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модальные глаголы в английском языке.doc
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3. Complete the sentences with “will/”won’t”/”would”/”wouldn’t”.


1. She ___ speak. She lies on her back quite quietly. She doesn’t move for hours at a time.

2. I ___ see her. Nothing ____ induce me to see her.

3. I ___ go till you listen to me. I ____ stay here. Do you understand me?

4. I ____ say that we are disillusioned, but I ____ say that we are distressed.

5. She ___ stand any nonsense.

6. I ___ say it again and again.

7. When I came she ____ speak to me. She told them to send me away.

8. I do hate fuss. I ___ stand it.

9. All that I ____ tell them was that uncle Nick was ill.

10. “I want to have a talk with you. ___ you sit down?” – “No, I ___ sit down,” he answered aggressively.


1. I asked hers several times to be careful but she ____ listen to me.

2. He ___ sit for hours reading, paying no attention to what was going on around him.

3. He was a nice boy but he talk about himself all the time.

4. I ___ keep you any longer.

5. But we ___ win, we have to win.

6. If you something away, you need it the next day.

7. On Sundays when we were kids, mother ____ make us pancakes for breakfast.

8. The car ___ start.

9. I really ___ give up smoking tomorrow.

10. I’m tired ___ think I ___ go to bed now.

11. If anything can go wrong it ____.

4. State whether the verb will/would is a modal verb or an auxiliary verb.

1. “Would you do that for me?” – Yes, I will.

2. I never thought the day would come when I’d be a hotel keeper.

3. I know it is such a blow to you. I will not add further news.

4. I was informed that he had gone out early and they didn’t know when he would be back.

5. There can also have been no positive evidence, or the police would have got hold of it.

6. If you do I will never forgive you. I will never speak to you again.

7. I wouldn’t make a scene if I were you.

8. He decided he would speak to her in the train coming home.

9. She would have been a star if she had not given up the stage to marry me.

10. She felt she would give a good deal to overhear what was going on.

5. Complete the sentences with “will”/”would” + verbs form them box.

Be drive fall keep listen make play ring take tell

  1. “Dad, I have broken my watch.” “Will you ____ playing with it”.

  2. On Sundays when we were kind, Mother ____ us pancakes for breakfast.

  3. He’s no trouble – he ____ by himself for hours.

  4. She’s nice but she ____ about people behind their backs.

  5. People ____ to you if you listen to them.

  6. We lived by a lake, and sometimes Dad ___ us fishing.

  7. I’m not surprised you had an accident – you ____ too fast.

  8. If you drop toast, it ____ butter side down every time.

  9. If you’re heaving a bath, the phone ____. And if you answer it, it ____ a wrong number.

  10. He ____ you one thing one minute and the opposite the next – he’s crazy.

6. Translate the given parts of the sentences into English and complete the sentences.

1. Я охотно сделаю эту работу, если…

2. Я обязательно зайду…

3. Мы с удовольствием пойдём…

4. Не дадите ли вы мне…?

5. Не хотите ли прогуляться по…?

6. Я обязательно сообщу вам…

7. Мы ни за что не остановимся здесь, так как…

8. Тогда я сам скажу…

9. Я попрошу вас…

10. Не стану отрицать, что…

11. Он ни за что не захочет…

12. Я помогу вам…