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to execute to fade

to frame to glorify to grip

to penetrate to portray

to produce impression to radiate

to render, represent to restore

to treat tone treatment

subtle / gaudy colouring

to combine form and colour into harmonious unity

muted in colour delicacy of tones may be lost in a reproduction


WORD / PHRASE second-rate overrated revolting unremarkable pathetic

crude sketchy poor astonishing remarkable superb brilliant great outstanding




прославлять захватывать внимание проникать, пронизывать изображать

производить впечатление излучать изображать восстанавливать трактовать тон трактовка

нежные / кричащие цвета гармонично сочетать

приглушенные цвета утонченность цветов может быть утеряна в репродукции.

ПЕРЕВОД второсортный, посредственный;

переоцененный, перехваленный; отвратительный; невыдающийся, обыкновенный, жалкий, убогий, ничтожный;

сырой, черновой, предварительный; эскизный жалкий, ничтожный, низкого качества;

удивительный, изумительный; замечательный, удивительный, выдающийся; великолепный, грандиозный, превосходный; блестящий, выдающийся; замечательный, великолепный; выдающийся.

Общие слова и словосочетания







штрих, мазок, черта;


мазок, пятно краски; покрывать краской

to dab off

снимать легкими мазками;




штрих, черта, мазок; слегка окрашивать,

finishing touches

последние штрихи, мазки;

to touch up

класть последние штрихи, мазки;


линия, черта, штрих;


пятно неправильной формы;

blob, speck of paint

капля, пятно краски;

coat of paint

слой краски;

to apply a second coat of paint наносить второй слой краски;

splash of paint

пятно краски;

to break the paint

размешивать краску;

paint spattered

забрызганный краской;




живописный, относящийся к живописи;



to produce an impression (on) производить впечатление;


живописный, изобразительный;


живописный, колоритный;



subject (genre, historical,

тема, сюжет в живописи (жанровый,

marine, pastoral etc.)

исторический, морской, пасторальный



true to life

реалистический, жизненно правдивый,


обнаженное тело


поза; позировать художнику;

to pose naked

позировать в обнаженном виде;

to pose sitting (standing)

позировать сидя (стоя);

out of the way

необыкновенный, необычный, незаурядный;

the picture is nothing

в этой картине нет ничего особенного;

out of the way


to pose for a painter

позировать художнику;


to sit

позировать художнику;

to stand for

позировать художнику;




тот, кто позирует художнику; натурщик;


профиль, контур; рисовать в профиль;


модель, шаблон,; натурщик, натурщица.

to execute

выполнять, исполнять;


мастерство исполнения;



квалификация, мастерство;

to express



выразительность, экспрессия;

to render

воспроизводить, изображать, передовать;


передача, изображение;





to convey

передавать, выражать (идею и т.п.);

to heighten

усиливать интенсивность краски,

to retouch

делать поправки (о картине);

to scrape (out)

стереть уже написанную часть картины;

paint in true colours

изображать правдиво

to paint from life

писать с натуры;

to draw from nature

рисовать с натуры;

to load

класть густо краску;

to prime

грунтовать холст;

to varnish

лакировать, покрывать лаком.


Дрогобицький державний педагогічний університет ім. І. Франка



Drohobych, 2010



Образотворче мистецтво/ О. Коляса, О. Дубицька. – Дрогобич: Вимір, 2010. 64с. Видання 3-тє, доповнене та перероблене.

Навчальний посібник "Образотворче мистецтво" написано відповідно до програми дисципліни "Практика усного і писемного мовлення" для підготовки фахівців освітньо-кваліфікаційного рівня "Бакалавр" спеціальності "Англійська мова та література. У ньому вміщені розмовні теми про відомих світових митців доби Ренесансу та художників сучасності. До тем підібраний словник та подана низка вправ для засвоєння лексики.

Бібліографія 12 назв.

Рекомендовано до друку Вченою радою Дрогобицького державного педагогічного університету імені Івана Франка (протокол № 5 від 12 червня 2004р.)

Рецензенти: Бялик В.Д., кандидат філологічних наук, доцент кафедри англійської мови Чернівецького національного університету ім. Ю. Федьковича; Кушина Н.І., кандидат філологічних наук, доцент кафедри практики

англійської мови Дрогобицького державного педагогічного університету ім. І. Франка.




2.How to appreciate paintings

The Still Life The Landscape The Portrait

3.Trends in Art

4.Religious Painting

5.Artists of the High Renaissance

a)Leonardo da Vinci


c)Michelangelo Buanarotti



f)Pablo Picasso

6.British Painting and Painters

a)William Hogarth

b)Joshua Reynolds

c)Thomas Gainsborough

d)John Constable

e)William Turner

7.Modern Art

Pablo Picasso

8.Artists in America

7.Ukrainian Painting

8.World Greatest Art Galleries and Museums




12.Describing Paintings. Exercises.

13.Stories about Painting and Painters.



Trends in art: classicism, realism, romanticism, expressionism, impressionism, abstractionism, cubism, suprematism, fantasy art, surrealism.

Types of paintings:

an oil painting, a water-colour painting, a pastel painting, a graphic/ black & white / picture ; a sketch / a study ; a fresco (mural) painting;

a portrait; a self-portrait; a family portrait; a ceremonial portrait; an intimate portrait; a full-length portrait; a shoulder-length portrait; a half-length portrait; a life-sized portrait; a landscape; a seascape; a marine painting; a cityscape; a genre painting; a historical painting; a battle piece, a still life, a flower piece; a riverpiece; an icon;

a coloured reproduction; a reproduction in black and white.

