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a) work, job, profession, occupation, career, vocation

Compare work and job.

work noun (no plural)

  1. an activity that keeps you busy and is usually not for pleasure e.g. Dad’s doing some work on the car.

  2. a job or business e.g. to go to work

  3. what you produce while doing your job: e.g. He sells his work at the market.

  4. at work - doing some work

  5. in work - with a job: e.g. the number of people in work

  6. out of work with no job, but wanting a job e.g. I’ve been out of work for six months.

  7. get to work, set to work to start doing sth e.g. They set to work on the garden.

job noun

  1. a piece of work that must be done e.g. My mother does all the jobs about the house.


  1. work that you are paid to do e.g. What is your job? “I’m a teacher.”

LOOK AT: work

  • Daniel starts his new job on Monday.

  • She has a well paid job in the tax department.

  • Ted found/got a job as a bartender.

  • She’s looking for a job in the musical business.

  • I had a part-time job while I was at college.

Job is a noun that has a plural (=jobs). Work has the same meaning but has no plural: He’s trying to find a job. / He’s trying to find some work.

The word “job” tends to denote less prestigious work. * I took some awful jobs when I was resting. Besides it denotes a position in employment and here the difference between job and work is obvious. * I am fond of my job even though it means doing a lot of work.

The word “work” has a more general meaning, can be applied to anything one has to do in the way of making a living. Work can also be used as a general word when you are talking about several different jobs. If you say “I’ve got a lot of work to do”, it could mean that you have either one big job to do, or lots of different jobs.

  • My father started work when he was 14 years old.

  • Lena graduated from college six months ago and is still looking for work.

  • Mario was hoping to find work in a hotel or a restaurant.

  • A lot of women go back/return to work when their children start school.

  • He’s marrying someone he met at work.

  • What time do you go to work?

  • Let’s go for a drink after work tonight.

!!! Don’t say “What is your job/work?” when you want to know what someone does to earn money. Say What do you do? or What do you do for a living?:

What does your mother do?” “She’s a doctor.”

Compare profession and occupation.

profession noun – work that requires advanced education and special training. It usually implies to law, medicine, architecture and military career.

  • Teaching is a satisfying profession, even if it is badly paid.

  • There are now a lot of more women in the legal/medical profession.

  • There was a big demand for accountants in the 1980s, and many graduates went into/entered the profession at this time.

occupation noun

  1. a job *”What’s your occupation?” “I’m a doctor.” / He is a bookkeeper by occupation./ Please state your age, address and occupation in the space below.

occupation=trade - занятие, род занятий, профессия

e.g. How long have you been in the trade?

  1. something that you do in your free time *Reading is one of her favourite occupations.

A profession is an area of work such as law, medicine, or teaching, for which your need special training. Occupation is a word used especially on official forms or for writing about the types of job that people do. Don’t use it to talk about your own job.


career noun

  1. a course of progress in the life of a person – a number of jobs one after another, in which you move on to a more important job as you get older and learn more: a career in banking

  2. the same as work when you speak of the choice of work

vocation noun the feeling that the purpose of your life is to do a particular kind of work, especially work that involves helping people. *He discovered his vocation as a nurse in a large hospital.

- regular / irregular work

постоянная / временная работа

- work by the hour

почасовая работа

- to look for work

искать работу

- job hunting / job search

поиск работы

- to be out of work

быть безработным

- she failed to obtain work in the city

ей не удалось устроиться

- This $200 a week job.

И это место в 200 долларов в неделю.

- job (employment, work) – работа, должность

To qualify for

e.g. He is qualified for the post.

e.g. He speaks a little French but he is not qualified to teach it.

job qualification – качества (образование+опыт работы), которыми должен обладать претендент

apply (to sb for sth) – обращаться за работой, помощью, разрешением

e.g. He applied to the Consul for a visa.

e.g. You may apply in person or by letter.

e.g. The manager received twenty applications for the position.

application form – анкета для поступающего на работу

an applicant – претендент, кандидат

capacity - качество, положение

e.g. He works in the capacity of an engineer.

post - должность, пост e.g. What post do you hold here?

b) to apply – to ask with a request

to apply for a rise – просить прибавки

to apply for a job [for the vacant position/post] – подать заявление о приёме на работу [вакантную должность]

to apply as a teacher – подать заявление на должность преподавателя

applicant – the one who applies (заявитель)

application – the paper which is applied (заявка)

written application – письменная заявка

application form - бланк

application for the position – заявка о приёме

to send in an application – падать заявку

to refuse an application – отказаться принять заявку

application to sb – заявка на чьё-то имя

D) to hire, recruit, employ

to hire – to employ (a person) for wages

e.g. to hire a servant; he was hired to do this work

hirer - работодатель

to recruit – to get a new member of an organization

e.g. to recruit new police officers

recruitement agency – агенство по найму

to employ – to give work to sb for payment

employee – who is employed

employer – who employs

to hire workers by the day – нанимать рабочих поденно

to recruit sb from sb – из числа

ANTONYMS: fire, discharge



promising / prospective – перспективный

competitive – конкурентоспособный

skillful / experienced – умелый, опытный

fair – честный, справедливый

e.g. fair employment practices – приём на работу без дескриминации

e.g. What do you consider a fair salary? - Какую зарплату вы считаете достойной?

effort – усилие, попытка

to make an effort – сделать попытку

constant efforts to attain one’s end – постоянная борьба за достижение цели

responsibility – ответственность

to assume (accept, take) responsibility – взять ответственность

to decline all responsibility for sth – отказаться от ответственности

the responsibility rests with the author – ответственность несёт автор

obligation – обязательство

e.g. contractual (treaty) obligations – договорные обязательства

e.g. under an obligation to sb – обязанный кому-либо


reliability – надёжность

to rely on sb – доверять кому-либо

reference – ссылка, рекомендация, отзыв; лицо, дающее рекомендацию

e.g. to have good references – иметь хорошие отзывы

e.g. You have excellent references from your previous job.

e.g. Who are your references? – Кто может Вас рекомендовать?

It’s synonym in the meaning of a letter to the employer are:

the introductory text «Choosing an Occupation» (p. 495)

- to choose an occupation

- to get a job

- to face a problem

- to take special courses to qualify for a particular job (*to qualify – be equipped by training, have certain experience)

- to gain enough knowledge to qualify for a particular job

- to give detailed information about job qualifications

- to get some actual work experience

- to turn to sb for advice

- to counsel sb

- self-evaluation


- abilities (talent)

- calling (for)

- values (e.g. moral/artistic values)

- accomplishments

- activity

- attitude (e.g. a firm attitude)

- career goals

- education