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Задание № 8

James Dyson, millionaire inventor and successful British busnessman, has surprised his country by deciding to move production to the Far East.

The 54-year-old design engineer is well-known for his invention of a powerful vacuum cleaner that operates without a bag. Dyson spent 15 years trying to persuade the banks to support his ideas and enable him to set up production of the new vacuum cleaners. Now, after six years in business, his factory in a small town in the west of England produces 8,000 vacuum cleaners a day. Moving the main production facility to Malaysia will result in a loss of 800 jobs. Both the UK government and the unions have expressed their horror at the decision.

The company, which employs 1,800 people in total, said it had decided to move production because of the success of a plant it established in Malaysia two years ago. Labour costs at the Malaysian plant are only SI.50 an hour: in the UK they are £4.10 an hour. But the quality of the Malaysian cleaners is as high as the British-made ones.

A number of other companies have also moved production to lower cost countries in recent months. Many people fear for the future of British manufacturing if this trend continues.

Dyson believes the move will enable the company to cut production costs by 30 percent. He plans to put the savings into research and development in a drive to create new technology products for the future. The R&D department will continue to be based in Britain.

The company achieved sales of £220 million in 2000 and spends around 10 percent of turnover on new product development. Dyson described R&D as the 'heart and soul' of the business. He said the decision to cut back the UK workforce was a sad and difficult one.

1. James Dyson ...

a) has been in business for a long time.

b) started his business with his own money.

c) developed a new product.

d) has a factory in London.

2. Dyson's product...

a) is a new technology product.

b) sells only in Britain.

c) was first produced 15 years ago.

d) sells only in the Far East.

3. Dyson wants to move the production to Malaysia because...

a) his main markets are in the Far East.

b) production is cheaperthan in the UK.

c) he lives there.

d) many other British companies are based there.

4. Dyson's move will enable him to ...

a) keep some production in the UK.

b) have his R&D department in Malaysia.

c) put more money into R&D.

d) reduce the cost of R&D.

5. Dyson's decision has 'surprised his country'. That means the

British people...

a) think it is a good idea.

b) expected this decision.

c) didn't expect this decision.

d) don't think it will make a big difference to British


6. The company...

a) has a factory in Malaysia now.

b) has no experience of manufacturing in Malaysia.

c) tried to move to Malaysia two years ago but was not successful.

d) had a factory in Malaysia for two years, then closed it.

7. Dyson wants to spend more money on ...

a) research and development.

b) selling.

c) better production facilities.

d) his staff.

8. How much did Dyson spend on R&D in the year 2000?

a) £200,000

b) £2.2 million

c) £22 million

d) £220 million

9. How does Dyson feel about moving to Malaysia?

a) He's completely happy about it.

b) He is sorry that people will lose their jobs.

c) He isn't sure about the decision at the moment.

d) He wants to live in Malaysia.

10. Dyson says that R&D is the 'heart and soul' of the business. He


a) it is the most difficult part.

b) it is the most important part.

c) it is the most expensive part.

d) it is the most interesting part.

Задание № 9

Purpose of meeting: To discuss international marketing strategy and co-ordinate the marketing activities in different countries.

When? Thursday 4 April-Friday 5 April

Where? Conference Suite, Four Towers Hotel, Toronto, Canada

Practical information: Participants arrive Wednesday. Accommodation at Four Towers Hotel on Wednesday and Thursday nights.

Peterson Enterprises

285 West Road

Peterborough PT3 8JY

United Kingdom

Telephone +44 (0) 1733 003623

Facsimile +44 (0) 1733 001059



I am writing to invite you to a meeting……..

Please confirm that you will be able to attend.

Yours sincerely

International Marketing Manager

Задание № 10 1.С каждым днем становится все холоднее и холоднее. 2.Мы основали нашу фирму в 2000 году. 3. Штаб-квартира нашей фирмы находится в Москве. У нас так- же есть 2 филиала в Санкт-Петербурге. 4. Вечно он ворчит! 5. Пожалуйста, подтвердите Ваш заказ не позднее 20 мая.

