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It was nice of him to have suggested that. He might so easily have mentioned

some fashionable place where people would stare at her. It proved that he

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didn't just want to be seen with her.

She took a taxi to Tavistock Square (она взяла такси до Тэвисток-сквер). She

was pleased with herself (она была довольна собой). She was doing a good

action (она совершала хороший поступок). It would be wonderful for him in

after years (это будет так удивительно для него, годами позже) to be able to tell

his wife and children that Julia Lambert had been to tea with him (иметь

возможность рассказать его жене и детям, что сама Джулия Лэмберт пила с

ним чай) when he was just a little insignificant clerk in an accountant's office

(когда он был всего лишь незначительным клерком в бухгалтерской

конторе). And she had been so simple and so natural (и она была так проста и

естественна). No one to hear her prattling away (никто, кто слышал, как она

разговаривала; to prattle — щебетать, болтать, журчать) would have

guessed (не догадался бы) that she was the greatest actress in England (что она

была величайшей актрисой Англии). And if they didn't believe him (и, если бы

они ему не поверили) he'd have her photograph to prove it (так у него была ее

фотография, чтобы подтвердить /историю/), signed yours sincerely

(подписанная: «Искренне Ваша»). He'd laugh (он рассмеется) and say that of

course if he hadn't been such a kid (и скажет, что, конечно, если бы он не был

таким молодым: «ребенком») he'd never have had the cheek to ask her (он

никогда бы не набрался храбрости чтобы пригласить ее; to have the cheek —

иметь наглость, дерзость; cheek — щека).

children ['tSIldrqn] insignificant ["InsIg'nIfIkqnt] sincerely [sIn'sIqlI]

She took a taxi to Tavistock Square. She was pleased with herself. She was

doing a good action. It would be wonderful for him in after years to be able to

tell his wife and children that Julia Lambert had been to tea with him when

he was just a little insignificant clerk in an accountant's office. And she had

been so simple and so natural. No one to hear her prattling away would have

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guessed that she was the greatest actress in England. And if they didn't believe

him he'd have her photograph to prove it, signed yours sincerely. He'd laugh

and say that of course if he hadn't been such a kid he'd never have had the

cheek to ask her.

When she arrived at the house (когда она подъехала к дому) and had paid off the

taxi (и расплатилась за такси) she suddenly remembered (она внезапно

вспомнила) that she did not know his name (что она не знает его имени) and

when the maid answered the door (и когда служанка ответит /на звонок/ в

дверь) would not know whom to ask for (не будет знать, кого спросить). But on

looking for the bell (но, в поисках звонка) she noticed that there were eight of

them, four rows of two (она увидела, что их было /не один, а/ целых восемь,

расположенных в четыре ряда, по два звонка в каждом), and by the side of

each (и со стороны от каждого звонка) was a card or a name written in ink on a

piece of paper (была /или/ карточка, или имя, написанное чернилами на

клочке бумаги). It was an old house (это был старый дом) that had been divided

up into flats (который был разделен на квартиры). She began looking, rather

hopelessly, at the names (она начала смотреть, довольно беспомощно, на

имена) wondering whether one of them would recall something (надеясь, что

одно из имен напомнит ей что-нибудь: «раздумывая, не припомнится ли /ей/

одно из имен»), when the door opened (когда дверь открылась) and he stood

before her (и он предстал перед ней).

piece [pi:s] paper ['peIpq] whether ['weDq]

When she arrived at the house and had paid off the taxi she suddenly

remembered that she did not know his name and when the maid answered the

door would not know whom to ask for. But on looking for the bell she noticed

that there were eight of them, four rows of two, and by the side of each was a

card or a name written in ink on a piece of paper. It was an old house that had

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been divided up into flats. She began looking, rather hopelessly, at the names

wondering whether one of them would recall something, when the door

opened and he stood before her.

"I saw you drive up (я видел, как вы подъехали) and I ran down (и побежал

вниз). I'm afraid I'm on the third floor (боюсь, что я живу на третьем этаже). I

hope you don't mind (надеюсь, вы не против)." "Of course not (конечно нет)."

