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Exercise 8 p. 10. Replace the of-phrase by the noun in the possessive case.

  1. 1. The wife of our teacher. 2. The order of the commander-in-chief. 3. The house of Mr. Rochester. 4. The novels of Dickens. 5, The ball of the boys. 6. The life of a bachelor. 7. The works of this economist. 8. A dress of a lady. 9. A meeting of students. 10. The flat of my mother-in-law. 11. The rights of women.

  2. 1. A distance of two miles. 2. The crew of the ship. 3. The theatres of Moscow. 4. An interval of three hours. 5. The oil deposits of the world. 6. The rays of the sun. 7. The population of England. 8. The joys of life. 9. For the sake of convenience.

  3. 1. The mother of Mary and Ann. 2. The fathers of Peter and John. 3. The novels of Ilf and Petrov. 4. The poems of Byron and Shelley. 5. The children of my sister Irene. 6. The speech of the Minister of Foreign Affairs. 7. The times of Peter the Great. 8. The correspondent of the Times of India.

Exercise 9 p. 10. Replace the possessive case by a prepositional group where possible.

1. The only thing that stood out clearly was his parents1 house. 2. Nobody could explain the young girls' behaviour at yesterday's dinner. 3. The boy got his first week's salary and looked very proud. 4. You don't object to the speaker's proposal, do you? 5. We found the boy looking through a children's magazine. 6. After an hour or so's break the committee resumed their work. 7. In those days he lived, for economy's sake, in a little town. 8. There was a moment's silence between them. 9. It was a typical student's mistake. 10. The morning's post brought me a surprise m the shape of a letter. 11. They are the same author's books.

Exercise 10 p. 11. Replace the prepositional groups by the possessive case where possible.

1. The teacher drew the attention of the students to the peculiarity of the style of the author. 2. Before I could say a word, the sound of carriage wheels was heard. 3. The girl was nicely dressed for the ceremony of the evening. 4, He did not want to hurt the feelings of the girl. 5. There was a spot of ink on the fable cloth. 6. I spent a fortnight in the house of my friend. 7. The pursuit of the enemy stopped only at nightfall. 8. There was a great variety of books for children on display. 9. I could not agree with the interpretation of the piece by the conductor, 10. We visited the village of Mikhailovskoye where Pushkin, the great poet of Russia, lived in exile. 11. The interest of Sophia, the youngest daughter in the family of general Korvin-Krukovsky, to mathematics was considered to be a whim. 12. Never shall I forget those words of my father. 13, We could not tear our eyes off the hands of the pianist. 14. The river was at a distance of a mile and a half from the camp. 15. The wings of the plane were getting ice-crusted. 16. She contributes to a magazine for women.

Exercise 11 p. 11. Replace the word combinations in bold type by the absolute possessive. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. The party was held in the house of the Johnsons. 2. The major was one of Papa's particular friends. 3. The third house on the right hand was one of Stevensons' footwear shops. 4. It was the actor who absorbed Tony's attention simply because he had absorbed the attention of Lilly. 5, I promised to call for my wife at the place of her parents. 6. We heard the news from one of the Smiths' relations. 7. When the aunt's eyes met the eyes of Tom she understood that he was lying. 8. His mouth opened like that of a Marathon runner. 9. He would never let anyone sit on his chair, which was one of my uncle's whims. 10. The carnage came round to take the children to the house of their grandmother. 11. There is no music I like better than the music by Tchaikovsky. 12. The man was notable most for his hands. Large hands they were, but shaped like the hands of a woman. 13. The mother took the ring off her finger and put it on the finger of her daughter. 14. The dog did not respond to the voice. It was not the voice of his master. 15. He was sure that it was one of Peter's tricks. 16. Fanny's costume was the nicest at the fancy ball. 17. The best results at the competition were shown by Michael. 18. I saw a flush on Mary Pearson's face, I saw a smile on the face of Mr. Pearson as he glanced at her. 19. His mother's eyes were blood-shot, and so were Mabel's eyes; so had been the eyes of everybody he had looked at.

Exercise 12 p. 12. Translate into English. Pay attention to the use of the possessive case.