Тест №8

Задание №1

1. availability of ..staff

2. low bank………..rates

3. ……..local economy

4. ………… rents in the area where you want to set up

5. …… incentives offered by the regional government

6. good……...links

  1. plant e) cheap

  2. skilled f) stable

  3. trade g) transport

  4. tax h) interest

Задание № 2

1. boost……….. a) a need

2. run………….. b) sales

3. meet………... c) goods

4. save………… d) a bonus

5. earn…………. e) a business

f) opportunities

g) time

Задание № 3

1. A credit card can no longer be used after the ...

a) latest date.

b) retirement date.

c) payment date.

d) expiry date.

2. If you return goods to the seller because you were dissatisfied with them, you get...

a) a retail

b) a refund

c) a discount

d) a revenue

  1. What do you say if you don't have a particular product available to


‘Sorry, we are…

a) out of stock.’

b) out of order.'

c) ex-warehouse.'

d) unreliable.'

4. If you want to leave your job, you usually have….. of

one to three months.

a) a leaving schedule

b) a notice period

c) time off

d) early retirement

5. Someone who enjoys meeting and talking to new people is...

a) outdoing.

b) outspoken.

c) outgoing.

d) outflowing.

6. All the people who work in a particular company or factory are

called ...

a) workmates.

b) working capital.

c) the working group.

d) the workforce.

7. When a company offers shares for sale on the stock exchange for the first time, we say it...

a) markets shares.

b) sells stock.

c) goes public.

d) sets up.

8. If you have tried to solve a problem without success for a longtime, but at last you find a way, you make...

a) a break-up.

b) a breakthrough.

c) a breakdown.

d) a break-out.

9. If you want to make sure that the environment is not harmed or damaged, you try to….. it.

a) exploit

b) enhance

c) extend

d) protect

10. If you have a business plan and you need money to develop your idea, you have to .….

a) make an investigation.

b) raise investment.

c) make an invention.

d) extend invitations.

Задание №4

1. I'd like you to meet my assistant, Gerald Dyke…..

2. How's business? ….

3. Would you like me to show you round?…..

4. Can I get you a drink?…..

5. Do you mind if I smoke? …..

а) We're doing very well at the moment.

b) Please go ahead.

c) Fine thanks. How are you?

d) Pleased to meet you.

e) Yes, I'd love to.

f) No thanks, not at the moment.

g) It's very kind of you, but I don't have much time. I have a train

to catch.

Задание № 5

Up, around, for, after, down, off, in, to, out

1. The sales staff invited us for dinner, but we had to turn…..the in-

vitation as our plane was leaving at 7 o'clock that evening.

2. The company entertained their new customers at a very expensive

hotel and ran…..an enormous bill.

3. The strike at the airport means that people from abroad can't get

here. So we've had to call…..the meeting.

4. You can use your credit card to pay…..the dinner.

5. The company restaurant doesn't offer very exciting food. I think

we should take our customers…..for a meal.

Задание № 6

As you can see in the chart, our share price (increase) 1)…..steadily between 1998 and 2000. But in the spring of 2000, it (begin) 2)….. to fall, and since then, the price (be) 3)…..in steep decline. There are several reasons for this. One is the global economy. As you know, world trade (grow) 4)…..rapidly in 1998 and 1999. But then (come) 5)…..a dramatic fall in share prices, particularly in the technology sector. As a result of this, we (see) 6)…..a big drop in investor confidence over the last few years.

Задание №7

Antonio Cortez:

Our visitors from Korea are coming at 9 a.m. on Thursday. As soon as they (arrive) 1)…….,I want you to get everyone together in Conference Room A. Katarina Fischer and I are going to be a bit late, so while you (wait) 2)…….for us, you can offer our guests some coffee and make them feel welcome. If they (want) 3)…….to start the meeting, just explain the problem. Please don't start discussing anything important until Katarina and I (get) 4)…….there. Now, I've arranged a tour of the factory, and it would be good if we can visit the new production facilities before we (go) 5)…....for lunch at 12.30. If we (be) 6)…….behind schedule, we can always postpone the factory tour until the afternoon. It wouldn't be a good idea to start the tour after midday. I think our guests would feel unhappy if they (have) 7)…….to rush. OK. Now what about the new brochures? Are they ready yet?

Pedro Mendes:

Well, no. I talked to Marketing this morning and they said that the brochures (be) 8)…….delayed. They asked me when we (want) 9)…….to have them, and I said that we (need) 10)…….to have them for Thursday morning.

