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IV. Writing practice. Choose a product you would like to sell. Think of the advertising for your product. What type would you rather use? Why? You can use the words:

eye-catcher - is something that attracts attention

jingle - is a catchy tune, with a short simple rhyme, may be used to promote a product.

poster - is a large sheet of paper with the advertisement on it

hoarding - is a wooden or metal structure, used to carry advertising

slogan , spam , promote

Lesson # 3. A little about money

I See if you remember the words:

to accumulate [ə'kju:mjəleɪt]

to pay in

to save up

to borrow

to afford to do something

to put money in the bank

to inherit

to deceive [dɪ'si:v]




exchange rate


gross income

net income

greed - greedy

energetic / active





II Questions for discussion:

  1. The word ‘money’. Your associations?

  2. How do you think money helps make us happy?

  3. Why do people often want more money, no matter how much they have got?

  4. Why are poor people in many cases more generous than rich people?

  5. Some people say that "money makes the world go around". How will you explain the expression?

  6. What qualities must a person have to make "big money"?

  7. How old were you when you earned your first salary? What did you spend it on?

  8. Have you ever given money to people who beg in the streets? (beggars, swindlers)

  9. Have you ever found any money on the street? If so, what did you do with it?

  10. Your rich uncle just died and gave you 50,000,000 dollars. How would you spend it?

  11. Explain these proverbs: What do they mean? Say them in other English words.

- The best things in life are free.

- Save your pennies for a rainy day.

- You can't take it with you when you go.

- Money doesn't grow on trees

- A good name is better than riches

- A rich man has more relations than he knows

- Money has no smell

Part II. Grammar

Homework 1:

Task 1. Ask questions to the sentences; make negative out of the given affirmative:

1. Every weekend my grandfather helps me with my studies.




Special (when, with what)

Question to the subject:

Negative sentence:

2. The head of the office is talking to the president of the company in the study.




Special (where, what-do, with whom)

Question to the subject:

Negative sentence:

(Present Simple, Present Continuous and Present Perfect):

Task2. Write the following sentences in a.) negative b.)interrogative.

1. He usually has breakfast at 8 o’clock. 2. The lecture starts at 9:30 a.m. 3. The flowers look fresh. 4. I am listening to the news. 5. She is trying to sleep. 6. They are making a lot of noise. 7. He has never met this girl before. 8. My brother and his friends have just gone out. 9. My mother has been lying at the beach for an hour and a halve already.

Task 3. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form:

1. You / busy/ at the moment? 2. I have a bike but I/ not/ use it very often. 3. Do you speak Spanish? No, I/never/ study it. 4. They / play the guitar, but they /not/ play very well. 5. Somebody/ring/you for the last five minutes. 6. The prices for food / rise/ at present. 7. What time / the museums/ open / in Saint-Petersburg? 8. I know London perfectly well. I /be/ there several times. 9. How many cups of tea/you/drink a day?10. She /be/ awake since sun-up. 11. Look! It/ rain. 12. There is nobody in the room. You/read/detective stories again?

Homework 2:

Task 4. Ask questions to the sentences; make negative out of the given affirmative:

1. My husband hasn’t eaten his breakfast this morning.





Question to the subject:

Negative sentence:

2. The sisters have been working on this project for a year.





Question to the subject:

Negative sentence:

(Past simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous):

Task 5. A.)Past Simple or Past Continuous?

1. Mr. Smith _____ (wake-woke up) early in the morning. He ______ (look out) of the window. It _____ (rain). Mr. Smith ____ (grow-grew) sad.

2. He _____ (put on) his clothes, _____ (brush) his teeth, and _______ (have) breakfast. While he ______ (have) breakfast, he _____ (read) his favourite morning newspaper.

3. Having had his breakfast, Mr. Smith ______ (leave-left) for his work. The rain _______ (fall-fell) still, people _______ (walk) somewhere.

4. Mr. Smith ________ (come-came) to the office. His co-workers __________ (sit-sat) at their places, ______ (work) on their computers, they looked bored.

5. The man _____ (sit) at his place, and _____ (fall-fell) into meditation. He ______ (think-thought) about his life, so monotonous and slow. He unconsciously______ (tap) his pencil on the desk.

6. Different thought _____ (pass) in his mind. He ____ (dream) about being free and passing time doing things he loved.

7. “So, what ___ you ____ (prepare) for me?” – Mr.Smith ____ (hear-heard) the gloomy voice.

