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ВСЯ ЛЕКСИКА JOB HUNTING за 2 семестр.doc
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The newspaper article “Find Employment in St. Petersburg”

- to find/get a job/employment

- to dig through vacancies on job market

- to accept an offer

- a project manager

- at a private Moscow-based English company

- to demand more work experience

- to be deemed to be Bachelor’s degree

- to complete a 10-month Master’s degree at the UK’s top education institution

- to attend various career fairs

- to search for/find a suitable position

- an employer= a recruiter; a personnel director/manager

- an employee

- to employ = to recruit

- the gap between education and real work experience

- a ready made specialist

- to spend the minimum time and effort on training

- job-hunting = finding employment

- recruitment agencies

- to understand the job market situation

- to be more realistic in one’s expectations

- to send to interviews for positions

- positions that are badly matched for one’s skills

- too elementary/boring position

- (a job) that can grow into a professional career

- personal contacts

- newspaper classifieds

- Internet vacancies

- (in)effective – (не)эффективный

- a CV (Curriculum Vitae)

- the resume is to be kept on file

- to bring in result

The newspaper article “Prepare for a Successful Job Interview”

  • to put oneself in a good mood

  • to guarantee smth

  • Initiative and problem-solving skills

  • to prepare for unexpected questions and tasks

  • to train one’s reaction to smth


  • nonverbal communicators (body and facial positions)

  • to give clues about the communicator’s feelings

  • to read nonverbal behavior

Text 2 “Job Hunting” (p. 512-513) Из упражнения 25 на стр. 512

- a lost opportunity

- the first piece of information

- a typed page

- personal information

- job objective

- to obtain a position

- a well-paid job

- to make the best impression

- a statement of intent

- in reverse chronological order; backwards

- to take a course

- to graduate with honors

- starting with - начиная с

- most recent place of employment\work

- extracurricular activities

- available upon request

- to have the opportunity of interviewing with a company

- a cover letter

- references

- skills

Texts 4,5 “Job Hunting” (p. 495-496) appointment

- to make an appointment e.g. I’ve made an appointment with Mr. Bond for Friday.

- to keep/break an appointment

- cancel an appointment

- work by appointment

- employment/recruitment agency

- the state employment services

- nonprofit agency

- private agency

- to receive a fee for finding jobs for people

- to schedule one’s days hour by hour

- to make effective use of sth

- courtesy [ ]

- competence

- confidence

- a receptionist

- an interviewer

- an interviewee

- an interview invitation

- to produce a favorable impression on one’s prospective employer

- to conduct an interview

- one’s prospective supervisor

- to consider one’s nonverbal behavior

Education and Training to Tackle the Scourge of Youth Unemployment” (Ястребова. стр. 298)

- to be unemployed/ out of job/ jobless

- to combat unemployment/joblessness

- (un)employment rate

- youth unemployment

- to meet the practical needs of potential employers

- discrimination on the basis of gender or disability

Ready Steady Compete”

- job seekers

- competition

- to take a creative, professional approach to one’s job search

- communication tools to connect with appropriate candidates: the Internet, print media, internal and company databases, headhunting

- to meet the job’s specific requirements

- to fine-tune one’s resume

- to be invited for the final interview

- a poorly written and formatted resume

- to review one’s wardrobe and appearance


- to change from one employment to another

- to assess one’s personal characteristics

- accomplishments in all aspects of one’s life: in one’s academic work, full- and part-time experience, organizational activities, and sports or hobbies

- accuracy

- ambition

- communication skills

- decisiveness

- efficiency

- enthusiasm

- leadershhip

- perseverance

- punctuality

- self-control

- tactfulness

Body Language

- nonverbal behavior

- posture

- gesture

- facial expression

- brisk, erect walk

- sitting with one’s legs/hands crossed


+ списки активного вокабуляра

-- из учебника Т.Ю. Дроздовой стр. 486-492

-- из учебника Ястребовой 241-243