Задание №8

In your letter, you can talk about:

  • a successful meeting

  • meeting Katarina Fischer and Pedro Mendes

  • an interesting tour of the factor

  • lunch

  • doing business in the future

155-8 Yeonhee-Dong, Seoul 120-100 Korea

Dear Antonio,

I am writing to thank you ...

Задание №9

How do you really make it happen? How do you raise the 1)…….? Is there anywhere you can go for help?

Chidi Ngwaba says funding a business yourself with savings is 'a bit like having a baby. I feel like we're living a dream.'

Their 2)……. was to open a place selling healthy fresh-cooked, vegetarian food. Neither Chidi nor his wife, Uchenna, has any experience of food, other than eating it. Their cash has stretched to employing a team of people to run their company, Plant, and they hope to have three more outlets by the end of the year. The Ngwabas believe they have no direct competition. 'I think it's something new,' Ms Ngwaba says confidently. If things don't work out, they'll sell their house and move in with their parents.

The need to feel safe and the fear of 3)…….can often stop people taking their first steps towards starting up a business. But according to Simon Woodroffe, founder of the restaurant chain YO! Sushi, it is the fear of not following your dream which moves people. It is better to

try and fail than never to have tried, he believes. When I ask himwhether now is a difficult time to start a business, Mr Woodroffe says: 'It's always the right time to 4)……. a business.' With YO! Sushi now quite stable, Mr Woodroffe is starting new ventures. YOTEL! and Body YO! are coming soon.

Similarly motivated is Mark Blandford, founder of online agency Sportingbet. Sportingbet went live in October 1998, with no customers and no turnover. Today he says: 'We're a profitable dot.com.' His expected 5)…….this year is £927 million.

And his advice for would-be entrepreneurs? 'Have a vision, spot a new niche and be I sufficiently convinced to go for it 100%.' It's not the advice a bank would offer. A banker's advice would centre more on researching your idea and on drawing up detailed business plans. You probably need both to get started.


a) dream c) money e) failure g) start b) customers d) turnover f) business


1. Chidi and Uchenna Ngwaba ...

a) borrowed money from the bank to fund their business.

b) already run three restaurants.

c) run Plant completely on their own.

d) are not afraid of competitors.

2. Simon Woodroffe...

a) owns a number of restaurants.

b) thinks that it is not a good time for starting a business now.

c) has a business which is not doing well.

d) does not plan to expand his business any more.

3. Mark Blandford ...

a) has a business with a turnover that exceeds £1 billion.

b) started without customers.

c) nearly went out of business in 1998.

d) offers the same advice that a banker would offer.

4. To 'have a vision' (last paragraph) means to ...

a) have good support.

b) have imagination and a clear purpose.

c) have good eyesight.

d) have good sense and be practical.

5. To 'spot a new niche' (last paragraph) means to ...

a) copy what other entrepreneurs are doing.

b) create a new product.

c) find a good location for your business.

d)see an opening in the market.

Задание № 10 1.С каждым днем становится все холоднее и холоднее. 2.Мы основали нашу фирму в 2000 году. 3. Штаб-квартира нашей фирмы находится в Москве. У нас так- же есть 2 филиала в Санкт-Петербурге. 4. Вечно он ворчит! 5. Пожалуйста, подтвердите Ваш заказ не позднее 20 мая.

Тест №9

Задание №1


plane train car airport truck

1. ambitious energetic enthusiastic experience smart

2. profit loss revenues growth earnings

3. hire resign dismiss retire sack

4. purchase deliver dispatch return warehouse

5. difficult poor unsatisfactory successful disappointing

Задание №2


send receive pay make an invoice

1. retain entertain look after give up customers

2. take up re-arrange stick to plan a schedule

3. meet miss catch keep within a deadline

4. prepare book keep within discuss the budget

5. implement increase lose forecast sales

Задание №3

  1. A short description of a typical customer likely to be interested in a particular product.

a) consumer profile b) consumer behaviour

c) consumer goods d) consumer definition

  1. An organisation's programme of advertising activities in order

to sell a product.

