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Departure & return home after a long absence


Have a wonderful trip! Have a wonderful trip!

Don’t forget to call me when you get back! } 2

Have a wonderful trip! - Don’t worry, I will. } 2

Don’t forget to call me! - Don’t worry, I won’t. } 2


Gee, it’s good to see you. You look wonderful! - So do you.

It’s been a long time! - It sure has. } 2

I missed you terribly. - Me too.

I’m so glad you’re back! - So am I.

trip —v. (-pp-) 1 stumble, esp. by catching the feet, make a slip or blunder. 2 move with quick light steps, run lightly. 3 make an excursion to a place. 4 slang have a hallucinatory experience caused by a drug.

—n. 1 journey or excursion, esp. for pleasure. 2 a stumble or blunder.

miss—v. 1 fail to hit, reach, find, catch, etc. (an object or goal). 2 fail to catch (a bus, train, etc.) or see (an event) or meet (a person). 3 fail to seize (an opportunity etc.) (missed my chance). 4 fail to hear or understand (missed what you said). 5 a regret the loss or absence of (did you miss me?). b notice the loss or absence of (won't be missed until evening).

Gee 1 esp. US colloq. expression of surprise etc. [perhaps an abbreviation of *Jesus]

gee command to a horse etc. to start or go faster. [origin unknown]

ON A DIET First she gave up smoking. Then she gave up gin.

Then she gave up chocolate cake - she wanted to be thin.

Then she gave up breakfast. Then she gave up lunch.

On lazy Sunday mornings she even gave up brunch.

No matter what she gave up - her skirts were very tight

‘cause she ate 12 cans of tuna fish for dinner, every night.

give up 1 resign; surrender. 2 part with. 3 deliver (a wanted person etc.). 4 pronounce incurable or insoluble; renounce hope of. 5 renounce or cease (an activity).

brunch combined breakfast and lunch.

12 Cans of tuna fish rag

12 cans, 12 cans, 12 cans of tuna fish, 12 cans!

- How many cans?

12! 12! - Did you say 12?

Yes, I said -12! - 12 cans of what?

12 cans of fish! - 12 cans of fish?

Yes, fish! Yes, fish! - What kind of fish?

Tuna! Tuna! - 12 cans of tuna fish?

Yes, 12 cans! - Oh, my goodness, no wonder she is fat!

How often does she eat those 12 cans of tuna?

How often does she eat those 12 big cans?

Every night, every night. She eats 12 cans of tuna every night!

- You’re kidding... Oh, my goodness, no wonder she is fat!

That’s a lot of tuna! - It sure is!

That’s a lot of tuna! - It sure is!

That’s too much tuna if you ask me! - It sure is! It sure is!

12 cans of tuna is a lot of fish, if you ask me, if you ask me.

- It sure is, it sure is!

Rag -n. ragtime composition. [abbreviation]


What time is it? (2) - Hurry up! (4)

What time is it? (2) - Please, hurry up! We’re going to be late!

Oh, I don’t have time to talk to you now!

I’m late, I’m late, I’m terribly late! - Hurry up, hurry up!

What time is it? - Hurry up, hurry up!

What time is it? - Hurry up! } 2


Ouch! - What’s the matter?

I stubbed my toe! - Oh, that hurts, that hurts, I know that hurts!

Ouch! - What’s the matter?

I bit my tongue! - Oh, that hurts, that hurts, I know that hurts!

Ouch! - What’s the matter?

I got a cramp in my foot! - Oh, that hurts, that hurts, I know that hurts!

Ouch! Ouch! - What’s the matter now?

I bumped into the table, tripped on the stairs,

Slipped on the carpet, fell over the chairs.

- Gee! You are clumsy today!

ouch int. expressing sharp or sudden pain.

cramp —n. painful involuntary muscular contraction.

bump —v. 1 a hit or come against with a bump. 2 (often foll. by against, on) hurt or damage by striking (bumped my head, the car).  bump into colloq. meet by chance.

trip —v. (-pp-) 1 stumble, esp. by catching the feet, make a slip or blunder. 2 a move with quick light steps, run lightly. 3 make an excursion to a place. 4 slang have a hallucinatory experience caused by a drug.

slip —v. (-pp-) slide unintentionally or momentarily; lose one's footing or balance.

Gee esp. US colloq. expression of surprise etc. [perhaps an abbreviation of *Jesus]

clumsy —adj. (-ier, -iest) awkward in movement or shape; ungainly.

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