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120 5 Handling Complexity in Photorealistic Scenes

Procedural "RunProgram" generator boundingbox

generator is a string array with two elements. The first element is the name of the helper program to execute and may include command line options. The second element is the generation-request data block. It is an ASCII printable string that is meaningful to the helper program and describes the children to be generated. The boundingbox is an array of six floating-point numbers, which is xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax in the current object space.

Notice that the data block is a quoted string in the RIB file, so if it is a complex description that contains quote marks or other special characters, these must be escaped in the standard way (similar to C, using backslash metacharacters like \" and \n). You might be inclined to try to pack a binary data structure into the data block, but these quoting issues make that nearly impossible.

5.1.4Procedural Primitive DSO

A more efficient method for accessing subdivision routines is to write them as dynamic shared objects (DSOs)*l and dynamically load them into the renderer executable at run-time. In this case, you write your subdivision and free routines in C, exactly as you would if you were writing them to be linked into the renderer using the C Ri Procedural ( ) interface. DSOs are compiled with special compiler options to make them run-time loadable and are specified in the RIB file by the name of the shared object file. The renderer will load the DSO the first time that the subdivision routine must be called, and from then on, it is called as if (and executes as fast as if) it were statically linked. DSOs are more efficient than external programs because they avoid the overhead of interprocess communication.

When writing a procedural primitive DSO, you must create three specific public

subroutine entry points, named Subdivide, Free, and ConvertParameters. Subdivi de is a

standard Ri Procedural ( ) primitive subdivision routine, taking a blind data pointer to be subdivided and a floating-point detail to estimate screen size. Free is a standard Ri Procedural() primitive free routine, taking a blind data pointer to be released. ConvertParameters is a special routine that takes a string and returns a blind data pointer. It will be called exactly once for each DynamicLoad procedural primitive in the RIB file, and its job is to convert a printable string version of the progenitor's blind data (which must be in ASCII in the RIB file) into something that the Subdivide routine will accept.

The C prototypes for these functions are as follows:

RtPointer ConvertParameters(char *initialdata); void Subdivide(RtPointer blinddata, RtFloat detailsize); void Free(RtPointer blinddata);

*1 on some systems called dynamically linked libraries (DLLs)

5.2Lightweight Primitives

The RIB syntax for specifying a dynamically loadable procedural primitive is

Procedural "DynamicLoad" generator boundingbox

generator is a string array with two elements. The first element is the name of the shared object file that contains the three required entry points and has been compiled and prelinked as described earlier. The second element is the ASCII printable string that represents the initial data to be sent to the ConvertParameters routine. The boundingbox is an array of six floating-point numbers, which is xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax in the current object space.

Note that if the DSO Subdivide routine wants to recursively create child procedural primitives of the same type as itself, it should specify a direct recursive call to itself, with

Ri Procedural(newdata,newbound,Subdivide,Free), not call itself as a DynamicLoad

procedural. The latter would eventually just call the former after wasting time checking for and reloading the DSO.

5.2Lightweight Primitives

Recent versions of the RenderMan renderers support two new lightweight geometric primitives that were designed to solve the problems of dealing with massive complexity in modeling scenes for feature-film special effects and animation, specifically, situations where there are huge numbers of very small primitives. The primitives, Points and Curves, are very compact in the geometric database because they are defined using line-oriented instead of surface-oriented vertex data. They are shaded, taking advantage of the fact that they are intended to be small on the screen. As a result, the renderer can generally process much larger numbers of these primitives than it can of the standard surface-oriented primitives, even when those primitives are small on the screen.

5.2.1Point Clouds

The new Poi nts primitive is intended to be used for small particles such as sparks, snowflakes, or raindrops (see Figure 5.2). RenderMan points are intended to be fast and very efficient primitives for use where hundreds of thousands or millions of tiny spots are required, such as for particle systems or stars. They are optimized for the case where the intended particle is small, taking up at most a couple of pixels on the screen.