She climbed the uncarpeted stairs (она поднималась по ступенькам,

непокрытым ковром; carpet — ковер, покрытие). She was a trifle out of breath

(она слегка запыхалась) when she came to the third landing (когда /она/

поднялась на третью /лестничную/ площадку). He had skipped up eagerly (он

бежал легко и с нетерпением), like a young goat (как молодой козлик), she

thought (как она думала), and she had not liked to suggest (и ей не хотелось

сказать ему: «предложить») that she would prefer to go more leisurely (что она

предпочла бы подниматься более спокойно; leisurely — досужий, медленный,

неторопливый). The room into which he led her (комната, в которую он ее

провел) was fairly large (была достаточно большой), but dingily furnished (но

плохо обставленной; dingy — тусклый, грязный, поношенный). On the table

was a plate of cakes (на столе стояла тарелка с пирожными) and two cups, a

sugar basin and a milk-jug (и две чашки, сахарница, и молочник; basin —

миска, таз; jug — кувшин). The crockery was of the cheapest sort (фаянсовая

посуда была самой дешевой).

climb [klaIm] uncarpeted [An'kQ:pItId] leisurely ['leZqlI]

"I saw you drive up and I ran down. I'm afraid I'm on the third floor. I hope

you don't mind."

"Of course not."

She climbed the uncarpeted stairs. She was a trifle out of breath when she

came to the third landing. He had skipped up eagerly, like a young goat, she

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thought, and she had not liked to suggest that she would prefer to go more

leisurely. The room into which he led her was fairly large, but dingily

furnished. On the table was a plate of cakes and two cups, a sugar basin and a

milk-jug. The crockery was of the cheapest sort.

"Take a pew (садитесь; take a pew — разг. садитесь, pew — разг. стул,

сиденье, место)," he said. "The water's just on the boil (вода уже закипает). I'll

only be a minute (я вернусь через минутку). I've got a gas-ring in the bathroom

(у меня газовая горелка в ванной; ring — кольцо, обруч, обод)."

He left her and she looked about (он оставил ее /одну/, и она огляделась

вокруг). "Poor lamb, he must be as poor as a church mouse (бедный ягненок, он,

должно быть, беден как церковная мышь)." The room reminded her very much

(комната напомнила ей так сильно) of some of the lodgings she had lived in

(некоторые из тех съемных комнат, в которых она жила) when she was first on

the stage (когда она только поступила в театр: «была впервые на сцене»). She

noticed the pathetic attempts he had made (она заметила те жалкие попытки,

которые он предпринял) to conceal the fact (чтобы скрыть тот факт) that it was

a bedroom as well as a sitting-room (что это была также и спальная комната, и

гостиная). The divan against the wall (тахта у стены) was evidently his bed at

night (была очевидно и его постелью ночью). The years slipped away from her

in fancy (годы улетучились /от нее/ как по волшебству: «в воображении,

фантазии»; to slip away — ускользать, уноситься, улететь о времени) and she

felt strangely young again (и она почувствовала себя снова

удивительно/странно молодой).

pew [pju:] lodging ['lOdZIN] pathetic [pq'TetIk] fancy ['fxnsI]

"Take a pew," he said. "The water's just on the boil. I'll only be a minute. I've

got a gas-ring in the bathroom."

He left her and she looked about. "Poor lamb, he must be as poor as a church

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mouse." The room reminded her very much of some of the lodgings she had

lived in when she was first on the stage. She noticed the pathetic attempts he

had made to conceal the fact that it was a bedroom as well as a sitting-room.

The divan against the wall was evidently his bed at night. The years slipped

away from her in fancy and she felt strangely young again.

