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Non-finite verb patterns

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4.Ɇɧɟ ɧɟ ɧɪɚɜɢɬɫɹ, ɤɨɝɞɚ ɦɧɟ ɥɝɭɬ.

5.ȼɪɚɱɢ ɜɨɡɪɚɠɚɸɬ ɩɪɨɬɢɜ ɬɨɝɨ, ɱɬɨɛɵ ɦɵ ɧɚɜɟɳɚɥɢ ɟɝɨ.

6.Ɉɬɟɰ ɧɟ ɨɞɨɛɪɹɟɬ ɬɨ, ɱɬɨ ɬɵ ɤɭɪɢɲɶ.

7.ə ɧɟ ɨɞɨɛɪɹɸ ɬɨ, ɱɬɨ ɩɪɚɜɢɬɟɥɶɫɬɜɨ ɩɨɜɵɲɚɟɬ ɰɟɧɵ.

8.ɇɟ ɯɨɬɟɥɨɫɶ ɛɵ ɦɧɟ, ɱɬɨɛɵ ɦɟɧɹ ɩɨɩɪɨɫɢɥɢ ɫɞɟɥɚɬɶ ɷɬɭ ɪɚɛɨɬɭ.


Which of the formulas is used to make a request? To ask sb’s permission? What kind of response can you expect?

With a partner, make short conversations in the following situations. Use one of the formulas above.

1.You want to open the window.

2.You want your friend to open the window.

3.You want to turn down the radio.

4.You want your friend to turn down the radio.

5.You want to smoke.

6.You want to change to channel 1.

7.You want your friend to go and buy some aspirin for you.

8.You want to have a look at the person’s book / watch.

9.You want your friend to return your book to the library for you.

10.You want your friend to book two theatre tickets for Saturday.

11.You want to change the lock in the door.

12.You want your friend to collect your suit from the dry-cleaners.


Report the following using an appropriate introductory verb from the list below.



1.‘I’m sorry, I insulted you.’

2.‘I didn’t steal the money.’

3.‘Yes, I lied about my age.’

4.‘Oh, by the way, I saw you on TV last night.’

5.‘We saw him in Brighton, sir.’

6.‘Why don’t we go out tonight?’

7.‘I’m the fastest swimmer of all!’

8.‘You’ve caused a lot of pain to my family.’

9.‘The film was so boring, Mum.’

10.‘You must apply for the teaching post.’

Task 41. Translate into English.

1.Ɉɧ ɩɪɟɞɥɨɠɢɥ ɡɚɤɚɡɚɬɶ ɩɢɰɰɭ.

2.Ɉɧ ɧɚɫɬɚɢɜɚɥ, ɱɬɨɛɵ ɨɧɚ ɧɚɞɟɥɚ ɬɨ ɤɪɚɫɧɨɟ ɩɥɚɬɶɟ.

3.Ɉɧ ɧɟ ɩɪɢɡɧɚɜɚɥɫɹ ɜ ɬɨɦ, ɱɬɨ ɫɴɟɥ ɦɨɟ ɩɢɪɨɠɧɨɟ.

4.Ɉɧɚ ɨɬɪɢɰɚɥɚ, ɱɬɨ ɤɨɝɞɚ-ɥɢɛɨ ɟɝɨ ɜɢɞɟɥɚ.

5.Ɉɧ ɩɪɢɡɧɚɥ, ɱɬɨ ɛɵɥ ɧɟɩɪɚɜ.

6.Ɉɧ ɢɡɜɢɧɢɥɫɹ ɩɟɪɟɞɨ ɦɧɨɣ ɡɚ ɬɨ, ɱɬɨ ɩɪɢɱɢɧɢɥ ɦɧɟ ɛɨɥɶ.

7.Ɉɧ ɨɛɜɢɧɢɥ ɦɟɧɹ ɜ ɬɨɦ, ɱɬɨ ɹ ɥɝɚɥɚ ɟɦɭ ɜɫɟ ɷɬɨ ɜɪɟɦɹ.

8.Ɉɧ ɯɜɚɫɬɚɥɫɹ ɬɟɦ, ɱɬɨ ɭ ɧɟɝɨ ɫɚɦɚɹ ɛɵɫɬɪɚɹ ɦɚɲɢɧɚ.