Points parameterlist

Points draws a set of flat-shaded points, individual dots with no derivatives. Position is specified in the standard way, with 3D vertex data in the "P" array. Size is specified with an array of floating-point "width" values. Width is

122 5 Handling Complexity in Photorealistic Scenes

Figure 5.2 Moving Points creating fireworks. See also color plate 5.2.

measured as diameter in object space, not in raster space as you might expect of annotation or 2D drawing primitives. If all of the "width" values for a complex primitive are identical, there is a special shorthand version, "constantwidth", which takes a single floating-point value for use with the entire primitive. Each point can have an independent "width" value, or providing a single "constantwi dth" value for the set will make all points the same size.

Points are much cheaper, in terms of both memory and shading time, than small bilinear patches or small spheres. In PRMan, each point is only shaded once, and generates only two micropolygons that always face the camera (to form a little hexagon, which should be too small to distinguish from a disk). You can efficiently render very large point clouds using the point primitive.

There are some disadvantages of this lightweight primitive, however. Because points are only shaded at a single point, they have no access to derivative information. If you want your particle to have differing shading across its surface, or if the particle takes up multiple pixels, you might want to use bilinear patches or spheres. Points may be motion blurred; however, you must be aware that when a very small object is motion blurred, the process of stochastic sampling tends to make individual objects vanish into a peppering of dim dots.

The widths of Points are defined in the current object coordinate system and default to 1.0. You can either give each point an individual width by using the "varying float" variable "width" or give a single width value for all points using the "constantwidth" parameter, which is defined as a "constant float". Notice that the rendered size of points is not specified in raster coordinates. This choice was made because Points were intended to be a rendering primitive, not an annotation primitive. If widths were specified in raster space, they would be the same size independent of distance from the camera and independent of resolution. This


5.2 Lightweight Primitives

would look very wrong in animation, particularly in situations where the points are moving rapidly past the camera.

Points will often be used to create fire or explosion effects. For example, consider the original particle systems of the Star Trek Genesis Sequence done by Bill Reeves in 1982. In those renderings, particle opacities were set to 0.0, so that in each pixel, by virtue of the compositing algebra, the intensity of all of the particles in the pixel would add rather than having the front particles obscure underlying ones. At the center of an explosion where many particles overlap, this gives the illusion of a glowing hot center.

In situations where point primitives are not appropriate (such as when stochastically sampled motion blur doesn't give the correct look) but enormously large quantities of particles are still necessary, special-purpose particle rendering programs may be required (for example, consider Reeves and Blau, 1985).


The Curves primitive models objects that are long and thin enough to appear visually as mere 3D curves. You may think of this primitive as a ribbon or a string of spaghetti. RenderMan curves are intended to be fast and efficient primitives, for use where hundreds of thousands or millions of thin strokes are required, such as for hair and grass. As such, they are flat ribbons that are defined only by a single curve, which is their spine.

Curves type nvertices wrap parameterlist

Curves draws a set of 3D ribbons. The Curves primitive can contain any number of individual curves, and the parameter nvertices is an array of integers that specifies the number of control points in each curve.

Curves are very much like 1D patch meshes. If the type is "linear" (not "bi1inear"), each curve is piecewise linear. If the type is "cubi c" (not "bicubi c"), each curve is a cubic curve that responds to the v basis function and is step defined by the Basis call. The a parameter changes across the width of the curve, whereas the v parameter changes along the length of the curve (i.e., the direction specified by the control vertices). Curves can also wrap in the v direction if the wrap parameter is "periodic".

The number of data items required for primitive variables on curves is somewhat reminiscent of those required for patch meshes, only in one dimension. Three of the storage classes are very simple. Primitive variables of class "vertex" have one value per control point, just as "P" has. This is the sum of the values in the nvertices array. Primitive variables of class "uniform" have one value per curve. This is the number of elements in the nvertices array. Primitive variables of class "constant" have exactly one value.