What fun they had had in rooms very like that (как весело проводили они время

в таких комнатах: «комнатах, похожих на эти»; to have fun — веселиться,

развлекаться) and how they had enjoyed the fantastic meals they had had (и как

они наслаждались фантастической едой, которую они ели), things in paper

bags (/еда/ из бумажных пакетов) and eggs and bacon fried on the gas-ring (и

яичница с ветчиной, поджаренная на газовой горелке; egg — яйцо; bacon —

копченная свиная грудинка, бекон)! He came in with the tea in a brown pot (он

вошел с чаем в коричневом чайнике). She ate a square sponge-cake (она съела

квадратный бисквит; sponge — губка, губчатое вещество, кислое тесто,

бисквит) with pink icing on it (с розовой сахарной глазурью). That was a thing

she had not done for years (этого: «это было нечто, что» она не делала уже

долгие годы). The Ceylon tea, very strong, with milk and sugar in it (цейлонский

чай, очень крепкий, с молоком и сахаром /в нем/; strong — сильный,

здоровый, крепкий, неразбавленный /о напитках/), took her back to days she

thought she had forgotten (вернул ее /назад/ в те дни, которые, как она думала,

она давно забыла). She saw herself as a young, obscure, struggling actress (она

увидела себя молодой, неизвестной, ведущей борьбу /за успех/ актрисой;

obscure — темный, мрачный, смутный, незаметный). It was rather delicious

(это было просто восхитительным). It needed a gesture (/ситуация/ требовала

какого-то жеста), but she could only think of one (но она могла подумать

только об одном): she took off her hat (она сняла шляпку) and gave her head a

shake (и встряхнула головой).

sponge [ |

] sugar ['SVgq] obscure [qb'skjVq]

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What fun they had had in rooms very like that and how they had enjoyed the

fantastic meals they had had, things in paper bags and eggs and bacon fried

on the gas-ring! He came in with the tea in a brown pot. She ate a square

sponge-cake with pink icing on it. That was a thing she had not done for

years. The Ceylon tea, very strong, with milk and sugar in it, took her back to

days she thought she had forgotten. She saw herself as a young, obscure,

struggling actress. It was rather delicious. It needed a gesture, but she could

only think of one: she took off her hat and gave her head a shake.

They talked (они разговаривали). He seemed shy (он казался застенчивым),

much shyer than he had seemed over the telephone (гораздо застенчивее, чем он

казался по телефону); well, that was not to be wondered at (ну, этому нельзя не

удивляться), now she was there (теперь, когда она была здесь) he must be rather

overcome (он, должно быть, был охвачен /чувствами/), and she set herself to

put him at his ease (и она твердо решила успокоить его; to set oneself to do

/doing/ smth. — энергично взяться за что-либо). He told her that his parents

lived at Highgate (он рассказал ей, что его родители жили в Хайгейте), his

father was a solicitor (ее отец был поверенным), and he had lived there too (и

раньше он жил с ними: «тоже там жил»), but he wanted to be his own master

(но захотел быть самому себе хозяином) and now in the last year of his articles

(и теперь, на последнем году его стажировки) he had broken away (он

вырвался /оттуда/) and taken this tiny flat (и снял эту крошечную квартирку).

He was working for his final examination (он готовился к своему последнему


solicitor [sq'lIsItq] article ['Q:tIk(q)l] examination [Ig"zxmI'neIS(q)n]

They talked. He seemed shy, much shyer than he had seemed over the

telephone; well, that was not to be wondered at, now she was there he must be

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rather overcome, and she set herself to put him at his ease. He told her that

his parents lived at Highgate, his father was a solicitor, and he had lived there

too, but he wanted to be his own master and now in the last year of his articles

he had broken away and taken this tiny flat. He was working for his final


They talked of the theatre (они разговаривали о театре). He had seen her in every

play she had acted in (он видел ее в каждом спектакле, в которых она играла)

since he was twelve years old (с тех пор, как ему исполнилось двенадцать лет).