9.Ɉɧ ɩɨɠɚɥɨɜɚɥɫɹ ɟɟ ɦɚɬɟɪɢ ɧɚ ɬɨ, ɱɬɨ ɟɟ ɞɨɱɶ ɫɩɨɪɢɬ ɫ ɧɢɦ.

10.Ɉɧɢ ɞɨɥɨɠɢɥɢ, ɱɬɨ ɩɪɟɫɬɭɩɧɢɤ ɩɨɣɦɚɧ.

11.Ɉɧɚ ɭɩɨɦɹɧɭɥɚ, ɱɬɨ ɡɜɨɧɢɥɚ ɢɦ ɭɬɪɨɦ.

12.ɉɪɟɞɥɚɝɚɸ ɫɵɝɪɚɬɶ ɜ ɤɚɪɬɵ.


Task 42.

A.What do the verbs below have in common in their semantics? How are they different?




B.Translate into Russian.

1.Make sure you’re in a comfortable position before you begin typing.

2.Realizing that the disease was caused by diet, Dr Alton set about finding out exactly what people ate in the affected region.

3.Shelley took to visiting us quite regularly at the villa in Monte Cassino.

4.They continued arguing long after everyone else had gone to bed.

5.When I tried to interrupt, he ignored me and went on speaking.

6.She decided to carry on working after having the baby.

7.We were so tired but knew that we had to keep moving.

8.The children kept on complaining until we got back home.

9.He persisted in smoking even when he was lying ill in bed.

10.If you stop talking and start listening you might actually learn something.

11.Can I borrow that when you have finished reading it?

12.You should take extra care with your diet, or better still, give up smoking.

13.They told me at the hospital to quit drinking for a while.

Task 43. Think up what it or this/ that could stand for.

1.It might MEAN missing our lunch, you know.

2.That means saying good-buy to a career of a pilot.

3.But it would mean moving to another city.


4.This may INVOLVE re-training for another kind of job.

5.It involves changing nappies and making special meals.

6.It NEEDS weeding.

Task 44. Your summer cottage is in a poor state. Make up sentences from the

prompts to describe it. Translate E






















Task 45. Translate R E using the following verbs of mental activities: ANTICIPATE, IMAGINE, CONSIDER, RECALL, RECOLLECT, REMEMBER.

1.Ɇɵ ɩɨɞɭɦɵɜɚɟɦ (ɦɨɠɟɬ) ɩɟɪɟɟɯɚɬɶ ɜ Ⱥɜɫɬɪɚɥɢɸ.

2.Ⱥ ɬɵ ɧɟ ɪɚɫɫɦɚɬɪɢɜɚɥ ɜɚɪɢɚɧɬ ɧɚɣɬɢ ɪɚɛɨɬɭ ɡɚ ɝɪɚɧɢɰɟɣ?

3.ɇɟ ɦɨɝɭ ɫɟɛɟ ɩɪɟɞɫɬɚɜɢɬɶ, ɱɬɨɛɵ ɹ ɠɟɧɢɥɫɹ ɧɚ ɬɚɤɨɣ ɞɟɜɭɲɤɟ.

4.ɇɟ ɦɨɝɭ ɫɟɛɟ ɩɪɟɞɫɬɚɜɢɬɶ, ɱɬɨɛɵ ɨɧ ɠɟɧɢɥɫɹ ɧɚ ɬɚɤɨɣ ɞɟɜɭɲɤɟ.

5.ə ɡɧɚɥ, ɱɬɨ ɷɬɨ ɛɭɞɟɬ ɷɤɫɬɪɟɦɚɥɶɧɵɣ (adventure) ɨɬɞɵɯ, ɧɨ ɹ ɢ ɧɟ ɩɪɟɞ-

ɩɨɥɚɝɚɥ (ɩɪɟɞɜɢɞɟɥ), ɱɬɨ ɛɭɞɭ ɩɪɨɜɨɞɢɬɶ ɜɪɟɦɹ ɜ ɩɨɥɨɠɟɧɢɢ ɜɧɢɡ ɝɨɥɨɜɨɣ

ɜ ɥɟɞɹɧɨɦ ɨɡɟɪɟ!