B.) Finish the story

Task 6. Translate from Russian into English. Use either Past Simple, Present Perfect or Past Perfect:

1. Моя тётя никогда не была в Австралии. Однако в прошлом году она, наконец-то туда съездила. 2.У моего прадедушки было пять сестер! 3. Будучи студентом, он прожил год в студенческом общежитии. 4. В прошлом году я уехал от родителей и стал жить в общежитии. 5. 6.Ты сегодня уже видел преподавателя по философии? 7. Вчера у нас не было занятия, потому что преподаватель заболел. 8. Это невероятно! Он прочитал за неделю шесть книг! 9. Как ты думаешь, он хоть одну книгу прочитал за всю свою жизнь? 11. На прошлой неделе, Ричард прочитал интереснейшую статью в Интернете. 12. Это самая интересная презентация, какую я когда-либо слышал (I/ever/ hear) 13. В прошлом году мы подписали контракт (sign/contract), он всё ещё действителен (= it is still valid). 14. Я такой загоревший (I look so brown), потому что недавно вернулся из командировки (business trip) в Барбадос. 15. Продажи увеличились (rise-rose-risen) в 2010 году, но потом понизились (fall-fell-fallen) в 2012. 16. Совершенно очевидно (It’s obvious), что вы этот доклад не читали! 17. Он прочитал доклад уже две недели назад.

Task 7. Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous? Translate the sentences:

Он не готовился к тесту, поэтому сильно нервничал (be nervous). Он готовился к тесту уже два часа, когда ему позвонили и сказали, что теста не будет.

Семья сидела за столом уже пятнадцать минут, когда отец вернулся домой. Когда отец вернулся домой, и семья принялась за ужин (start to eat).

Они спали уже десять часов, когда мама их разбудила. После того как мама разбудила детей, они пошли в школу.

Пассажиры ждали (wait) поезда (train) уже двадцать минут, когда он приехал. Когда поезд подъехал (arrive), девушка уронила (drop) сумку на рельсы (rails). Сколько вы его уже ждёте?

Вода кипела (boil) уже минут десять, когда он, наконец, пришёл на кухню (kitchen).

Игра уже началась, когда мы, наконец, нашли наши места. Мы искали свои места уже некоторое время, когда игра началась.

Ты сделал домашнее задание перед тем как идти в кино?

Весь этот год он пытается набрать вес (try to gain weight). Он набрал (gain) вес, а потом начал худеть снова.

Мы ходили в этот клуб до тех пор, пока он не сгорел (burnt, burned).

Мой телефон не работал, потому что я его не зарядил (charge).

Homework 3.

Task 8. Future Tenses:

1.  Ask Tom if he ___ (take part) in the chess tournament next week.   2.  My parents are returning from Italy next Monday at 7 p.m. So this time next Monday I ___ (meet) them at the airport. 3.  Susan ___ (not leave) the house before her husband comes home.   4.  You can't see this film on TV tonight, they ___(show) it only next Sunday.  5.  If you ___ (not/tell) me the truth, I will never speak with you.  6.  I am reading an English book now. It is so interesting that by the end of the day I ____ (finish) reading it. 7.  When Jerry enters a Medical school he ____ (study) Chemistry for more than four years.  8.  Jason ___ (learn) Russian for two years before he leaves Russia.  11.  The house ___ (burn) for two hours when the firefighters finally arrive.   12.  Where ___ /you work after you graduate from the University?  13.  I will be back soon. I hope you ___ (finish) your translation by the time I come.  14. Mary wants to speak with you. – Please tell her that I ___ (call) her as soon as I'm free. 15. Let's meet at eleven o'clock tomorrow. – Sorry, I ___ (work) at eleven o'clock.

Task 9. Study the rule on Future in the Past and fulfill the exercise below:

Формы Future in the Past образуются аналогично соответствующим формам Future, но вместо вспомогательных глаголов shall и will употребляются формы их прошедшего времени should/ shouldn’t и would/ wouldn’t. Future in the Past употребляются в придаточных предложениях после слов said (that), told (that), thought (that) и т. п., главного предложения в прошедшем времени.


Future Simple:

She says she will join the club.

Future Simple in the past:

She said she would join the club.

