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Полный сборник с исправлениями.doc
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I. Say whether the following statements are true or false. Explain why.

1. Jury system came into being between AD 1000 and AD 1500.

2. Trial by battle was a licence to kill.

3. In 1215 pope Innocent III declared that the trial by ordeal was the best way to show God's judgment.

4. Some legal historians have strong doubt that Magna Carta is really a statute.

5. In recent years there have been many attempts to minimize the right to trial by jury.

II. Answer the questions about the text.

      1. What are the main features of the system of justice in ancient times?

      2. What laws influenced the British laws in very early times?

      3. When did the jury system first come into being?

      4. Why did the religious leaders play an important part in some of the early forms of trials?

      5. What is the difference between the four main early forms of trial?

      6. Why do we have 12 jurors nowadays?

      7. Why were the trials by ordeal supervised by priests?

      8. Why did it become the habit for some accused to refuse to plead guilty or not guilty in ancient times?

      9. What was the role of jurors in their earliest form?

      10. Who declared that trial by ordeal could no longer be said to show God’s judgement?

      11. Does Magna Carta mark the foundation of the present jury system?

      12. What is the difference between the grand jury and the petit jury?

      13. Is there any resemblance between the early trials and the trials we have today?

      14. What was the most notorious instrument of torture used to extract confessions?

      15. What crime has always been regarded as the ultimate crime against the Crown?

      16. Describe the Trial of Raleigh, Bushell’s Case, the Trial of the Seven Bishops and the Defence of Insanity. What are they famous for?

      17. What changes took place in the jury system?

      18. What do you think about the critics of the jury system?

      19. Why is the jury system considered to be so important?

      20. What was proposed in the Review of the Criminal Courts in 2000?

      21. Are you “for” or “against” these proposals? What is your opinion about the total abolition of juries?

      22. Why is the system of trial by jury considered to be “a vital and indispensable part of the constitution”?

III. Draw up the plan for rendering the text and then summarise it.

IV. Discuss these issues.

  1. The Roman view of judges as “priests of the law” and its origin.

  2. Obstacles placed in the way of a fair trial.

  3. The defendant’s right to be tried by jury as a symbol of democracy.

  4. Should the right to trial by jury be available to people charged with less serious crimes?

V. Find the information in the Internet on the following themes and make presentations in class.

1. History of trials: kings to sue.

2. Insane delusions tests: present days.

3. Jury system: merits and shortcomings.

Chapter XVI Punishment Through the Ages

Vocabulary List

1. acquit – оправдывать (of) освобождать

2. associated labour – обобществленный труд

3. benefit of the clergy – неподсудность духовенства светскому суду

4. bloody assizes – кровавый суд

5. confess – признаваться (в совершении преступления)

6. culprit – обвиняемый; подсудимый

7. defence of insanity –защита ссылкой на невменяемость

8. dissection – рассечение, разрезание, анатомирование, препарирование, вскрытие

9. ducking stool – позорный стул, к которому привязывали женщин дурного поведения и торговцев-мошенников

10. dungeon – подземная тюрьма, тюремная камера; темница; склеп

11. excess – нарушение закона, произвол

12. extort – вымогать ( деньги ); выпытывать ( тайну и т. п.; у кого-л. - from)

13. felon’s death – жестокая смерть

14. flogging – порка, телесное наказание

15. gag - вставлять кляп

16. gallows –а) виселица ( орудие наказания ) б) приговор к смерти через повешение

17. goal – тюрьма

18. hangman – палач

19. humiliation – унижение

20. limb (n),(v) – конечность; расчленять, разрывать на части

21. manslaughter – непредумышленное убийство

22. mutilation – расчленение; увечье

23. neglect – пренебрежение, игнорирование

24. ordeals – суровое испытание

25. penal servitude – каторжные работы

26. pillory – позорный столб

27. quartering – четвертование

28. rebel – повстанец, участник восстания, восставший; мятежник, участник мятежа

29. release of license – выдача оправдательного документа, расписки;

30. riot – бунт; восстание, мятеж

31. scaffold – эшафот; плаха; виселица; казнь

32. separate confinement –одиночное заключение

33. stocks– колодки

34. strangulation –удушение, удавление

35. thrust – колоть, пронзать, наносить колющий удар; тыкать, протыкать

36. be hanged – быть повешенным; казненным через повешение

37. be tried – находиться под судом; находиться на рассмотрении суда

38. torture – пытка

39. transportation for life – пожизненная ссылка

40. trump up – выдумать; сфабриковать