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Vocabulary notes

atthehelm у власти, у кормила правления

aptly как надо; надлежащим, подходящим образом

habitual привычный

waive отказываться (от права, требования)

tobeeven-handed беспристрастный, объективный, справедливый

stance позиция, установка

costly затратный

continuity непрерывность, неразрывность,

целостность, последовательная смена

treasury государственное казначейство

laudable похвальный, достойный похвалы

bursts всплески

Task 2. Draw two mind maps of the texts “Why the Monarchy Must Go” and “Why the Monarchy Must Stay”

Mindmapping (составление ментальных карт или карт памяти)это удобная и эффективная техника визуализации мышления при помощи графических схем. Автором методики является психолог Тони Бьюзен. Она отражает все стороны мыслительного процесса и позволяет выделить все главные аспекты проблемы, пробелы в понимании вопроса, ассоциативные связи.

Лист бумаги предпочтительно располагать горизонтально, что позволит расширять и модернизировать рисунок-конспект. В центре листа располагается образ всей проблемы/задачи/области знания. От него разноцветными линиями расходятся «ветки» - различные аспекты этого предмета. На каждой ветке располагаются по 3-4 слова – ассоциации с каждым аспектом, также связанные между собой ветками разных цветов.

Основные ветви далее разделяются на более тонкие. Все ветви подписываются ключевыми словами, заставляющими вспомнить то или иное понятие. Связи между отдельными идеями показываются стрелками.

Соблюдайте следующие рекомендации:

  • Используйте печатные буквы.

  • Размещайте ключевые слова над соответствующими линиями.

  • Следите за тем, чтобы длина линии примерно равнялась длине соответствующего ключевого слова.

  • Соединяйте линии с другими линиями и следите за тем, чтобы главные ветви карты соединялись с центральным образом.

  • Делайте главные линии плавными и более жирными.

  • Отграничивайте блоки важной информации с помощью линий.

Task 3. Make up a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation “The British monarchy: the past and the present” (approximately 16-18 slides) in accordance with the following plan:

  • the definition of the monarchy

  • its major types (an absolute monarchy, an estate-representative monarchy or limited monarchy, a constitutional monarchy)

  • through the ages (historical aspects of the British monarchy)

  • the British monarchy nowadays

  • the official names of the monarch

  • Her Majesty’s official address

  • the Queen’s role in the modern state

  • the monarch as the head of state

  • the Royal prerogatives

  • state your argumentative point of view on the issue whether the monarchy “must stay” or “must go”. Support your opinion with reasons and/or examples from your own observations, and/or reading

Task 4. Directions: Select the best answer for each question

1. In Los Angeles, a political candidate who buys saturation radio advertising will get maximum name recognition.

The statement above logically conveys which of the following?

  1. Radio advertising is the most important factor in political campaigns in Los Angeles.

  2. Maximum name recognition in Los Angeles will help a candidate to win a higher percentage of votes cast in the city.

  3. Saturation radio advertising reaches every demographically distinct sector of the voting population in Los Angeles.

  4. For maximum name recognition a candi­date need not spend on media channels other than radio advertising.

(E) A candidate's record of achievement in the Los Angeles area will do little to affect his or her name recognition there.

2. An investigation must be launched into the operations of the private group that is training recruits to fight against the Balaland Republic. The U.S. Neutrality Act plainly forbids U.S. citizens from engaging in military campaigns against any nation with which we are not at war. Since no war has been declared between the United States and the Balaland Republic, we should bring charges against these fanatics, who are in open defiance of the law.

Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the argument above?

  1. The Balaland Republic is currently engaged in a bloody and escalating civil war.

  2. Diplomatic relations between the United States and the Balaland Republic were severed last year.

  1. The recruits are being trained to fight only in the event the United States goes to war against the Balaland Republic.

  2. The training of recruits is funded not by U.S. citizens, but rather by a consortium of individuals from abroad.

  3. Charges cannot be brought against the private group that is training the recruits unless an investigation is first launched.