Painters and their craft:

a fashionable (self-taught) mature artist; an amateur artist; an anonymous painter;

a portrait painter / a portraitist;

a landscape painter / a landscapist; a flagstone (pavement) artist;

an icon painter;

to paint mythological subjects; to paint literary subjects;

to paint religious subjects;

to paint from nature (memory, imagination); to specialize in portraiture, etc;

to portray people and their emotions;

to depict a person (a scene of common life, etc); to depict the mood of nature (the sea, etc) ;

to reveal the person’s nature; to capture the sitter’s vitality;

to develop one’s own style of painting; to acquire skill (experience);

to have a keen eye for beauty;

to depict the scenery of one’s country; to make a preliminary sketch;

to add some finishing strokes;

to conform to the taste of the time; to break with the tradition;

to be in advance of one’s time; to expose the dark sides of life;


to paint people with moving sincerity; to die forgotten and penniless;

to become famous overnight.


in the foreground of the picture; in the background of the picture; in the top left-hand corner;

in the bottom right-hand corner;

to arrange objects symmetrically / asymmetrically; to be painted against the background of …

to arrange in a pyramid;

to divide the picture space diagonally; to paint smb. in profile / in full face;

to define the figures in the foreground more sharply; to emphasize contours purposely;

to distort figures;

to resort to exaggeration;

to lay emphasis on the simplicity / on the elegance of … to convey a sense of space;

to place the figures against the landscape background; to blend with the landscape;

to choose models for one’s portraits; to indicate the sitter’s profession;

to be represented sitting ( standing, talking etc.); to sit for a portrait;


to combine form & colour into harmonious unity; subtle colouring;

gaudy colouring;

a brilliant colour-scheme;

a low-keyed colour-scheme; colour-scheme where blue predominates; cool & restful colours;

hot & agitated colours; soft & delicate colours;

harsh & oppressive colours;

the delicacy of colours may be lost in a reproduction; different tints / hues / shades of red, etc;

to paint with delicate brush strokes;

Impression. Judgement:


a masterpiece;

an unsurpassed masterpiece; an exquisite piece of painting;

to leave a deep & lasting impression on a person;

Pictures may be:

moving; lyrical; romantic; original; fascinating; poetic in atmosphere; distinguished by a marvellous sense of colour & composition;

dull; crude; chaotic; gaudy; depressing; cheap & vulgar; a colourless daub of paint; obscure & unintelligible.


The beauty of a work of art has to be felt. One needs the ability to penetrate and share the vision of the artists. Lacking such ability, one may develop it. Is it impossible then to learn how to look at and appreciate paintings? Certainly not. No art critic, connoisseur or collector would dare to say he was born with a developed sensitivity.

The best way to gain better understanding and greater enjoyment of art is to view many paintings, looking at them thoughtfully and earnestly. Great works of art seem to look different every time one stands before them.

Sir Joshua Reynolds, an outstanding British portraitist, says that a relish for the higher excellency of art is an acquired taste, which no man ever possessed without long cultivation and great labour and attention. Let it be always remembered that the excellency of one's style is not on the surface, but lies deep, and at the first view is seen but mistly. It is the florid style which strikes at once, and captivates the eye. Painting does not differ in this respect from other arts. A just poetical taste and the acquisition of a nice discriminative musical ear are equally the work of time.

So to penetrate into and share the vision of the artist one must acquire taste by slow and imperceptible degrees.


The Fine Arts include painting, drawing, sculpture and architecture. The art of painting covers a variety of activities usually distinguished by their techniques. The main ones are fresco (mural or monumental) painting, easel painting and illumination.

Easel painting includes such genres (or varieties) as:

portrait painting or portraiture (a ceremonial, intimate, group or family portrait, a self-portrait, a shoulder-, half-, knee-, full-length portrait, etc.);

landscape painting (seascape painting or marine, town (city)-scape or urban (street) scene, rural, rustic or country landscape, woodland scene, riverside scene, etc.);

still life painting (a flower piece, etc.);

genre painting (a conversational piece, an everyday folk scene);

historical painting, the painting of battle scenes, animal painting, poster painting, cartoon painting, miniature, icon painting.

A painter can paint in water-colours, in oils, etc., or draw in pencil, in pen, in ink, in crayon or in chalk as well as in charcoal, in pastel, in sanguine; he can paint from nature (life), i.e. in the open air or in the studio (atelier).


A still life is a painting that is without people. In French a still life is called a "nature morte", a "dead nature", which is a strange name to use to describe Nature, which is by definition, "living". The term only dates from the middle of the 18th century in France, before that they were called "resting nature" or "motionless objects". The English name "still life" is derived from the Dutch "stilleven", or "motionless life". But "still" has another meaning, "silent", and this seems more appropriate to describe the bouquets of flowers, piles of fruits, haunches of venison and the full array of the huntsman's bag that constitute a still life painting. Still life appeared in religious art of the 15th century, as in the "the Annunciation" by Roger van der Weyden, painted in 1435. Like all the Flemish painters, he paid much attention to the details in his paintings: the open book, the ewer on the cabinet, the oranges on


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