1. В витрине магазина было много мужских и дамских шляп разных фасонов. 2. Лагерь туристов был расположен на берегу реки. 3. По дороге мы зашли в цветочный магазин и купили большой букет роз — любимые цветы моей матери. 4. Наступило минутное молчание; все почувствовали себя неловко. 5. Они прошли в отдел детской обуви. 6. Мнения разошлись. Одни предлагали устроить новогодний вечер у Серовых, а другие -- у Никитиных. 7. Глаза ее были такие же красивые, как и у ее матери, а подбородок такой же волевой, как у отца. 8. Вы бы хоть ради приличия посидели еще несколько минут. 9. В санаториях после обеда полагается отдыхать в течение часа. 10. Дети приводили в порядок сад, убирали прошлогодние листья и подстригали кусты и деревья. 11. Он был на волосок от смерти. Только чудо его спасло. 12. Картина “Пушкин у моря” — работа кисти Айвазовского и Репина. 13. Портрет жены Рембрандта -- один из шедевров художника. 14. Население Лондона с пригородами составляет более 12 миллионов. 15. Друзья долго не виделись и, когда встретились, вволю наговорились. 16. Мы с братом купили башмаки в одно и то же время. Мои уже износились, а у брата еще совсем новые. 17. У него не было своего велосипеда, и, когда ему нужно было поехать на станцию, он брал велосипед у соседа. 18. Чье предложение вы поддерживаете — директора или главного инженера? 19. Как зовут сестру вашего приятеля? 20. “Кармен”, наиболее популярная опера Визе, была написана на сюжет известной новеллы Мериме. 21. Это не его слова, они принадлежат какому-то писателю.


Exercise 13 p. 12. Put the nouns in brackets in the correct number.

a) more than one (day); twenty-one (day); one and a half (mile); one (mile) and a half; one or two (metre); 0.5 (metre); three (foot); five (foot) six; a (pair) of shoes; two (pair) of shoes; to walk in (pair); (dozen) of socks; a (dozen) of socks; by the (dozen); four (dozen) buttons

b) 1. The man took five (fish) out of the bag and gave each dog a (fish). 2. I wondered at the variety of (fish) in his aquarium. 3. Our (family) are all good chess-players. 4. Our (family) are next door neighbours. 5. The fruit trees were all in (blossom), 6. The bush was all covered with starlike (blossom). 7. The (people) of all the five continents were represented at the Moscow World Youth Festival. 8. The Russian (people) are very hospitable. 9. At the many pavilions of the Exhibition one could see the various (fruit) grown on the vast territory of our country. 10. You must eat more (fruit).

Exercise 14 p. 13. Translate the following word combinations into English using the possessive case. (Dictation-translation.)

дочь моей младшей сестры, младшая дочь моей сестры; Пятая симфония Чайковского; прежний секретарь директора; еще один охотничий рассказ, рассказ другого охотника; эта старая дамская шляпа, шляпа этой старой дамы, старая шляпа этой дамы; традиции студентов Оксфорда, старые студенческие традиции; первая жена Ивана Грозного; заявление нового правительства, новое заявление правительства; прибытие в Лондон советского посла в Англии

Exercise 15 p. 13. Insert s, 's, or s' instead of the hyphens where necessary.

1. This is a new edition of Esenin- poem-. 2. That man was Vera- and Nelly- old teacher- of music. 3. Those were Nick- and Kate- parent-, 4. We spent a week- holiday at the Barton-. 5. We spent a two week- holiday with the Barton-. 6. The book is nei­ther John- nor Mary-, 7, It was neither John- nor Mary-. 8. I haven't seen anything of John- of late. 9. I haven't touched a single book of John-, 10. Father took some money from his pocket and put it into my younger brother-. 11. Father took some money from his pocket and gave it to my younger brother-. 12. His eyes narrowed like a cat-. 13. He moved around softly like a cat-. 14. Vakhtangov- life was short but bright. 15. The Vakhtangov- theatre is one of the leading Moscow- theatre-. 16. The Queen- of Belgium- visit to Moscow was timed to the Tchaikovsky- World Competition of Violinists and Pianists. 17. Tchaikovsky- house in Klin is now a museum. 18. The wall- in the hunter- club were decorated with mountain goat- and wild deer- horn-. 19. A great many scientist- took part in the First International Geophysical Year. 20. Many a time did he rewrite some of his novel- chapter- before submitting it to the reader- judgement-.

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