t see everything with our own eyes. Besides, computers affect our eyesight.

Tom: Not exactly. The Internet allows you to watch all TV programmes. Moreover, it has additional video films on different topics. As for our eyesight, I can say that modern computer screens have no radiation.

Alex: Perhaps, you are right. Computers have changed our life for the better. So why shouldn’t we make them work to our advantage?

Tom: I completely agree with you. It goes without saying that the Internet has become the best source of information nowadays.

Ex.1. Выпишите преимущества и недостатки источников получения информации. Выразите свое мнение.




Ex.2. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What newspapers and magazines do you read? Why?

2. Do you like listening to the radio? Why?

3. How often do you watch TV? What programmes?

4. Can people do without television?

5. What good and bad effects may television have?

6. Why have computers become an important part of our everyday lives?

7. How often do you play computer games?

8. What opportunities does the Internet offer to the people?

9. Which way of using the Internet do you prefer? Why?

10. What are the disadvantages of the Internet?

Ex.2. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

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