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14. Find and correct the mistakes if any.

1. I must not dress in my best. When I came, everybody was wearing jeans and T-shirts. 2. He must have known that she needed his help. 3. He had to have an accident in the thick fog. 4. You should phone her long ago. I am sure she is looking forward to your call. 5. With your knowledge of the language you may read the article. 6. I may not imagine Mary teaching students. She used to be so impatient. – You know time changes people. She is able to become quite different. 7. I am sure you might have done it much better. You did not try.8. I was so angry, I must have thrown my boot at him. 9. May you do me a favour, please? 10. May I ask you to do me a favour?

15. Open the brackets using the appropriate form of the infinitive after the modal verbs «can» and «may». Comment on the meanings they are used in. Speak on the topic raised in the extract.

“Dear Edward, I think we were wise to part. We were too unsuited to one another, and our difficulties could only (to increase). I see that if we had continued to live together our quarrels might (to increase) perpetually. It is horrible to back upon those vulgar brawls. I cannot (to understand) how you could (to utter) such things… Perhaps it might (to be) different if we had had children; they might (to form) between us a truer link, and perhaps in the delight of them I could (to forget) my impracticable dreams. But fate was against us … If you had asked me not to go, if you had ever showed the smallest sign of regretting my departure, I think U might (to break down). Yes, I can (to tell) you now that I could (to give) anything to stay. But now the worst is over. I have taken the step and shall adhere to what I have done I think I had better not see you at all events for some time…”

(After W.S. Maugham).

16. Fill in the blanks with the modal verbs “can” or “may”.

1. David ….. do the work. He is competent enough. 2. You …… take the last copy if nobody needs it. 3. ….. I ask you to look after the child? 4. …… you tell us of the final diagnosis? 5. You ….. never tell what ….. come to her mind. 6. A fool ….. ask more questions than a wise man ….. answer. 7. You ….. trust me and, who knows, you …… need me one day. 8. Helen ….. grasp the idea. She was thinking of something else. 9. I never thought that they ….. get lost in the area. 10. Alexei ….. sometimes forget things, but he ….. always admit his fault. 11. - ….. I smoke here? – No doubt you…… but you certainly ….. not! 12. ….. you lend me your bicycle for today? 13. You ….. read this paper, it is not secret. 14. ….. you please open the door? ….. I ask you for such a small service? 15. You …… never go back to your past; you have got to move on.

17. Translate the following sentences:

1.- Можно взглянуть на этот документ, инспектор? – Боюсь, что пока нет. 2. Решение может быть очень простым, можешь мне поверить. 3. – Можно мне вызвать портье? – Конечно, можно. 4. Я, может быть, совершаю ошибку, но я не вижу другого выхода.

5. Вы, возможно, не осознаете этого, но вы великий человек. 6. Я был уверен, что могут появиться другие проблемы. 7. Он сказал нам, что мы можем прийти в любой удобный для нас день. 8. Ребенок поинтересовался, можно ли ему посмотреть еще два мультика. 9. Он, вероятно, опаздывает. Застрял, наверное, где-нибудь в автомобильной пробке. 10. Она решила, что может воспользоваться машиной отца. 11. Она может быть очень милой, если захочет.