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IX. Fill in the gaps with appropriate prepositions from the box.

as; with(2); over; back; of(3); between; on(3) ; in (3); from; to; down


1. Judges play an essential part in the lives of individual citizens - presiding ______cases of

those accused ________crime, deciding disputes _________citizens etc.

2. Many countries of the former British Empire draw __________English system of laws.

3. Almost all the main courts of today can be traced ________ to William’s Curia Regis.

4._________.the passage _______ time the Court of Chancery tended to specialize ________ certain areas of law.

5. The expression “a Chancery” in wrestling stems ___________ the days of bare-fisted fights.

6. As the popularity of the Court of Chancery grew it couldn’t cope__________ the volume of

petitions presented ________it.

7. In 1606 Sir Edward Coke refused to convict _______ perjury a man who had lied ___oath

in the Court of Requests, ________.the ground that it was “not a court”.

8. The work of the Court of Chancery became formalized and cases were bogged _____

________ interminable delays.

9. The legal history of GB is rich _______ landmark cases in which judges of the common law

courts were revered _______ great” common lawyers”.

X. Translate these sentences into English using the Active Vocabulary:

1. Если Вы нарушите свою часть договора, то мы подадим жалобу в суд.

2. Этот судья - хитрая лиса. Он знает, как найти юридическую лазейку, используя технические формальности.

3. Вы всегда сможете передать часть своих полномочий своему заместителю, если возникнет необходимость.

4. Со временем она завоевала отличную репутацию и стала воплощением честного и справедливого судьи.

5. После того, как общественности стало известно о плачевном положении

Cомерсета и его дело было положительно рассмотрено в суде, лорд Мэнсфилд

отменил рабство в Англии, сказав: “ Воздух Англии слишком чист для любого раба”.

6. Это не в моей компетенции, но я полагаю, что подзащитный будет оправдан, т.к. он действовал по принуждению в ситуации неминуемой угрозы смерти.

7. На каком основании Вы подвергаете сомнению юридическую силу моих утверждений?

8. Обратная сторона медали показывает, что существуют люди, умеющие обходить закон. Необходимо положить этому конец раз и навсегда.



I. Answer the questions about the text:

1. What are the foundations and development of the law compared to?

2. What two major palaces are chosen for comparison and why?

3. Why are the laws and constitution referred to as “invisible”?

4. What is a statute and statute law?

5. What do Year Books contain?

6. Why are law reports and Year Books so important?

7. What is judge-made law and what two main types are judge-made laws divided into?

II. Read the part “Common Law” and say whether the following statements are true or false. Explain why.

1. William the Conqueror grasped England in 1066.

2. William’s Curia Regis set the foundations for the present day courts.

3. Kings delegated their work in the courts to others mainly because they found it unimportant.

4. An Assize was an early form of a special court held by an important judge travelling different parts of the country.

5. Judges travelling on Assize saw to it that national laws would apply to everyone everywhere.

6. The Common law was called like that because common people used to take part in making it.

7.The Common law, originally based upon the common customs of the country, has a reputation for sound common sense and justice.