6.Ɉɧ ɩɪɢɫɬɚɥɶɧɨ ɩɨɫɦɨɬɪɟɥ ɧɚ ɞɟɜɭɲɤɭ ɢ ɜɫɩɨɦɧɢɥ, ɱɬɨ ɜɢɞɟɥ ɟɟ ɝɞɟ-ɬɨ ɧɚ ɜɟɱɟɪɢɧɤɟ.

7.ə ɧɟ ɦɨɝɭ ɩɪɢɩɨɦɧɢɬɶ, ɱɬɨɛɵ ɹ ɤɨɝɞɚ-ɥɢɛɨ ɛɵɥ ɜ Ɉɯɚɣɨ, ɯɨɬɹ ɦɚɦɚ ɝɨ-

ɜɨɪɢɬ, ɱɬɨ ɦɵ ɬɭɞɚ ɟɡɞɢɥɢ, ɤɨɝɞɚ ɹ ɛɵɥ ɪɟɛɟɧɤɨɦ.

8. ɏɚɜɚɪɞ ɜɡɞɨɯɧɭɥ. Ɉɧ ɧɟ ɦɨɝ ɩɪɢɩɨɦɧɢɬɶ, ɱɬɨɛɵ ɨɧ ɤɨɝɞɚ-ɧɢɛɭɞɶ ɪɚɧɶɲɟ ɬɚɤ ɭɫɬɚɜɚɥ.

Task 46. Translate E R using the verbs FIND, HEAR, OVERHEAR, NOTICE, SEE, WATCH.

1.Ȼɨɥɶɲɭɸ ɱɚɫɬɶ ɧɨɱɢ ɹ ɫɥɵɲɚɥ, ɤɚɤ ɩɥɚɱɟɬ ɪɟɛɟɧɨɤ.

2.Ʉɨɝɞɚ ɬɵ ɜɵɲɟɥ ɢɡ ɡɞɚɧɢɹ ɜɨɤɡɚɥɚ, ɬɵ ɡɚɦɟɬɢɥ, ɱɬɨ ɧɚ ɩɪɨɬɢɜɨɩɨɥɨɠɧɨɣ ɫɬɨɪɨɧɟ ɭɥɢɰɵ ɞɟɬɢ ɢɝɪɚɥɢ ɧɚ ɦɭɡɵɤɚɥɶɧɵɯ ɢɧɫɬɪɭɦɟɧɬɚɯ?

3.ə ɦɨɝ ɧɚɛɥɸɞɚɬɶ, ɤɚɤ ɨɧɢ ɫɬɪɨɢɥɢ ɧɨɜɭɸ ɫɬɨɹɧɤɭ, ɢɡ ɨɤɧɚ ɨɮɢɫɚ.

4.ə ɫɥɭɱɚɣɧɨ ɭɫɥɵɲɚɥ, ɤɚɤ ɨɧɢ ɨɛɫɭɠɞɚɥɢ ɟɝɨ ɧɨɜɭɸ ɦɚɲɢɧɭ.

5.Ɇɵ ɨɛɧɚɪɭɠɢɥɢ ɟɟ ɦɢɪɧɨ ɫɩɹɳɟɣ ɜ ɫɩɚɥɶɧɟ.

6.ə ɜɢɞɟɥ, ɤɚɤ ɨɧ ɜɵɯɨɞɢɥ ɢɡ ɞɨɦɚ.

Task 47. What would you advise your friend if they said the following things?

Use the verbs TRY, AVOID, PRACTISE.

1.‘I have a sore throat’.

2.‘My hands are allergic to washing powders’.

3.‘I’ve put too much salt into the soup’.

4.‘I’m putting on weight, I’m afraid’.

5.‘I’m afraid I might drive into the fence or another car when I park mine’.

6.‘The baby won’t get asleep’.

7.‘Mum asked me to play her favourite tune at her birthday party’.

8.‘I’m very nervous about my exams’.


Task 48. Fill in the appropriate prepositions before the -ing forms.

1. Are you thinking _____ leaving already?

2 We are looking _____ _____ reading your new book.

3.I don't feel _____ working now; what about going to the cinema instead?

4.He took _____ getting up early and walking noisily about the house.

5.You know very well that I don't believe _____ lending money.

6.When at last I succeeded ____ convincing him that I wanted to get home quickly, he put his foot on the accelerator.

