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STUDENT LIFE 11.08.doc
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2. Answer the following questions:

1. Say a few words about your university. What it is called? Speak about the faculty you entered and about its specialization.

2. Would you compare college life with a merry-go-round or with some­thing else?

3. What do you think of the first months at the university?

4. How is college life different from school life?

3. Find words denoting:

  • a short piece of writing on one particular subject that is written by a student;

  • a class, usually at college or university, where the teacher and the students discuss a particular topic or subject;

  • a long essay that a student does as part of a degree;

  • financial aid that the government gives to an individual or to an organisation for a particular purpose such as educa­tion, welfare, home, improvements;

  • a student at a university or college who has not yet taken his or her first degree;

  • a person who has a first degree from a university and who is doing research at a more advanced level;

  • someone who has left school or college before they have finished their studies;

  • a long piece of written research done for a higher university degree, especially a PhD';

  • money given to a student to help pay for the cost of his or her education;

  • a regular meeting in which a tutor and a small group of stu­dents discuss a subject as part of the students' course of study.

4. Translate into English:

Получать стипендию; студенческое общежитие; страсть к чтению; читать за едой; делать пометки; придер­живаться чего-либо; семинар; немедленные результаты; тема дипломной работы; учиться в аспирантуре; последо­вать совету кого-либо; выиграть стипендию; работать над диссертацией; иметь значение для кого-либо; признавать; по образованию; не ложиться спать целую ночь; погло­щать (знания, информацию); достойный подражания.

5. Complete the sentences choosing the appropriate word or phrase from the list. Change their form if necessary:

To have no worries about something; in one's own eyes; a hall of residence; read through one's meals; to adhere to some­thing; to be at one with somebody; to go out; to make friends; to find one's way to somebody.; to get rid of something; to need somebody's company; beside the point; to be on one's guard; on three counts; no end to something; the concern of somebody.

  1. A communicative person ... with other people very quickly and feels at ease in any company.

  2. It is important ... a definite style when choosing clothes; otherwise one risks looking strange.

  3. Police ask people ... when strangers approach them, try to make contact with them or ask favours of them.

  4. Sharing a room with other people, one has ... all bad habits: smoking, scattering things here and there, coming late.

  5. Having passed the exam, she grew ... . The exam was very difficult and being through with it meant success.

  6. The teacher tried ... a little boy in primary school; she spoke with him, made him speak and play too, but he remained aloof and constrained.

  1. The child seemed not ... ; he liked to stay all by himself, with no companions to play with.

  2. Most British students live either in ... or share flats with other students.

  3. In the evening most British students .... They go to pubs, discos or just walk around with their friends.

  1. Doctors do not recommend ... . It may lead to indigestion.

  2. The athlete's physical power was almost.... It was his men­tal discipline that really made him a champion.

  3. There was ... her friend's advice: she always had new ideas and poured them out incessantly.

  4. Her success rested ... : she was President of Students' Soci­ety, she had only excellent marks and she won a scholar­ship from the British Council.

  5. Hurrying up to the university in the morning, she ... all the rest of the students: she was an integral part of this moving mass.

  6. His constant failures soon became ... every lecturer. No­body knew what to do in a situation like this.

  7. She ... domestic chores: her mother and grandmother did everything in the house.

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