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история америки - копия.doc
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6. Work in pairs. You are ethnologists and you are exploring the newly discovered continent. Thus you should prepare the report about tribes, who inhabit North America.

7. Points for discussion.

1. The necessity of a sea route to India.

2. A big mistake and a great discovery.

3. A name given by a misunderstanding.

4. The Native Americans and their ways of life.

Explorers from europe

It was the Spanish who began the lasting European occupation of America. When Columbus returned to Spain he took back with him some jewelry that he had obtained in America. This jewelry was important because it was made of gold. In the next 50 years thousands of treasure-hungry Spanish adventurers crossed the Atlantic Ocean to search for this precious metal.

To sixteenth century Europeans America was a place where nothing was impossible. Some even believed that there they might discover a way to regain their lost youth. Ponce de Leon was a Spanish man who came to the New World with Columbus for the explorer's second voyage. The Amerindian people told de Leon that to the north lay a land rich in gold. This northern land also had all even more precious treasure - a fountain whose waters gave everlasting youth to all those who drank from it. In the spring of 1513 de Leon set off in search of the magic fountain. Ponce de Leon never found the Fountain of Youth.

In the years that followed other Spanish men took the search for gold to North America. Between 1539 and 1543 Fernando de Soto and Francisco Coronado explored much of the southern part of what is now the USA. Coronado traveled north from Mexico searching for the «Seven Cities of Gold», that Amerindian legends said lay hidden somewhere in the desert. He never found them.

The growing wealth of Spain made other European nations envious. They became eager to share the riches of the New World. These countries were England and France.

By the seventeenth century plenty of people in Europe were ready to settle in America. Some hoped to become rich by doing so. Others hoped to find safety from religious or political prosecution. In the hundred years after 1600 Europeans set up many colonies in North America for reasons like these.








settle селиться, заселять

settler поселенец


to set up a colony

to search for

to regain




to be eager

find safety (from) (от)


religious persecution, political persecution

драгоценный камень;

ювелирное изделие

драгоценные камни; ювелирные изделия

получать; добывать

жадный к золоту, жаждущий золота

исследовать, изучать

исследователь; путешественник

селиться, заселять


поселение; колония

основать колонию

искать ч-л

вернуть, восстановить

бесконечный, вечный


множество, изобилие

страстно желать


преследование, гонение

религиозное преследование

политическое преследование

  1. Find the synonyms among the words:


to search for


to want



to be eager



to explore





  1. Translate the Russian words to complete the sentences:

  1. She prefers wearing gold драгоценности.

  2. Жаждущие золота explorers высадились on the island and started поиски for precious metal.

  3. There is no way to вернуть lost youth.

  4. They исследовали the biggest part of the continent в поисках сокровищ.

  5. Множество of people страстно желали поселиться on that aria.

  6. Columbus brought to Spain some jewelry that he had добыл in America.

  7. Краснокожие обитатели of new land told de Leon that to the north lay a land rich in gold.

  8. The growing wealth of Spain made other European nations завистливыми.

  9. Europeans hoped to спастись от religious or political преследования.

  10. Воиственные племена inhabited that lands.

  11. Осёдлые фермеры planted сельскохозяйственные культуры.

  1. Translate:

Испанцы стали первыми завоевателями на территории Америки. Многие испанские искатели приключений оправлялись к берегам нового континента, чтобы овладеть сокровищами и разбогатеть. Легенды о золотых городах, скрытых среди скал, а также о фонтане молодости, который был способен вернуть утерянную молодость, привлекали жадных до сокровищ европейцев. Англичане и французы завидовали богатству и благосостоянию Испании. К 17 веку большое количество европейских иммигрантов спасаясь от религиозных и политических преследований, основывают первые поселения на территории Америки.

4. Change the following sentences to passive:

1. Spanish conquistadors conquered the empire of the Aztecs. 2. They brought huge amounts of precious metals to Spain. 3. By 1550 the Spanish had explored much of North America. 4. They founded the first permanent European settlement in Florida. 5. In the 17th century Europeans set up many colonies in North America.

  1. Answer the questions:

  1. Why did Spanish go to America?

  2. What legends did Amerindians told de Leon?

  3. Why did Ponce de Leon search for the magic fountain?

  4. What did Coronado search in Mexico for?

  5. Did any other European countries take part in exploring the Americas?

  6. Why were many people in Europe ready to immigrate to America?

  1. Fill in the table:






1539 and 1543