Future Continuous:

They think they will be flying to Egypt this time tomorrow

Future Continuous in the Past:

They thought they would be flying to Egypt this time tomorrow

Существуют следующие виды Future in the Past:

1. Simple Future in the Past: She said she would go to the doctor. Она сказала, что пойдет к врачу.

2. Continuous Future in the Past: They were planning how they would be having rest on their vacation.

3. Perfect Future in the Past: We hoped we should have finished our project by midday.

4. Perfect Continuous Future in the Past: He told me he would have been working for this company for 20 years next month.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Future Simple или Future-in-the Past Simple.

1. 1. I know we (not to be) late. 2. I knew we (not to be) late. 3. I want to know whether he (to be) at home. 4. I wanted to know whether he (to be) at 'home. 5. "When you (to be) ready?" he asked. 6. He asked when I (to be) ready. 7. I can't say whether Bob (to do) the work perfectly, but he (to do) his best. 8. He asked me whether he (to see) Olga there. 9. Are you sure that we (to have) time to do that? 10. I was afraid he (to say): "I don't think I (to be) able to come." 11. I did not know what he (to speak) about.

(http://njnj.ru/golits/golits_tenses10.htm_) – источник доп. упражнений

Task 10. Use the verb in correct tense. Translate the sentences:

  1. Каждый день я хожу в бассейн (swimming pool). - Вы ходите в бассейн? - Нет, не хожу.

  2. Сейчас (now) Маша и Лиза идут в бассейн. - Они идут в бассейн сейчас? - Нет, не идут.

  3. Мама только что (just) вернулась из бассейна. - Мама уже вернулась из бассейна? - Нет, ещё не вернулась.

  4. Рома плавает в бассейне уже (for) два часа. Как долго (For how long) он уже плавает?

  1. Дима вчера ходил в бассейн. Ходил ли Дима вчера в бассейн? Нет, не ходил.

  2. Пока я плавал (swim) в бассейне, мой брат сидел за моим компьютером и играл в игры.

  3. Моя сестра научилась плавать, и тогда сходила в Московский аквапарк (water park).

  4. Мистер Браун плавал в бассейне уже час, когда ему позвонили и попросили приехать (ask to come) на работу.

  1. Мы с подругой идем завтра в бассейн. Мы идем завтра в бассейн? Нет, не идём.

  2. На следующей неделе мы будем плавать в бассейне с двух до трёх.

  3. Завтра к 5ти часам они уже поплавают в бассейне.

  4. Они будут плавать в бассейне уже полчаса (half an hour) к тому времени как им надо будет уходить (have to leave)

Task 11. Use the verb in correct tense. Translate the sentences:

  1. Обычно после ужина он долго сидит столом и о чём-то раздумывает.

  2. Как (how) вы смогли (manage) так высоко подняться (come up so high)? Ведь вы родились (be born) в бедной семье, которая ничего не имела. По нашим сведениям (according to our sources), вы так никогда и не окончили 10 классов. Но потом вы неожиданно (suddenly), в один день буквально (literally) стали известны по всему миру.

  3. Мой друг всё ещё не вернул мне книгу. Он читает её уже полгода.

  4. «Джессика, ты посмотрела вчера этот замечательный фильм?» «Нет, не было времени».

  5. «Как долго уже вы смотрите этот сериал?» «Да вот скоро (soon) уже будет год как смотрю».

  6. Вчера вечером я долго размышлял над этим вопросом (consider the problem/question).

  7. Через месяц я уже буду на золотых пляжах (at the gold beaches) Калифорнии, буду купаться в теплых солнечных лучах (bath in sunlight), попивать (sip) холодный апельсиновый сок и смотреть (cast a glance at) на красивых девушек.

  8. «Вы уже посмотрели этот фильм?» «Нет, посмотрю скоро».

  9. Город никогда не спит. Он дышит жизнью.

  10. Когда я принял решение (make the decision), она уже успела всё сделать (manage to do everything).

  11. Я раздумывал над этим полдня (half of the day), когда отец пришёл домой и объяснил мне всё (explain / to me).

  12. «Жень, что ты делаешь?» «Читаю газету. А что?»

  13. «Отец уже прочитал утреннюю газету?» « Нет, пока не прочитал.»

  14. К (by) августу будет уже пять лет, как она живёт здесь, в Аризоне. Здесь всегда было жарко. Однако в этом году стало совсем невыносимо (unbearable). Вот почему она решила бросить все дела и вернуться ненадолго в свою родную (native) Германию.

  15. Вчера я решил (decide), что пойду туда.