7.It is lack of imagination that prevents people _____ seeing things from my point of view.

8.I object _____ being treated like that.

9.I don't approve _____ your climbing cliffs.

10.Harry aims _____ becoming a doctor.

11.You may rely _____ our coming in time.

12.Good health depends very much _____ getting enough sleep.

Task 49. Compete the sentences by adding the correct preposition and a suitable

-ing form.

1.I’m really looking forward … your sister, I’ve heard so much about her.

2.We’re thinking … to Turkey this summer.

3.Arnold was falsely accused … cash from the till.

4.When I was a child my mother was always warning me … lifts from strangers.

5.Jean doesn’t believe … today what she can put off until tomorrow!

6.Carol is incredibly honest. She’d never dream … a lie.

7.I don't insist … the work. I can do it myself.

8.Does anyone object …? Thanks. I’ve been fancying a puff since morning!


9.Children should be prevented …

10.Our exam results were good. Luckily, nobody suspected us …

11.Why do you persist …? You know it’s bad for your health.

12.Did you succeed …?

13.Did she complain …?

Task 50. Complete the sentences with one of these verbs and, if necessary, an appropriate object. If it is possible to have an object or no object, include an object but write it in brackets:

imagine, miss, spot, watch, deny, find, hear, put off, remember.

1)Through the bedroom window, I ... leaving the house.

2)I ... borrowing the book, but not returning it.

3)The evidence seemed overwhelming, but Mason ... committing the murder.

4)We can't ... buying a new car any longer. The one we've got now just doesn't start in the morning.

5)We searched the house, and eventually ... reading a book in her bedroom.

6)I ... calling my name, so I went outside to see who was there.

7)I closed my eyes and ... lying on a deserted beach in the sunshine.

8)As the sun set, we ... appearing in the sky.

9)Mark was a good guitarist, and after he went home we ... playing in the garden in the evenings.

Task 51.

A. Bill Brown was arrested for stealing a car. Here are some of his answers to questions during his trial. Report what he said with the verbs given + an -ing form.

admit consider deny notice recall regret


"Yes, I was certainly in town around midnight... I saw two men looking into all the parked cars... Now you mention it, I think I did hear a car being driven away... I didn't think about telling the police... I certainly didn't steal the car... I wish I hadn't gone out that night!"

B. Which of your sentences could be rewritten with having + past participle with little difference in meaning?

Task 52. If possible, rewrite these sentences using the possessive form of the object, as in 1. If it is not possible, write X. Translate into Russian.

1. e.g. I disapproved of him smoking in the house. (typical of oral speech)


disapproved of his smoking... (more formal).


2.We discovered the children hiding the chocolates under their beds.

3.The plan envisages Tony becoming Director next year.

4.If the authorities catch anyone breaking the rules, the punishment is severe.

5.I could imagine the car failing its annual inspection.

6.We objected to the company building a petrol station in our road.

7.It amuses me to think of him sitting at a desk in a suit and tie.

8.My mother disapproved of the cat sleeping in my bedroom.

9.I remember the horse winning the race.

10.I resented Tom winning the prize.

11.Mary recalled him borrowing the book.

Task 53. Paraphrase the sentences using the verbs below:

admit, aim, avoid, fancy, mind, practise, put off, regret, suggest.

1.I don't want to go out this evening.

2.Are you sorry you didn't take the job?


3.Why don't you go away tomorrow instead of today?

4.It's not a good idea to travel during the rush hour.

5.May I open the window?

6.The driver said it was true that he didn't have a license.

7.Tom said, «Let's have fish for dinner».

8.They sang the new songs many times.

9.Harry wants to become a doctor.

Task 54. Translate R E using appropriate verbs + an -ing form.

1.ə ɧɟ ɩɪɨɱɶ ɩɨɪɚɛɨɬɚɬɶ ɬɚɦ.

2.ȼɵ ɧɟ ɜɨɡɪɚɠɚɟɬɟ, ɟɫɥɢ ɹ ɨɬɤɪɨɸ ɨɤɧɨ?

3.Ɍɵ ɧɟ ɦɨɝ ɛɵ ɜɟɪɧɭɬɶ ɡɚ ɦɟɧɹ ɤɧɢɝɢ ɜ ɛɢɛɥɢɨɬɟɤɭ?