He told her (он рассказал ей) that once when he was fourteen (как однажды,

когда ему было четырнадцать) he had stood outside the stage door after a

matinee (он стоял у служебного входа в театр после дневного спектакля) and

when she came out (и когда она вышла) had asked her to sign her name in his

autograph-book (попросил ее расписаться: «написать свое имя» в его альбоме

для автографов). He was sweet (он был так мил) with his blue eyes (с такими

голубыми глазами) and pale brown hair (и светло-каштановыми волосами; pale

бледный, тусклый). It was a pity (как жаль) he plastered it down like that (что

он приглаживал их /бриллиантином/). He had a white skin (у него была белая

кожа) and rather a high colour (и яркий румянец); she wondered if he was

consumptive (она /даже/ подумала, не чахоточный ли он; consumptive —

болеющий туберкулезом). Although his clothes were cheap (хотя его одежда

была недорогой: «дешевой») he wore them well (он носил ее хорошо), she

liked that (и ей это нравилось), and he looked incredibly clean (и он выглядел

невероятно чистеньким).

autograph ['O:tqgrQ:f] plaster ['plQ:stq] consumptive [kqn'sAmptIv]

They talked of the theatre. He had seen her in every play she had acted in

since he was twelve years old. He told her that once when he was fourteen he

had stood outside the stage door after a matinee and when she came out had

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asked her to sign her name in his autograph-book. He was sweet with his blue

eyes and pale brown hair. It was a pity he plastered it down like that. He had

a white skin and rather a high colour; she wondered if he was consumptive.

Although his clothes were cheap he wore them well, she liked that, and he

looked incredibly clean.

She asked him why he had chosen Tavistock Square (она спросила его, почему

он выбрал /именно/ Тэвисток-сквер). It was central, he explained (это в центре,

объяснил он), and he liked the trees (и ему нравятся деревья). It was quite nice

(довольно приятный вид открывался: «было довольно приятно») when you

looked out of the window (когда выглянешь из окна). She got up to look (она

поднялась, чтобы посмотреть /в окно/), that would be a good way to make a

move (это будет хорошим поводом, чтобы подняться: «сделать движение»),

then she would put on her hat (затем, она наденет свою шляпку) and say good-

bye to him (и распрощается с ним: «скажет до свидания»).

"Yes, it is rather charming, isn't it (да, довольно чарующий /вид/, не правда ли)?

It's so London (так похоже на Лондон); it gives one a sort of jolly feeling

(наполняет радостью: «дает такое веселое чувство»)."

explain [Ik'spleIn] window ['wIndqV] jolly ['dZOlI]

She asked him why he had chosen Tavistock Square. It was central, he

explained, and he liked the trees. It was quite nice when you looked out of the

window. She got up to look, that would be a good way to make a move, then

she would put on her hat and say good-bye to him.

"Yes, it is rather charming, isn't it? It's so London; it gives one a sort of jolly


She turned to him (она повернулась к нему), standing by her side (/он/ стоял

рядом с ней), as she said this (когда он говорила это). He put his arm round her

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waist (он положил руку ей на талию) and kissed her full on the lips (и

поцеловал ее /прямо/ в губы). No woman was ever more surprised in her life (ни

одна женщина не была удивлена больше /чем Джулия/ за всю свою жизнь).

She was so taken aback (она была настолько ошеломлена; to take aback —

поразить, захватить врасплох) that she never thought of doing anything (что

она даже и не двигалась: «не подумала о том, чтобы что-то сделать»). His lips

were soft (его губы были мягкими) and there was a perfume of youth about him

(и от него исходил аромат молодости; perfume — благоухание, духи) which

was really rather delightful (который на самом деле был восхитительным). But

what he was doing was preposterous (но то, что он делал, противоречило

здравому смыслу; preposterous — абсурдный, нелепый, несообразный). He was

forcing her lips apart with the tip of his tongue (он раздвигал ее губы кончиком

своего языка; apart — в сторону, раздельно, порознь) and now he had both

arms round her (и теперь он уже обнял ее двумя руками: «он положил обе

руки вокруг нее»). She did not feel angry (она не рассердилась: «не

чувствовала себя рассерженной»), she did not feel inclined to laugh (ей не

хотелось смеяться: «она не чувствовала склонности рассмеяться»), she did not

know what she felt (она не знала, что она чувствовала).

perfume ['pq:fju:m] delightful [dI'laItf(q)l] preposterous [prI'pOst(q)rqs]

She turned to him, standing by her side, as she said this. He put his arm round

her waist and kissed her full on the lips. No woman was ever more surprised

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