a) advertising figures b) advertising executive

c) advertising campaign d) advertising agency

3. A name or design that goes with a product or group of products so that they can be easily recognised by customers.

a) range b) brand c) launch d) niche

4. A group of products in a particular part of the market. a) market research b) market share

c) market survey d) market segment

5. The length of time during which a company expects to sell a

particular product before it has to replace it with a more up-to-date


a) product life cycle b) product range

c) product timetable d) product forecast

6. When someone loses their job in a company because the job is no longer needed.

a) strike action b) resignation

c) redundancy d) job insecurity

7. A large business organisation that consists of several different companies that have joined together.

a) a complex b) a conglomerate

c) a component d) a composition

8. Changing the way a company is organised or financed. a) re-assessing b) re-defining

c) re-building d) restructuring

9. A sudden, large growth in business or sales. a) boom b) bust c) launch d) rocket

10. To give a small additional amount of money to someone to thank

them for their service.

a) bill b) tip c) swap d)check

Задание №4

a) is ideal for f) weighs b) made of g) comes in c) is designed to h) another d) also has i) has several special features e) a very useful feature j) Let me tell you something about

1)……. our new laptop computer, the G11. This is a powerful little machine, and with 30 gigabytes of memory, it offers

tremendous capacity. It 2)……., including a built-in MP3 player

with excellent sound quality. It 3)……. a CD burner so that you can both download music and record it onto CD. The G11 4)…….travelling as it is extremely lightweight and 5)…….only 1600 grams. This lap-top 6)….. be used anywhere: at the airport, on the plane or in your hotel room. 7)…..is the infra-red port, which means that, in certain locations, you can connect to the Web without any wires. As a special offer, we are giving away a useful carrying case which is 8)……. best quality leather, and 9)…….several different colours 10)…….advantage is that it comes with the latest software already installed.

Задание № 5

'As you know, our company (grow) 1)….. rapidly at present. We (employ) 2)…….10 percent more staff than we did last year, and we (recruit) 3)…….more staff all the time. We also (produce) 4) ….. 150 machines per month - that's an increase of 15 percent since last year. We (develop) 5).……a new model of the Turbomaster at the moment, which we think will be a big success. We (know) 6).…..our markets well. Our customers (like) 7)…….our existing products, and we feet confident that they will like the improvements we have made in the new design. We (launch) 8) ……the new model next May, in time for the Munich Trade Fair.'

Задание № 6

Catherine (have) 1)…..a busy day at work yesterday. She (try) 2)…..all morning to negotiate a deal worth $90,000 with BAB, an important new customer. But the BAB buyer (demand) 3)…..immediate delivery. Catherine's company (not have) 4)…..enough goods in stock to meet the order so quickly. She (telephone) 5)…..to several different warehouses, but none of them (can) 6)…..supply the goods in time. Then, at 4 p.m.-just when Catherine (lose) 7)…..hope of getting the deal-her telephone (ring) 8)….. . It was John, one of her colleagues from the sales department. He (tell) 9)…..her that CCI, an existing customer, (have) 10)…..problems with the computer system in their warehouse, and they (want) 11)…..to postpone delivery of a big order scheduled for the next day. So Catherine was able to send the CCI delivery to BAB instead and close the deal! Catherine's manager (praise) 12)…..her for her hard work and creativity.

Задание №7

Antonio Cortez:

Our visitors from Korea are coming at 9 a.m. on Thursday. As soon as they (arrive) 1)…….,I want you to get everyone together in Conference Room A. Katarina Fischer and I are going to be a bit late, so while you (wait) 2)…….for us, you can offer our guests some coffee and make them feel welcome. If they (want) 3)…….to start the meeting, just explain the problem. Please don't start discussing anything important until Katarina and I (get) 4)…….there. Now, I've arranged a tour of the factory, and it would be good if we can visit the new production facilities before we (go) 5)…....for lunch at 12.30. If we (be) 6)…….behind schedule, we can always postpone the factory tour until the afternoon. It wouldn't be a good idea to start the tour after midday. I think our guests would feel unhappy if they (have) 7)…….to rush. OK. Now what about the new brochures? Are they ready yet?

Pedro Mendes:

Well, no. I talked to Marketing this morning and they said that the brochures (be) 8)…….delayed. They asked me when we (want) 9)…….to have them, and I said that we (need) 10)…….to have them for Thursday morning.

Задание №8

In your letter, you can talk about:

  • a successful meeting

  • meeting Katarina Fischer and Pedro Mendes

  • an interesting tour of the factor

  • lunch

  • doing business in the future

155-8 Yeonhee-Dong, Seoul 120-100 Korea

Dear Antonio,

I am writing to thank you ...