4.Ɇɵ ɫ ɧɟɬɟɪɩɟɧɢɟɦ ɠɞɟɦ, ɤɨɝɞɚ ɩɨɥɭɱɢɦ ɨɬ ɜɚɫ ɢɡɜɟɫɬɢɹ.

5.Ɉɧɚ ɧɟ ɦɨɝɥɚ ɭɫɬɨɹɬɶ ɩɟɪɟɞ ɢɫɤɭɲɟɧɢɟɦ ɨɛɨ ɜɫɟɦ ɢɦ ɪɚɫɫɤɚɡɚɬɶ.

6.Ɍɚɤ ɬɵ ɩɪɢɡɧɚɟɲɶ, ɱɬɨ ɭɞɚɪɢɥ ɪɟɛɟɧɤɚ?

7.ɇɨ ɨɧ ɨɬɪɢɰɚɥ, ɱɬɨ ɨɧ ɷɬɨ ɫɞɟɥɚɥ.

8.Ɇɵ ɩɨɞɨɡɪɟɜɚɟɦ, ɱɬɨ ɷɬɨ ɨɧɢ ɭɤɪɚɥɢ ɞɟɧɶɝɢ.

9.Ɉɧ ɩɨɠɚɥɟɥ, ɱɬɨ ɭɞɚɪɢɥ ɪɟɛɟɧɤɚ, ɬ. ɤ. ɬɨɬ ɬɟɩɟɪɶ ɝɪɨɦɤɨ ɩɥɚɤɚɥ.

10.Ʉɭɪɬɤɭ ɧɚɞɨ ɫɬɢɪɚɬɶ.

11.Ɉɧɢ ɬɪɟɧɢɪɨɜɚɥɢɫɶ ɜ ɩɪɨɢɡɧɨɲɟɧɢɢ ɚɧɝɥɢɣɫɤɢɯ ɝɥɚɫɧɵɯ.

12.ȼɚɦ ɫɥɟɞɭɟɬ ɩɨɩɪɚɤɬɢɤɨɜɚɬɶɫɹ ɜ ɜɵɩɨɥɧɟɧɢɢ ɬɚɤɢɯ ɬɟɫɬɨɜ.

13.Ɇɨɠɟɲɶ ɩɨɥɨɠɢɬɶɫɹ ɧɚ ɧɚɫ, ɦɵ ɜɚɦ ɩɨɦɨɠɟɦ.

14.ɗɬɨ ɦɨɠɟɬ ɩɨɞɪɚɡɭɦɟɜɚɬɶ ɩɟɪɟɤɜɚɥɢɮɢɤɚɰɢɸ.

15.ɉɪɢɫɬɭɩɚɣɬɟ ɤ ɪɚɛɨɬɟ.

16.He ɨɛɪɚɳɚɣɬɟ ɜɧɢɦɚɧɢɹ ɧɚ ɡɜɨɧɨɤ. ɉɪɨɞɨɥɠɚɣɬɟ ɩɢɫɚɬɶ.

17.ɉɪɟɤɪɚɬɢ ɞɪɚɡɧɢɬɶ ɫɨɛɚɤɭ!

18.ə ɛɪɨɫɢɥ ɩɢɬɶ ɬɚɛɥɟɬɤɢ, ɩɨɬɨɦɭ ɱɬɨ ɢɡ-ɡɚ ɧɢɯ ɹ ɬɨɥɫɬɟɥ.

19.Ɉɛɨɠɚɸ ɜɚɥɹɬɶɫɹ ɧɚ ɫɨɥɧɵɲɤɟ!


20.ɇɟ ɥɸɛɥɸ ɱɢɬɚɬɶ ɜ ɩɨɟɡɞɟ.

21.ɇɟ ɥɸɛɥɸ, ɤɨɝɞɚ ɦɧɟ ɱɢɬɚɸɬ ɦɨɪɚɥɶ.