124 S Handling Complexity in Photorealistic Scenes

The only complex class is primitive variables of class "varying", which have one value at each segment boundary. Like patch meshes, curves obey the basis matrix and basis step. Therefore, the number of segments in an individual curve with nv vertices, and therefore the number of varying data items on that curve, is

The number of "varyi ng" data items on a composite Curves primitive is obviously the sum of the number of "varying" items on the individual curves.

The width along the curve may be specified with either a "width" parameter, which is a

"varyi ng float" argument, or a "constantwi dth" parameter, which is a "constant float" (one value for the entire Curves). Widths are specified in object space units of the curve. If no "width" vector or "constantwidth" value is given, the default width is 1.0 unit in object space. Again, the choice to use object space to define curve widths instead of raster space seems wrong until you consider using them as hair on the head of a character. Imagine the character walking away from the camera. As he recedes into the distance his head gets smaller but his hair stays the same thickness on-screen. Eventually each hair would be a sizable fraction of the width of his whole head! This is clearly incorrect, so raster space is not used.

Each curve generates a flat ribbon but the control vertices only specify the direction of the "spine"; the rotation of the flat ribbon about the spine is ambiguous. In the standard case, the ribbon will always rotate to be as parallel to the view plane as possible. In other words, it will twist to face the camera. This is a good way to simulate a thin tube, because the silhouette of the ribbon will match that of the tube but is perhaps hundreds of times more efficient to render (in both time and memory) than an equivalent surface of circular cross section. Figure 5.3 shows such tubes used as hairs on a mythical creature.

Alternatively, if "N" values are supplied, the normals will be used to guide the ribbon so that it stays perpendicular to the supplied normals, thus allowing usercontrolled rotation of the ribbon. To summarize, if you need to model something like grass, which is a ribbon, but the twistiness is important, give "N" values to control the twist. If you are modeling something like hair, which is tubular and so the twist is irrelevant, you do not need to supply "N" values.

5.3 Level of Detail

Figure 5.3 Tribbles very simply described with a large number of curves and a tube-like appearance. See also color plate 5.3.

5.3 Level of Detail

The traditional model-based special effects industry has a long tradition of building multiple models of the same object to satisfy various shot requirements. Shots of objects in the distance can utilize relatively small and coarse models, but closeups often use very large and detailed models. In computer graphics, we can benefit by adopting a similar methodology, because simpler models require less time and memory to render than their large and complex versions, and the renderer will waste a lot of time (and memory) if it is forced to deal with the excess. Nevertheless, very often it is inconvenient for the modeling system, or the user, to customize the amount of detail that is specified for every rendering individually. Instead, modelers can provide multiple versions, or representations, of an object, which are intended to be used when the object appears at different sizes. The renderer can then choose which representation is appropriate for the particular rendering,

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using that representation and ignoring all others. This optimizes image generation without compromising image quality. This technique is known as level of detail.

RenderMan provides a set of level of detail commands that permits the renderer to take advantage of these multiple model versions. The beneficial features are

the user may specify multiple versions of a particular object in a RIB file the renderer automatically selects the version appropriate for the final size of the object on the screen

PRMan can make a smooth transition between multiple versions of a model this transition can be very smooth despite radical changes in topology, shading model, or even color of the different versions

memory and time can be drastically cut compared to not using level of detail models with appropriate complexity are far easier to antialias, leading to fewer artifacts in animation

5.3.1Specifying Level of Detail

In RenderMan, there are two attributes that control the renderer's level of detail choices. The first attribute is known as the detail size (also sometimes confusingly called current detail). This is the size of the object on the screen-small objects will want to use low-detail representations and large objects will want to use highdetail ones. The user specifies a bounding box around the object, and the renderer calculates the detail size based on number of pixels it covers in the final image.

Detai 1 boundingbox

The Detail call defines a bounding box whose size is used to quantify the importance of the various representations that follow. The parameter boundingbox is an array of six floating-point numbers, in the order xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax.

The detail size is specified by giving an axis-aligned bounding volume in the current coordinate system. Notice that the modeler provides the bounding box in object space and then the renderer computes the actual detail size, which is the raster space area of the projection of the specified bounding volume onto the image plane.

