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Compose dialogues according to the information given below:

  • You want to arrange a conference for your company. You are with the sales manager in the hotel lobby bar.

Creative task

Buzz groups or small study groups are divisions of a larger group. The groups discuss assigned problems, usually for the purpose of reporting back to the larger group. The method of buzz groups encourages the timid members, creates a warm, friendly feeling and provides for pooling of ideas and variety.

Divide in groups of 4-5 persons. Think about personal security and health while traveling. What sensible precautions should be taken in order to avoid problems and stay out of danger? Give your advice for fresh travelers. Write as many tips as you can. Make your lists of dos and don’ts for travelers, and then share with other groups. Present your pieces of advice in turn. The group that manages to give more reasonable and precious tips than others wins!

Unit 8. Food service

Group Discussion

Discuss the following issues:

  1. Have you been to any unusual restaurant (cafe)? What was its peculiarity (location, interior, creative menu)?

  2. Have you heard about culinary trips? What is the main idea of these trips?

  3. Would you like to go on some culinary trip?


The History of Food Service Management

Early History

In the Middle Ages, the cooks employed by nobles and religious orders served large numbers of people every day, and medieval travelers ate at inns, taverns, monasteries and hostelries. The earliest recorded guild for cooks was formed around 1311 to protect the cooks' secrets. The tricks of the trade were only taught to guild members. West and Wood's Introduction to Foodservice notes that "strict cost accounting was necessary, and here, perhaps, marks the beginning of the present-day scientific foodservice cost accounting...."

The Industrial Revolution

During the thousands of years when most of the population lived in or very near farming communities, food did not travel far to reach the people who ate it. The Industrial Revolution and the mass migration of workers to cities meant there was increased demand to ship food longer distances. Trains, automobiles and trucks provided transport, while new preservation treatments and better storage devices such as refrigeration made it possible for the food to stay fresh longer.

Food Regulation

Scandals in the food processing industries brought demands for new laws. The public outcry that arose when Upton Sinclair's novel, "The Jungle," exposed unsanitary conditions in the U.S. meat-packing industry led to the 1906 passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act (Закон о доброкачественности пищевых продуктов и медицинских препаратов) and the Meat Inspection Act (Закон о контроле качества мясных продуктов).

World War II

Cooks employed by armies, hospitals and prisons have been serving up large quantities of foods for hundreds of years. However, World War II brought the urgent need to feed troops all over the globe and produced innovations in large-scale food transport, preservation and the packaging of rations. Between 1943 and 1944, the Army purchases of food alone grew by 80 percent, and 1945 saw another 20 percent growth.

Nutritional Standards

When the troops came home after World War II, developing nutritional minimum standards led to reform in institutional food service and efforts to educate the public about healthy foods. The National School Lunch Program, begun in 1946, aimed to protect children from malnutrition.


Foodservice sales to restaurants and institutions are estimated to total about $400 billion per year.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimated that there were about 371,000 food service managers in 2004, with 40 percent being self-employed small business owners. Food service managers may work in hotels and restaurants, hospitals and nursing care facilities, institutions, government facilities or private businesses that provide food service on site to employees.

Vocabulary Focus

  1. Fresh


  1. Off

низкого качества

  1. Sell by date

срок годности

  1. Raw


  1. Ripe


  1. Rotten


  1. Tough


  1. Undercooked


  1. Unripe


  1. Overcooked


  1. Expensive


  1. Cocktail longue

коктейль-бар в холле

  1. To cater for

поставлять провизию; угождать

  1. Catering

общественное питание

  1. The catering trade

ресторанное дело

  1. Gourmet


  1. A la carte menu

меню «а ля карте» (ресторанное меню с указанием цены каждого блюда)

  1. Waiter


  1. Trolley


  1. Gueridon service

обслуживание у столика (приготовление блюд непосредственно на виду у посетителей)

  1. Dish

блюдо, кушанье

  1. To serve

готовить, накрывать

  1. Table d’hote

«табльдот» (общий обеденный стол, комплексный обед)

  1. Counter


  1. Tray


  1. Luncheon


  1. Toppings


  1. Refreshing