22.ə ɛɭɞɭ ɬɨɫɤɨɜɚɬɶ/ɫɤɭɱɚɬɶ ɩɨ ɢɝɪɟ ɧɚ ɪɨɹɥɟ, ɩɟɧɢɸ, ɬɚɧɰɚɦ, ɫɩɨɪɚɦ ɫ ɬɨ-


23.ɇɟ ɦɨɝɭ ɭɫɬɨɹɬɶ ɩɟɪɟɞ ɢɫɤɭɲɟɧɢɟɦ ɪɚɫɫɤɚɡɚɬɶ ɬɟɛɟ ɨɞɢɧ ɫɟɤɪɟɬ.

24.Ɇɵ ɨɬɥɨɠɢɦ ɩɪɢɧɹɬɢɟ ɪɟɲɟɧɢɹ ɞɨ ɩɨɧɟɞɟɥɶɧɢɤɚ.

25.ɇɟ ɨɬɬɹɝɢɜɚɣ/ɧɟ ɨɬɤɥɚɞɵɜɚɣ ɜ ɞɨɥɝɢɣ ɹɳɢɤ ɪɚɡɝɨɜɨɪ ɨ ɧɟɣ.

26.ə ɩɪɟɞɫɬɚɜɢɬɶ ɫɟɛɟ ɧɟ ɦɨɝɭ ɪɚɛɨɬɭ ɩɨɞ ɟɺ ɧɚɱɚɥɨɦ.

27.ə ɧɟ ɨɬɜɚɠɭɫɶ ɨɛɪɚɬɢɬɶɫɹ ɤ ɧɟɦɭ ɡɚ ɩɨɦɨɳɶɸ.

28.ɇɟ ɦɨɝɭ ɫɨɛɪɚɬɶɫɹ ɫ ɫɢɥɚɦɢ ɢ ɩɨɝɨɜɨɪɢɬɶ ɫ ɧɟɣ ɧɚɱɢɫɬɨɬɭ.

29.ə ɩɨɞɭɦɵɜɚɸ ɧɚɜɟɫɬɢɬɶ ɢɯ /ɬɚɦ/ ɤɚɤ-ɧɢɛɭɞɶ.

30.Ɉɧ ɧɟ ɦɨɝ ɩɪɢɩɨɦɧɢɬɶ, ɫɥɵɲɚɥ ɥɢ ɨɧ ɤɨɝɞɚ-ɧɢɛɭɞɶ ɷɬɨ ɢɦɹ.

31.Ɉɧɚ ɢɡɛɟɝɚɟɬ ɫɦɨɬɪɟɬɶ ɦɧɟ ɜ ɝɥɚɡɚ.

32.ȿɦɭ ɟɞɜɚ ɭɞɚɥɨɫɶ ɢɡɛɟɠɚɬɶ ɭɜɨɥɶɧɟɧɢɹ.

33.Ɉɧɚ ɧɟ ɭɞɟɪɠɚɥɚɫɶ ɢ ɪɚɫɩɥɚɤɚɥɚɫɶ.

34.ə ɧɟɜɨɥɶɧɨ /ɧɟ ɦɨɝ ɧɟ/ ɭɥɵɛɧɭɬɶɫɹ.

35.Ɉɧɚ ɨɬɪɢɰɚɟɬ, ɱɬɨ ɜɫɬɪɟɱɚɥɚɫɶ ɫ ɧɢɦ.

36.ə ɩɪɢɡɧɚɥɫɹ, ɱɬɨ ɪɚɫɫɤɚɡɚɥ ɬɟɛɟ ɨ ɧɟɣ.

37.Ɇɵ ɪɢɫɤɨɜɚɥɢ ɨɫɬɚɬɶɫɹ ɬɚɦ ɧɚ ɜɫɸ ɧɨɱɶ.

38.Ɍɵ ɭɩɨɦɹɧɭɥ, ɱɬɨ ɱɢɬɚɥ ɤɚɤɨɣ-ɬɨ ɡɚɛɚɜɧɵɣ ɪɨɦɚɧ. Ʉɚɤɨɣ?

39.Ɉɧɚ ɩɪɟɞɥɨɠɢɥɚ ɜɦɟɫɬɟ ɫɯɨɞɢɬɶ ɜ ɛɚɫɫɟɣɧ.


Task 55. Now that you have done all the exercises, complete the table below with all the verbs that appear in the exercises. Look up grammar reference books and add more verbs into each category. Within each pattern sort the verbs according to the meaning they express. Some semantic categories have been set for you. You may add more semantic categories if you find it necessary.


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