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1. State the meaning of the verb “will”/ “would”. Translate into Russian.

1. Will you tell her that if there is anything else she wished to see I will bring hem?

2. “Kindly inform Mr. Brandsom that I will see him shortly, if he would be so king as to wait a

few minutes.”

3. I will not go till you listen to me.

4. You will write and tell her about it and ask her to come up and meet him.

5. I will be a good wife to you. For love of you. I will work my fingers to the bone.

6. I won’t go back to him. I won’t let him have the children.

7. I gave him books to read, but after a page or two he would put the book down and stare

miserably into space.

8. “I won’t have you say anything against him,” she cried.

9. He would spend hours lying absolutely still, watching his window still.

10. “Ann works very hard, Mum, I told you.” – Nice work, too. I wouldn’t let a daughter of mine

do it.

11. I won’t see her. No thing will induce me to see her.

12. “And I swear, she said wrathfully turning at bay, that I won’t live a day after you.

13. She won’t speak. She lies on her back quite quietly.

14. Will you clear away the dinner things?

15. If you will clear away the dinner things. I’ll make the coffee.

2. Replace the words in italics by “will” or “would”+ present infinitive.

1. My children love watching TV. They sit for hours without saying a word.

2. He’s very absent-minded. He often buys things and then leaves the shop without paying.

3. My wife persistently leaves things where other people can fall over them.

4. When we lived in the north, the water pipes used to freeze every winter, and we had to call in

a plumber.

5. The chairman’s main fault was that he persistently interrupted the speakers before they had


6. I tried to refuse his invitation, but he repeatedly insisted on my coming!

7. Why do you persist in being so difficult?

8. My headmaster had greatly authority. Whenever he spoke; everyone used to listen attentively.

9. No wonder the house is cold! You always go out and leave the doors open!

10. In the nineteenth century, people used to go to church on Sundays a matter of course.

3. Complete the sentences with “will/”won’t”/”would”/”wouldn’t”.


1. She ___ speak. She lies on her back quite quietly. She doesn’t move for hours at a time.

2. I ___ see her. Nothing ____ induce me to see her.

3. I ___ go till you listen to me. I ____ stay here. Do you understand me?

4. I ____ say that we are disillusioned, but I ____ say that we are distressed.

5. She ___ stand any nonsense.

6. I ___ say it again and again.

7. When I came she ____ speak to me. She told them to send me away.

8. I do hate fuss. I ___ stand it.

9. All that I ____ tell them was that uncle Nick was ill.

10. “I want to have a talk with you. ___ you sit down?” – “No, I ___ sit down,” he answered aggressively.


1. I asked hers several times to be careful but she ____ listen to me.

2. He ___ sit for hours reading, paying no attention to what was going on around him.

3. He was a nice boy but he talk about himself all the time.

4. I ___ keep you any longer.

5. But we ___ win, we have to win.

6. If you something away, you need it the next day.

7. On Sundays when we were kids, mother ____ make us pancakes for breakfast.

8. The car ___ start.

9. I really ___ give up smoking tomorrow.

10. I’m tired ___ think I ___ go to bed now.

11. If anything can go wrong it ____.