  16. «Я бы хотел вас увидеть снова завтра». «Боюсь, что завтра в это время я буду уже далеко отсюда (far away from)».

  17. Как долго вы уже работаете в этой компании?

  18. Сейчас он живет в деревне (village) , но обычно он живет в городе.

Passive voice

Task12. Define the tense of the original sentence. Make passive voice from active voice:

E.g. She watered the flowers - The flowers were watered (by the girl).

The cosmonauts are exploring space - Space is being explored (by the cosmonauts).

a.) A student asks the question -........ b.) Mother answered the question -........ c.) A couple1will book the tickets2-......... d.) Bob was cleaning the room -........ e.) He has just copied these documents -......... f.) The family will have eaten the dinner (by the time the uncles came) -........ g.) He will offer her a dance -....... h.) My grandfather earned a lot of money -........ i.) A cook makes a meal3-........ j.) They saw the bird -.......... k.) She was singing a song -.......... l.) He has won the prize -...........

Task 13. Say what is done in an indicated tense:

E.g. Past Perfect Continuous: a man - kill - A man had been killed.

1.) Simple Present: homework - do 2.) Simple Past: book - read 3.)Simple Future: a game - play 4.) Continuous Present: a card (открытка) - sign (подписывать) 5.) Continuous Past: a film - watch 6.) Present Perfect Continuous: a house - build 7.) Past Perfect Continuous: rainforests - cut down

Task 14. Translate into English:

1.) Работа закончена. 2.) Книга пишется уже два года. 3.) Розу срежут к праздникам. 4.) Комнату украшали, когда он пришел. 5.) Рисунок только что нарисовали. 6.) Марте не предложили эту работу. 7.) Лекарство было выпито (принято). 8.) Её любимая ваза была разбита. Она была вне себя (She busted with anger) 9.) Маму встретят в аэропорте. 10.) Я прощён? (на данный момент) 11.) Он попал в аварию и громко кричал: его нога была сломана.







1. Правило объясняется учителем. 2. Когда мы пришли, дверь уже была закрыта. 3. Новая школа строилась в этом поселке, когда семья в него переехала. 4. Этот текст будет переведен к семи вечера. 5. Ключи были переданы мне пожилой женщиной. 6. Тебя когда-нибудь кусала собака (ты был когда-либо укушен собакой)? 7. Когда был построен этот дворец? 8. Симфония писалась композитором в течение последних 3-х лет его жизни. 9. Стихотворение написано английским поэтом Лонгфелло. 10. Ленинградское метро было построено в тот период, когда началась Велика отечественная война (Great Patriotic War) 11. На испанском языке говорят и в Южной Америке. 12. Деньги были спрятаны под ковром.


keys, give




the=this/that or these/those

определенный артикль


неопределенный артикль


нет артикля

Exercise 24. Fill in “a/an” “the” or “-” article.

(A.) 1. - Did you like ____concert? - I certainly did. 2. He was riding _____ horse, when he suddenly saw ____ woman. ____ woman was not very tall and plump, but very pretty with her white skin and grey eyes. 3. There is no cloud in____ sky and ____ sun is shining so brightly. 4. ____ girls like this place. 5. ____ Democratic Party won the elections in ____ United States this year, ____ Republicans are furious. 6. On May 1, 1915, ____Lusitania left port in New York for Liverpool to make a trip across ____ Atlantic. 7. Here is ____ flower my mother gave me. 8. Are you going to the shop? Take ____ big cheese wheel for me, please. 9. What do you think of her? - I am sorry to say, but she is just ____stubborn fool. 10. Is this ____ dress you were talking about? 11. Are you ready to order? - I will have ____ glass of juice and she will take ____coffee. 12. They had a habit of gathering together and playing, he played ____ guitar, Molly - ____ piano, and my sister tapped up the rhythm. 13. Oh, I like ____song! 14. What do you know about ____ French Revolution? 15. He couldn’t pass the entrance exams and had to join ____ army. 16. My brother used to work as ____ programmer, but he got the sack and now he is ____ logistics manager. 17. Do you like ____ butter on your bread? 18. The event took place in ____ small village on the west of England.

