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ИздательствоБашкирский государственный педагогический университет им.М. АкмуллыISBNГод2002Страниц24. Методическая разработка к аудиороману Ребекка.pdf
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The Real Rebecca

Rebecca's adulterous behavior

Maxim confronts Rebecca

I Pre-Listening Activities

Read and find the meanings of the following words and word

combinations in the dictionary.



pent up hatred a bad bout

hearty jovial manner haggard

jerky sentences

the property is entailed

to play leapfrog smug locals

blasted tenants

to be in the lee, under the cover of the headland ridge

to blunder

plank spike


IIListening Activities

1.Find a word, a word combination or a sentence which has the similar meaning

1.15 unbearable, awful days

1.2The place was wild, lovely with a beauty of its own but needed urgently skill and care and money.

1.3“We had a disgusting scene.”

1.4“He began to come here regularly.”

1.5“He had a bad filthy reputation.”

1.6“I knew that I wouldn’t bear that filthy life any longer.”

2.Complete the sentences.

2.1They never knew how she…

2.2I wanted him to go on talking like this…

2.3I accused Rebecca of this.

2.4“If I had a child, Max, she said… III PostListening Activities

Speak on

1.Shabby sordid farce Rebecca played before friends and relations.

2.Rebecca began to grow careless.

3.Comment on the narrator’s words “ I wondered how many people there were in the world who suffered and continued to suffer because they couldn’t break out of their own way of


shyness and reserve and in the blindness and folly built up a great distorted wall in front of them that hit the truth.”

4.The last conversation between Max and Rebecca. Max is forced to kill her.



An inquest is held

I Pre-Listening Activities

Read and find the meaning of the following words and word combinations in the dictionary.

Crypt to heel over (about a boat) in the pit of the stomach coroner planking scuttle

IIListening Activities

1.Find a word, a word combination or a sentence which has the similar meaning

1.1“She can’t prove anything.”

1.2“They’ll think that the boat turned over into the water and sank when she was in the cabin.”

1.3“I rebuilt Mrs. De Winter’s little boat.”

1.4“Was the boat in a good state to sail?”

2.Complete the sentences.

2.1That evening when Frith brought in the local paper…

2.2“So, all I want to know is…”

2.3When I examined the boat yesterday…

III PostListening Activities

Speak on

1.New-found strength and cunning of the narrator.

2.An inquest into Rebecca’s death is held. Evidence of Mr. Tabb, a boat-builder.



Conflicting Evidence

Suicide or murder?

Mrs. Danvers delivers a surprise

I Pre-Listening Activities

Read and find the meaning of the following words and word combinations in the dictionary.

To lay one’s cards on the table exchange (about telephoning) to play for time.

IIListening Activities

1.Find a word, a word combination or a sentence which has the similar meaning

1.1“Julyan is on his way.”

1.2“You can produce no evidence at all.”

1.3“Then you know nothing of her wishes and plans.”

1.4“Can you tell me anything about the matter?”

2.Complete the sentences.

2.1“Mrs. Danvers, can you think of any reason…

2.2He looked at me for the first time that evening…

III PostListening Activities

Speak on

1.Mr. Favell tries to blackmail Max.

2.The investigation of Rebecca’s death goes on.

3.Mrs. Danvers is summoned



Rebecca’s Revenge

Doctor Baker’s evidence

The final pieces fall in place

I Pre-Listening Activities

Read and find the meanings of the following words and word combinations in the dictionary.

A strange incongruous party back premises (of the house) confessional malformation of uterus bluff

IIListening Activities

1.Find a word, a word combination or a sentence which has the similar meaning

1.1“You must think this is a very strange visit, Dr. Baker.”

1.2“I apologize a lot for disturbing you like this.”

1.3“I’ve never treated a Mrs. de Winter in my life.”

1.4“An operation would have been no use at all.”

1.5“Baker’s evidence will destroy it.”

1.6“He thinks Mrs. Danvers has left.”

2.Complete the sentences.

2.1“We do feel her appointment with you…”

2.2“The pain was slight as yet…”

2.3“If she has gone…”

III PostListening Activities

Speak on

1.Doctor Baker’s evidence.

2.Rebecca’s revengeful nature.

3.Manderley is on fire.


Topics for Final Discussion (or Home Composition)

1.“Rebecca” is a masterpiece of mystery, intrigue and suspense.

2. Female characters in the novel. Sharp contrast between the narrator and Rebecca. The narrator’s struggle for Rebecca’s place.

3.Maximilian de Winter as the perfect English gentleman

4.Manderley as a major character of the novel.

5.The highest moments of tension in the novel.

6.Supporting characters of the novel.


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