Задание № 9

Purpose of meeting: To discuss international marketing strategy and co-ordinate the marketing activities in different countries.

When? Thursday 4 April-Friday 5 April

Where? Conference Suite, Four Towers Hotel, Toronto, Canada

Practical information: Participants arrive Wednesday. Accommodation at Four Towers Hotel on Wednesday and Thursday nights.

Peterson Enterprises

285 West Road

Peterborough PT3 8JY

United Kingdom

Telephone +44 (0) 1733 003623

Facsimile +44 (0) 1733 001059



I am writing to invite you to a meeting……..

Please confirm that you will be able to attend.

Yours sincerely

International Marketing Manager

Задание №10

1. В данный момент мы проводим переговоры по поводу подписания контракта о сотрудничестве с зарубежными партнерами. 2. Сколько времени Ваша компания выпускает данный образец? 3. Урок английского языка начинается в 12.35. 4. Подвезти тебя до института? 5. Одна из дочерних фирм нашей кампании находится в Австрии.

Тест №10

Задание №1

Пример: plane train car airport truck

1. accountant solicitor stockbroker workaholic advertising

executive 2. wages bonus promotion pay salary 3. worry pressure stress flexitime rate race 4. boiled bottled fried baked grilled

5. people product promotion price place

Задание № 2

1. boost……….. a) a need

2. run………….. b) sales

3. meet………... c) goods

4. save………… d) a bonus

5. earn…………. e) a business

f) opportunities

g) time

Задание № 3

  1. A credit card can no longer be used after the ...

a) latest date.

b) retirement date.

c) payment date.

d) expiry date.

  1. If you return goods to the seller because you were dissatisfied with them, you get...

a) a retail

b) a refund

c) a discount

d) a revenue

  1. What do you say if you don't have a particular product available to sell?

'Sorry, we are...

a) out of stock.'

b) out of order.'

c) ex-warehouse.'

d) unreliable.'

  1. If you want to leave your job, you usually have….. of

one to three months.

a) a leaving schedule

b) a notice period

c) time off

d) early retirement

  1. Someone who enjoys meeting and talking to new people is...

a) outdoing.

b) outspoken.

c) outgoing.

d) outflowing.

  1. All the people who work in a particular company or factory are

called ...

a) workmates.

b) working capital.

c) the working group.

d) the workforce.

7. When a company offers shares for sale on the stock exchange for the first time, we say it...

a) markets shares.

b) sells stock.

c) goes public.

d) sets up.

8. If you have tried to solve a problem without success for a longtime, but at last you find a way, you make...

a) a break-up.

b) a breakthrough.

c) a breakdown.

d) a break-out.

9. If you want to make sure that the environment is not harmed or damaged, you try to….. it.

a) exploit

b) enhance

c) extend

d) protect

10. If you have a business plan and you need money to develop your idea, you have to .….

a) make an investigation.

b) raise investment.

c) make an invention.

d) extend invitations.

Задание № 4

  1. You make a phone call to Pat King. Her secretary answers.

You say:

a) I want to speak to Pat King.

b) Pat King, please.

c) I'd like to speak to Pat King, please.

d) I can't get through to Pat King.

  1. On the phone, the caller says something you didn't understand.

You say:

a) Sorry, I didn't catch that.

b) You're not speaking clearly.

c) I don't understand.

d) What?

  1. You answer the phone in your office. The caller wants to speak to your colleague, who isn't in the office today.

You say:

a) She's not here.

b) Sorry. She can't talk to you today.

c) You can't speak to her. You can speak to me.

d) I'm afraid she isn't in today. Can I take a message?

  1. You are the seller in a negotiation. The buyer needs the goods next week, but your delivery time is ten days.

You say:

a) No-that's too difficult.

b) That's impossible. Our delivery time is ten days.

c) Next week!!

d) I'm afraid we can't deliver next week, but we could deliver in ten


  1. In a meeting about a project, someone says: 'I think we should

cancel the project.'

You disagree:

a) You are wrong!

b) I disagree completely - that's a stupid idea.

c)But this is an important project for us, and it's going to make a lot of money!

d)You're crazy!

