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Стилистика Дина Раильевна

Stylistic neutrality

Stylistics as a branch of ling.

The object of styl

Main objectives and problems of stylistics

Branches of styl.

Structure of styl.

Stylistic neutrality and colouring

Арнольд стилистика а я

Гальперин очерки по стил англ яз

Styl explors all lvls of lang.

it doesn't study the phenomen of lang as such

Stylistics deals with the world of personalized meaninngs and intepretations

main concept of styl is choice. Style presupposes choice . It is deliberate choice and styl. Has to do with choices that we make. the choices are necessar for a simple expr of meaning. The same event may be encoded in dif ways, and the choice we encode is a stylistic choice. A frequent definition of style - Chacman - style is a product of individual choices and patterns of choices among linguisic possibilities. Style is seen as the concious or unconcious selection of linguistic features from all the possibilities in a language.

Samuel Wesley - a dress or thought

J. Swift proper words in proper places.

Stilus - a pointed object or a pen.

Formal, informal, colloquial, archaic, neutral, typical documents, newspper style (publicistic)

Any lang is a complex of varities. Our speech must fit the circumstances.

1971 professor Gal'perin offered his definition

A system of interrelatednkang means which serves a definite aim of communication.

style differentiates a group of homogenious texts from other texts

Stylistics is a branch of linguistics which studies the principles and effect of choice and usage ofndifferent lang elements in rendering thought and emotion under different conditions of communications words must fit the situation.

Main objectives and problems of stylistics can be formulated in a following way and our course iis subdivided accordingly

First to study expressive resources of lang (stylistic devices and expressive means)

2) to study functional styles : different text types/ registers /sublanguages/varieties

Synonimous ways of rendering one and the same idea.

Aesthetic functions

The expressive or emotional colouring of a lang

The splitting of a language into seprate systems, varierties of lang, sublanguages

Individual style of the author

Branches of stylistics-

1)functional stylistics (functional styles) all possibleusages of a language

I. V. Arnold- colloiual and literary bookish

Gal'perin -

1) the belles-lettres style.

2) the publicistic style

3) the newspaper functional style

4) the style of official documents

5) scientific prose style

Skrebnev - infinite amount of styles

Linguistic stylistics and literary stylistics - two seperated but interconnected branches ofnstylistics. L.s. studies functional styles and lit.s. studies expressive means and stylistic devicez characteristic for a definite literary movement/writer/etc and thus is closely connected with poetics and theory of literture. Lit.s is a branch of literary critisism and is focused on a composition of a work of art. L.s. studies linguistic means, nature, function

Comparative stylistics is connected with the contrastive study of more than one lnguage. Obviously it is linked to the theory of translation.

Decoding stylistics - Arnld, Kuharenko, etc.

Each act of speench has the sender and receiver of info. The sender acts as the encoder of info. The receiver plays te part of the decoder.

Text stylistics becomes more popular nowadays. Solgannik, Odincov

Studiesof the structual semantic organisation of a text. stylistic devices, basic units of the text, classification of texts, typology.

Practical stylistics is necessary for those deal with a lang professionally

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