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Организация Мед Инст

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Text "Organization of the Medical Institute".

Задание 1. Прочтите следующие слова и запомните их.


to be responsible for




- глава, руководитель

- быть ответственным за ...

- наблюдение, надзор

- управление

- единица, отдел, отделение, часть


department = chair



a scientist


extra-curricular activity

schedule = time-table


- факультет

- кафедра

- возможность

- наука

- ученый

- научный

- общественная деятельность

- расписание, график, план

- исследование

Задание 2. Прочитайте и переведите следующие словосочетания:

head of the Institute; in many cases; specific activities; major; teaching unit; administrative affairs; individual disciplines; preclinical subjects; scientific circles; activity directed towards; students' interest in research; the heavy schedule; serious research workers.

Задание 3. Прочитайте внимательно текст “Organization of the Medical Institute”, постарайтесь понять его содержание и выполните следующие за текстом задания.

Text “Organization of the Medical Institute”.

The head of the medical Institute carries the title of rector. He is responsible for the administration and supervision of the Institute. His responsibilities are shared with assistants who carry the titles of pro-rectors. In many cases they are responsible for specific activities within the Institute, e.g. pro-rector for research, pro-rector for academic work or pro-rector for administration.

The major teaching and administrative unit of medical institutes is the faculty. A medical institute may have one or more faculties. Each faculty is headed by a dean. The dean is responsible for the administrative affairs of the faculty.

Several individual disciplines each organized as a department or chair, constitute a faculty. Each chair has a head, usually a professor who serves as the chair man.

Every medical institute may have from one to five faculties of therapy, pediatrics and sanitation-hygiene. All students have their preclinical subjects together and then pursue specialized clinical training in one of the three faculties. About 70% of medical students study in faculties of therapy.

Medical students have an opportunity to become acquainted with research in medical sciences through scientific circles. Most chairs in a medical institute have a scientific circle for students interested in a specific discipline. These circles represent an active and energetic program of organized extra-curricular activity directed towards increasing the students' interest in research.

Although students may participate in these circles beginning in the first year, the heavy schedule of required courses causes most students to postpone participation until their third year. Between 20-25% of medical students participate in the scientific circles. Between 1 and 2% of the students in the scientific circles develop into serious research workers. Some of the students who do outstanding research are given the opportunity to go directly into post-graduate courses in medical institutes or research institutes following graduation.

Задание 4. Разделите текст на смысловые части, озаглавьте каждую часть.

Задание 5. Выделите основную мысль каждой части.

Задание 6. Найдите английские эквиваленты русским предложениям:

  1. Каждый факультет возглавляется деканом.

  2. Каждый мединститут имеет от 1 до 5 факультетов.

  3. Около 70% студентов учатся на лечебных факультетах.

  4. Большинство кафедр в мединституте имеет научный кружок для студентов, интересующихся специальными дисциплинами.

  5. 1-2% студентов, занимающихся в научных кружках, становятся серьезными научными работниками.

Задание 7. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

1. Who carries responsibilities for administration and supervision of the Institute?

2. What is the organization of the Institute?

3. What is the possibility to become acquainted with research in the Institute?

4. What is the rector responsible for?

5. What is pro-rector responsible for?

6. What is dean responsible for?

Задание 8. Составьте 5 общих и специальных вопросов к тексту.

Text “The Irkutsk Medical University”.

The Irkutsk Medical University is one of the biggest and oldest educational establishments of the Eastern Siberia. It was founded in 1919. Originally it was a department of the Irkutsk University. Every year about 700 young men and women are enrolled at the University and about the same number graduate from it. Nowadays there is hardly a hospital or a medical institution all over the Eastern Siberia where we find no graduates of our University.

There are five departments at our University: a medical department, a department of hygiene and sanitation, a pharmaceutical department, a stomatological department and pediatric one. The course of training at the Medical University of our country is planned for seven years. The curriculum contains all the basic and practical sciences that are necessary for training highly skilled doctors.

The University is practically divided into two departments, the Junior (or premedical) and the Senior (or medical) one. The Junior department contains the chairs of Anatomy, Histology, Physics, Chemistry, Physiology, Foreign languages and others. The Junior department has evening division attached to it, which has been effective since autumn 1959. At this division teaching is conducted for those who find it impossible to leave their jobs in order to devote full time to their studies.

The numerous clinics of our University are scattered all over the town. There is a large reading hall in our University and a fine library. Students can take books in the library. They can read for their tutorials in our reading hall. Good students get state scholarship. Our students have all facilities to study well.

"Medical Department".

Text "Medical Department".

The course of training at the medical department is planned for six - seven years. It trains highly skilled therapeutists, surgeons, ophthalmologists, gynecologists, trauma surgeons and other specialists. During the first two years students are taught pre-clinical subjects. The pre-clinical teaching includes anatomy, biology, histology, physics, physiology, chemistry and a foreign language. The knowledge of all the subjects is necessary to master special medical sciences. Latin is taught to learn the students scientific and medical terminology, to write out prescriptions for some medicines correctly. Great attention is paid to clinical training. Specialization in therapy and surgery begins in the third year; in obstetrics and gynecology in the fourth; in dermatology and infections diseases in the fifth and so on. Practical training in these subjects is given at well equipped medical institutions: hospitals, clinics, dispensaries, in-and out-patient departments.

On graduation from the medical department the students receive a doctor’s diploma. The graduates of the University with internship go on studying in the clinical speciality for one year. They are given a certificate of narrow specialization as pediatricians, urologists, oncologists, anesthesiologists, etc.

Задание 1. Прослушайте внимательно текст, постарайтесь понять его содержание.

Задание 2. Прочитайте текст. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. How many years is the course of training at the medical department planned?

2. What subjects are taught during the first two years?

3. Why is Latin taught at the Medical Department?

4. When does the specialization begin?

5. Where is practical training given?

6. What document is given to the graduates?