3. Questions 3-4 are based on the following:

In many corporations, employees are being replaced by automated equipment in order to save money. However, many workers who lose their jobs to automation will need government assistance to survive, and the same corporations that are laying people off will eventually pay for that assistance through increased taxes and unemployment insurance payments.

The author is arguing that __.

(A) higher taxes and unemployment insurance payments will discourage corporations from automating

(B) replacing people through automation to reduce production costs will result in increases of other costs to corporations

  1. many workers who lose their jobs to automation will have to be retrained for new jobs

  2. corporations that are laying people off will eventually rehire many of them

(E) corporations will not save money by automating because people will be needed to run the new machines

4. Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the author's argument?

(A) Many workers who have already lost their jobs to automation have been unable to find new jobs.

  1. Many corporations that have failed to automate have seen their profits decline.

  2. Taxes and unemployment insurance are also paid by corporations that are not automating.

  3. Most of the new jobs created by automation pay less than the jobs eliminated by automation did.

(E) The initial investment in machinery for automation is often greater than the short-term savings in labor costs.

5. To prevent some conflicts of interest, Congress could prohibit high-level government officials from accepting positions as lobbyists for three years after such officials leave government service. One such official concluded, however, that such a prohibition would be unfortunate because it would prevent high-level government officials from earning a livelihood for three years.

The official's conclusion logically depends on which of the following assumptions?

  1. Laws should not restrict the behavior of former government officials.

  2. Lobbyists are typically people who have previously been high-level government officials.

  3. Low-level government officials do not often become lobbyists when they leave government service.

  4. High-level government officials who leave government service are capable of earning a livelihood only as lobbyists.

  5. High-level government officials who leave government service are currently permitted to act as lobbyists for only three years.

6. Questions 6 - 7 are based on the following:

The fewer restrictions there are on the advertising of legal services, the more lawyers there are who advertise their services, and the lawyers who advertise a specific service usually charge less for that service than the lawyers who do not advertise. Therefore, if the state removes any of its current restrictions, such as the one against advertisements that do not specify fee arrangements, overall consumer legal costs will be lower than if the state retains its current restrictions.

If the statements above are true, which of the following must be true?

  1. Some lawyers who now advertise will charge more for specific services if they do not have to specify fee arrangements in the advertisements.

  2. More consumers will use legal services if there are fewer restrictions on the advertising of legal services.

  3. If the restriction against advertisements that do not specify fee arrangements is removed, more lawyers will advertise then-services.

  4. If more lawyers advertise lower prices for specific services, some lawyers who do not advertise will also charge less than they currently charge for those services.

(E) If the only restrictions on the advertising of legal services were those that apply to every type of advertising, most lawyers would advertise their services.

7. Which of the following, if true, would most seriously weaken the argument concerning overall consumer legal costs?

  1. The state has recently removed some other restrictions that had limited the advertising of legal services.

  2. The state is unlikely to remove all the restrictions that apply solely to the advertising of legal services.

  1. Lawyers who do not advertise generally provide legal services of the same quality as those provided by lawyers who do advertise.

  2. Most lawyers who now specify fee arrangements in their advertisements would continue to do so even if the specification were not required.

(E) Most lawyers who advertise specific services do not lower their fees for those services when they begin to advertise.

8. Opponents of laws that require automobile drivers and passengers to wear seat belts argue that in a free society people have the right to take risks as long as the people do not harm others as a result of taking the risks. As a result, they conclude that it should be each person's decision whether or not to wear a seat belt.

Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the conclusion drawn above?

  1. Many new cars are built with seat belts that automatically fasten when someone sits in the front seat.

  2. Automobile insurance rates for all automobile owners are higher because of the need to pay for the increased injuries or deaths of people not wearing seat belts.

  3. Passengers in airplanes are required to wear seat belts during takeoffs and landings.

  4. The rate of automobile fatalities in states that do not have mandatory seat-belt laws is greater than the rate of fatalities in states that do have such laws.

  5. In automobile accidents, a greater number of passengers who do not wear seat belts are injured than are passengers who do wear seat belts.

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