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ИздательствоБашкирский государственный педагогический университет им.М. АкмуллыISBNГод2002Страниц24. Методическая разработка к аудиороману Ребекка.pdf
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3.3 “You’ve blotted out the past for me far more effectively than all the bright lights of Monte-Carlo.”

III PostListening Activities

Speak on

1.The narrator in the beginning. Background, appearance, character.

2.Mrs. Van Hopper. Background, character, manners. Why does the narrator call her “a snob” ?

3.Maximilian de Winter. Background, character, manners. Comment on his words “An empty house may be as lonely as a full hotel.”

4.The narrator and Max de Winter. First meeting. Close acquaintance. New-born love.

5.Proposal of marriage. What did Max de Winter think of the narrator’s idea of proposal? How did he implement this idea? What reaction did the narrator show?


The Housekeeper

Reception at Manderley

Mrs. Danvers shows her disapproval

I Pre-Listening Activities

Read and find the meanings of the words and word combinations in the dictionary.

Gaunt parchment white alteration to give full marks overbearing to speak one’s mind to say something humbly a scrolling pointed hand palpable

IIListening Activities

1.Find a word, a word combination or a sentence which has the similar meaning

1.1I cannot remember her words now but I know she gave me welcome to Manderley.

1.2“I suppose, you have been at Manderley for many years”, I said making another effort.


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