(B.) 1. Julia with half an ear listened to ____list Margery read out and, though she knew ____ room so well, idly looked about her. It was a very proper room for ____ manager of ____ first-class theatre. ____ walls had been panelled (at cost price) by ___ good decorator and on them hung engravings of theatrical pictures by Zoffany and de Wilde. ____ armchairs were large and comfortable. (Maugham Somerset, Theatre)

2. Pippin looked out from ____shelter of Gandalf's cloak. He wondered if he was awake or still sleeping, still in the swift-moving dream in which he had been wrapped so long since the great ride began. ____ dark world was rushing by and ____ wind sang loudly in his ears. He could see nothing but ____ wheeling stars, and away to his right vast shadows against _____ sky where _____ mountains of ____ South marched past. (“Lord Of The Rings - Part 3 - The Return Of The King” By J R R Tolkien)

3. Mr. Bingley was good-looking and gentlemanlike; he had ____pleasant countenance, and easy, unaffected (простой, естественный) manners, but his friend Mr. Darcy soon drew the attention of the room by his fine, tall person, handsome features, noble mien, and the report of his having ten thousand a year.  ____ gentlemen pronounced him to be ____ fine man, ___ ladies declared he was much handsomer than Mr. Bingley, and he was looked at with great admiration for about half the evening, till his manners gave a disgust (отвращение) which turned the tide (изменить ход (событий)) of his popularity;

Mr. Bingley had soon made himself acquainted with all ____ principal people in the room; he was lively and unreserved, danced every dance, was angry that _____ball closed so early, and talked of giving one himself at Netherfield. (Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen, abridged)



I. My favourite book

It is a sad fact, but people do not read a lot these days. That is because of the hectic tempo of life or may be due to people’s laziness. Nevertheless I like to read, and try to enjoy it as much as I can afford.

Among my favourite authors are Dostoevsky, Chekhov, London, O’Henry, Edgar Po. There are so many of them, and all are brilliant, amazing, fascinating.

It is not easy to make me cry, but there was one book that made me do so. It is “The light that failed”, by Rudyard Kipling. This is a story about a painter, very talented and dedicated, who started to lose his eyesight.

The plot is not very complicated. The name of the main character is Dick Heldar. He participated in the military action, and was injured in the head. Then he came back to England. There he started to paint to earn his living. Still due to the injury he started growing blind. Before he completely lost his vision, he had painted his masterpiece Melancholy, using a prostitute as a model. Bessie, the model, then came back and destroyed the canvas. But the painter didn’t know that the work of his life had already been gone.

This is a very sad story, very touching and romantic. I wish you would read it.

hectic ['hektɪk] лихорадочный

due to [dju:] из-за

nevertheless всё же

afford позволять

amazing изумительный

fascinating захватывающий

fail [feɪl] провалиться; угаснуть

dedicated посвятивший себя чему-то, преданный делу

plot сюжет

complicated сложный

participate [pɑː'tɪsɪpeɪt] участвовать

military action военные действия

injure ['ɪnʤə] ранение, ранить

blind [blaɪnd]слепой

vision ['vɪʒ(ə)n] зрение

masterpiece шедевр

destroy разрушать

II. My favourite movie

I watch a lot of movies; I enjoy the process very much. Now, that I’ve learned a little English, I prefer to watch films in the original language, where I can hear the voices of the actors, which are very expressive.

To tell the truth, there is no movie that I can call my favourite, but there are some that I liked. Recently I watched the sci-fi movie, called “Chronicle”, produced in 2012, starring Dane DeHaan, Alex Russell and Michael Jordan. The story is about three high school friends, who get superpowers after finding some strange object underground. They enjoy their special powers, but later everything becomes more complicated… I would not spoil the impression by telling you the ending, maybe one day you will watch the movie.

Speaking about older movies, of earlier years, I will point out “12 Angry Men” with Henry Fonda as one of the key characters. The action takes place in one room, where the 12 members of a jury think over the sentence of a man suspected of committing a murder. At first almost everyone is for the “guilty” verdict. But one man – Henry Fonda’s character – makes them doubt their decision. Actor’s talented performance and the intense of the discussion make the movie really valuable.

It is not so very long ago that the filmmaking entered our life, but it is inseparable from it now.

prefer предпочитать

voice голос

expressive выразительный

sci-fi ['saɪ’faɪ]

starring исполнение главной роли

ground [graund] земля

spoil портить

jury ['ʤuərɪ] присяжные

suspect подозревать

commit a murder ['mɜ:də] совершать убийство

doubt [daut] сомнение

discussion [dɪ'skʌʃ(ə)n] обсуждение

valuable ['væljuəbl] ценный