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Unit 1. Physics

Physics deals with the study of physical objects, substances, and natural forces. It is the general analysis of nature, conducted in order to understand how the universe behaves. A scientist who has special knowledge and training in physics is called a physicist.

The main branches are astrophysics, atomic physics, biophysics, chemical physics, molecular physics, acoustics, optics and electromagnetism, nuclear physics, particle physics, quantum physics, thermodynamics, etc. The different fields are not distinct but merge into each other.

In nature there are a vast number of different objects. Any object is called a physical body. All bodies consist of matter.

Upon carefully observing different physical bodies, we notice without any particular difficulty, that various changes take place in these bodies. All changes which occur in a physical body are known as phenomena. If a piece of ice is brought into a warm room, it melts. Water in a tea-kettle boils for a long time; all of it will be transformed into steam. A stone released from the hand falls to the earth. If we pass an electric current through the wire, the wire will become heated. The melting of ice, the boiling of water, the falling of a stone, the heating of a wire by an electric current, wind, lightning – all these are different phenomena.

Physics explains how water can evaporate and become a gas as well as how it can freeze and become a solid. It explains why some substances are solids, some liquids, and some gases. It explains why butter melts more easily than iron and where a lump of sugar goes when it is put into hot coffee. It explains why a tire is more likely to blow out on a hot day than on a cold one. It explains many of the changes that go on around us.

One of the most common of all questions is “How does it work?” Many, many times we must go to the science of physics to get the answer. And most of the answers have something to do with energy. How does television work? How fast does sound travel? How can a camera take a picture? What are cosmic rays? What are the problems in travelling through outer space? How does an airplane fly? These are a few questions that the science of physics answers.

Physics is one of the main sciences about nature, because the development of other sciences depends in many respects on the knowledge of physical phenomena.

Words and word combinations to be remembered

deal with – иметь дело, обсуждать

conduct – проводить

substance – вещество

merge into – соединяться, сливаться

branch – отрасль, ветвь

main – главный

explain – объяснять

object – объект, предмет,

development – развитие

depend on – зависеть

change – перемена. изменение

in order to – для того, чтобы

transform – изменять, преобразовывать

phenomenon – явление

universe – мир, вселенная.

Ex. 1. Translate from Russian into English:

Мир, сила, вещество, явление, предмет, знание, звук, ядерная физика, квантовая физика, физическое тело, космические лучи, разнообразные изменения, твердый, жидкий, особая трудность, превращаться, падать, испаряться, объяснять, случаться, наблюдать, называть.

Ex. 2. Match the words in 2 columns, what do these expressions mean? Make up your own sentences with these word combinations:

Melting of

the answer



To get







a wire

Heating of


Ex. 3. Fill in the blanks:

  1. Physics is the general analysis of nature, conducted in order to understand … .

  2. The main branches are astrophysics, biophysics, acoustics, optics and electromagnetism, thermodynamics, … physics, … physics, … physics, … physics, … physics, … physics, etc.

  3. Any object is called a … .

  4. Upon carefully observing different physical bodies, we notice without any particular difficulty, that … take place in these bodies.

  5. All changes which occur in a physical body are known as … .

  6. If we pass an electric current through the wire, the wire … .

  7. Physics explains how water can … and become a gas as well as how it can … and become a solid.

  8. Most of the answers have something to do with … .

  9. Physics is one of the main sciences about nature, because the development of other sciences depends … .

  10. The different fields of physics are not distinct but … .

Ex. 4. Answer the following questions:

  1. What is physics? 2. What does physics deal with? 3. What is called a physical body? 4. What is called a physical phenomenon? 5. What does any body consist of? 6. What does physics explain? 7. What is one of the most common of all questions? 8. What questions does the science of physics answer? 9. Why is physics one of the main sciences about nature? 10. Why do the different fields merge into each other?

Ex. 5. Say a few words about:

  • physics

  • physicist

  • the main branches of physics

  • different physical phenomena

  • questions physics can explain

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