The second attribute is known as the detail range. This attribute says, for each representation, in which range of detail sizes that representation should be used. This is how the modeler identifies to the renderer which representation actually is the low-detail representation and which is the high-detail one.

Detai 1 Range start low high end

The Detai 1 Range call specifies the range of detail sizes at which the particular representation that follows should be used. Each of the four parameters is a floating-point number that represents a size of the detail bounding box in pixels. They plot out a graph describing the relative importance of each


Level of Detail



Figure 5.4 The relative importance, at various detail sizes, of three representations of a model that have increasing amounts of visual detail.

representation of the model. Each geometric primitive in the representation will be used, or not used, depending on the following rules:

If the detail size is outside the range (less than start or greater than end), the importance is 0, so all primitives in that representation will be discarded without rendering them

If the detail size is in the center region between low and high, the importance is 1, and the primitives will be rendered normally

If the detail size lies in the rising region between start and low or in the falling region between high and end, known as the transition regions, the model is changing from this representation to another representation. The renderer is instructed to make some pleasant blending between the representations, weighted by their relative importance

Figure 5.4 shows the relative importance of each of three models over a range of detail sizes as specified by the following RIB commands:


# push the graphics state

Detail [-1 1 -2 2 0 8]

# setup a "ruler" for detail calcs

DetailRange [0 0 1 4]


#... primitives for the low-detail model (< 2 pixels) DetailRange [1 4 256 400]

#... primitives for the medium-detail model DetailRange [256 400 1e38 le38]

#... primitives for the high-detail model

AttributeEnd # pop the graphics state, LOD object done

You may use as few or as many representations as desired, but the sum of all model importances should be 1.0 over the entire range of potential detail values in

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order to keep objects from being accidentally overor underrepresented in any particular image. In practice, this means that each representation's transition regions should exactly match the next-higher and next-lower representation, as shown in Figure 5.4. The sole exception to this rule is that it may be valuable to underrepresent the lowest complexity representation, to allow the object to fade out as it falls below some minimum size.

The modeler has a control for globally scaling all detail size calculations:

RelativeDetail scale

RelativeDetai1 is an image option that specifies a scale factor to be applied to the reported size of every detail box in the scene. This is a quick way of globally scaling all detail sizes up or down by a certain ratio, usually as a way to control rendering speed for preview renders.

5.3.2Simple Level of Detail Example

The top image in Figure 5.5 shows three different models of a chair. The most detailed model has nicely sculpted surfaces for all of the spindles. The second has several patches and some simple cylinders for the spindles in the back. The simplest is only two bilinear patches. A RIB file was created specifying appropriate detail levels for each representation, and chairs at different distances were rendered. The most detailed model's RIB description is over 250 Kbytes. The middle model's RIB description is approximately 40 Kbytes. The trivial model's RIB description is less than 300 bytes.

In the bottom image of Figure 5.5, we see them rendered with level of detail. Notice that as the chair gets smaller in the frame, the transitions to simpler versions are smooth and extremely difficult to detect. Even when animated, the transitions between these models occur smoothly. The smallest rendition does indeed take almost no time or memory, because the complex models are completely ignored by the renderer.

It may be useful to fade between representations of a model in a still frame, but it is far more interesting to use level of detail in animation. In animation, the raster size of a model will change as the model or camera moves, and therefore each frame will typically have different contributions by the various representations.

5.3.3Choosing Detail Ranges

There are many techniques for building models with multiple complexity levels. In addition to the obvious replacement of complex (high vertex count) surfaces with simpler (smoother, low vertex count) versions, these techniques also include shader tricks, such as replacing displacements with bumps and replacing complex procedural shaders with texture map approximations, and even eliminating features when they become too thin or too small for the renderer to antialias reasonably.

5.3Level of Detail

Figure 5.5 Three levels of detail for a chair (top), and a smooth blend between them (bottom). See also color plate 5.5.

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