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It was quite clear that he had accepted with alacrity. The thought of refusing

had never even occurred to him.

"And I — I," she thought, "if they'd offered me a thousand dollars a week I

wouldn't have gone if it meant being separated from Michael."

Black despair seized her. She could do nothing. She must pretend to be as

delighted as he was. He was too much excited to sit still and took her out into

the crowded street to walk.

"It's a wonderful chance (это удивительный шанс). Of course America's

expensive (конечно, Америка дорогая /страна/), but I ought to be able (но я

Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка www.franklang.ru


должен буду суметь) to live on fifty dollars a week (жить на пятьдесят

долларов в неделю) at the outside (самое большее), they say the Americans are

awfully hospitable (говорят, что американцы ужасно гостеприимны) and I shall

get a lot of free meals (и я смогу часто питаться бесплатно: «получить много

бесплатной еды»). I don't see why I shouldn't save (я не вижу /причин/, почему

бы /мне/ не сэкономить) eight thousand dollars (восемь тысяч долларов) in the

forty weeks (за сорок недель) and that's sixteen hundred pounds (а это тысяча

шестьсот фунтов стерлингов: «шестнадцать сотен фунтов»)."

("He doesn't love me (он не любит меня). He doesn't care a damn about me (ему

совершенно наплевать на меня; not to care a damn — совершенно не

интересоваться, относиться безразлично). I hate him (я ненавижу его). I'd

like to kill him (как бы я хотела убить его). Blast that American manager (черт

возьми этого американского импресарио; to blast — взрывать, разрушать).")

"And if he takes me on (и если он возьмет меня дальше) for a second year (на

второй год) I'm to get three hundred (я буду получать три сотни /в неделю/).

That means that in two years (это значит, что за два года) I’d have the best part

(я соберу большую часть) of four thousand pounds (от четырех тысяч фунтов).

Almost enough to start management on (почти достаточно, чтобы начать свой


expensive [Ik'spensIv] awfully ['O:f(q)lI] hospitable ['hOspItqb(q)l]

"It's a wonderful chance. Of course America's expensive, but I ought to be

able to live on fifty dollars a week at the outside, they say the Americans are

awfully hospitable and I shall get a lot of free meals. I don't see why I

shouldn't save eight thousand dollars in the forty weeks and that's sixteen

hundred pounds."

("He doesn't love me. He doesn't care a damn about me. I hate him. I'd like to

kill him. Blast that American manager.")

"And if he takes me on for a second year I'm to get three hundred. That

Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка www.franklang.ru


means that in two years I'd have the best part of four thousand pounds.

Almost enough to start management on."

"A second year (второй год)!" For a moment (на мгновение) Julia lost control of

herself (потеряла над собой контроль) and her voice was heavy with tears (и ее

голос наполнился слезами: «стал тяжелым от слез»). "D'you mean to say (что

ты хочешь сказать, что) you'll be gone two years (ты уедешь на два года)?"

"Oh, I should come back (о, я вернусь) next summer of course (следующим

летом, конечно). They pay my fare back (они оплачивают мою дорогу обратно;

fare — плата за проезд, стоимость проезда, пищи, провизии) and I'd go and

live at home (и я приеду и буду жить дома) so as not to spend any money (так,

чтобы не потратить денег)."

"I don't know (я не знаю) how I'm going to get on (как я буду жить дальше)

without you (без тебя)."

She said the words very brightly (она произнесла слова очень весело), so that

they sounded polite (так, что они звучали вежливо), but somewhat casual (но

как-то небрежно).

"Well (ну), we can have a grand time together (мы сможем отлично провести

время вместе) in the summer (летом) and you know (и ты знаешь) a year, two

years at the outside (год, два года самое большее), well (ну), it passes like a flash

of lightning (они промелькнут, как вспышка молнии)."

heavy ['hevI] gone [gOn] outside ['aVtsaId] lightning ['laItnIN]

"A second year!" For a moment Julia lost control of herself and her voice was

heavy with tears. "D'you mean to say you'll be gone two years?"

"Oh, I should come back next summer of course. They pay my fare back and

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