Задание № 5

Up, around, for, after, down, off, in, to, out

  1. The sales staff invited us for dinner, but we had to turn…..the in-

vitation as our plane was leaving at 7 o'clock that evening.

  1. The company entertained their new customers at a very expensive

hotel and ran…..an enormous bill.

  1. The strike at the airport means that people from abroad can't get

here. So we've had to call…..the meeting.

  1. You can use your credit card to pay…..the dinner.

  2. The company restaurant doesn't offer very exciting food. I think

we should take our customers…..for a meal.

Задание № 6

Catherine (have) 1)…..a busy day at work yesterday. She (try) 2)…..all morning to negotiate a deal worth $90,000 with BAB, an important new customer. But the BAB buyer (demand) 3)…..immediate delivery. Catherine's company (not have) 4)…..enough goods in stock to meet the order so quickly. She (telephone) 5)…..to several different warehouses, but none of them (can) 6)…..supply the goods in time. Then, at 4 p.m.-just when Catherine (lose) 7)…..hope of getting the deal-her telephone (ring) 8)….. . It was John, one of her colleagues from the sales department. He (tell) 9)…..her that CCI, an existing customer, (have) 10)…..problems with the computer system in their warehouse, and they (want) 11)…..to postpone delivery of a big order scheduled for the next day. So Catherine was able to send the CCI delivery to BAB instead and close the deal! Catherine's manager (praise) 12)…..her for her hard work and creativity.

Задание №7

Antonio Cortez:

Our visitors from Korea are coming at 9 a.m. on Thursday. As soon as they (arrive) 1)…….,I want you to get everyone together in Conference Room A. Katarina Fischer and I are going to be a bit late, so while you (wait) 2)…….for us, you can offer our guests some coffee and make them feel welcome. If they (want) 3)…….to start the meeting, just explain the problem. Please don't start discussing anything important until Katarina and I (get) 4)…….there. Now, I've arranged a tour of the factory, and it would be good if we can visit the new production facilities before we (go) 5)…....for lunch at 12.30. If we (be) 6)…….behind schedule, we can always postpone the factory tour until the afternoon. It wouldn't be a good idea to start the tour after midday. I think our guests would feel unhappy if they (have) 7)…….to rush. OK. Now what about the new brochures? Are they ready yet?

Pedro Mendes:

Well, no. I talked to Marketing this morning and they said that the brochures (be) 8)…….delayed. They asked me when we (want) 9)…….to have them, and I said that we (need) 10)…….to have them for Thursday morning.

Задание №8

In your letter, you can talk about:

  • a successful meeting

  • meeting Katarina Fischer and Pedro Mendes

  • an interesting tour of the factor

  • lunch

  • doing business in the future

155-8 Yeonhee-Dong, Seoul 120-100 Korea

Dear Antonio,

I am writing to thank you ...

Задание № 9

Purpose of meeting: To discuss international marketing strategy and co-ordinate the marketing activities in different countries.

When? Thursday 4 April-Friday 5 April

Where? Conference Suite, Four Towers Hotel, Toronto, Canada

Practical information: Participants arrive Wednesday. Accommodation at Four Towers Hotel on Wednesday and Thursday nights.

Peterson Enterprises

285 West Road

Peterborough PT3 8JY

United Kingdom

Telephone +44 (0) 1733 003623

Facsimile +44 (0) 1733 001059



I am writing to invite you to a meeting……..

Please confirm that you will be able to attend.

Yours sincerely

International Marketing Manager

Задание №10

1. Когда Вы начинаете изучать английский, он кажется Вам зна- чительнее проще других иностранных языков. 2.Кто-то украл мою машину! 3. Один год назад в производство был запущен новый заказ. 4. Мы ведем дела с английскими, немецкими, австрийскими, голландскими и датскими кампаниями. 5. Штаб-квартира нашей фирмы находится в Москве. Также у нас есть 2 филиала и 3 дочерние кампании в Санкт-Петербурге.

5. Требования к объему, оформлению и срокам

выполнения контрольных работ

Срок сдачи контрольной работы - не позднее 30 дней до начала сессии, оформление возможно в машинописном и рукописном варианте. Образец оформления титульного листа представлен в Приложении Б.

В работе обязательно должна быть проставлена нумерация страниц, в конце работы указан список использованной литературы, указана дата выполнения работы и проставлена личная подпись студента.

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]