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The Gerund

The Gerund is a non-finite form of the verb combining features of the verb and those of the noun.

There are four forms of the Gerund:

Forms of the Gerund





being written


having written

having been written

The gerund has verbal features because it has tense and voice forms, can take a direct object (e.g. writing a letter) and be modified by an adverb (e.g. writing slowly).

The gerund has also nominal (noun) features. It can be used with the preposition (e.g. by writing, after writing, before writing). Its syntactic features strongly remind as those of the noun, because the gerund can be the subject and the object in the sentence.

Like the noun the gerund can be modified by a possessive pronoun or a noun in the possessive case.

But the relations between the noun and the modifying pronoun or noun in the possessive case are attributive while the relations between the gerund and the modifying pronoun or noun in the possessive case are predicative.

So, in the sentence “His reading has considerably improved” the possessive pronoun “his” is an attribute to the verbal noun “reading”. But in the sentence “His reading this passage was a mistake” the possessive pronoun “his” plays the role of a secondary subject to the gerund “reading”.

Exercise 1. Open the brackets, using the appropriate form of the gerund:

1. Are you used (to speak to) like that by your employer?

2. I have come to apologise (to cause) all that trouble.

3. She insisted on (to treat) like a grown woman.

4. How can I thank you enough for (to come) to my rescue?

5. He is not exactly grateful for (to put) in his place.

6. She suspects me of (to read) her diary.

7. Who is responsible for (to keep) the place in order?

8. He was accused of repeatedly (to sell) information to rival firms.

9. I have been thinking of (to try) my hand at it myself.

Syntactical functions of the Gerund

The sentence patterns below show the use of the Gerund in its different syntactical functions.

  1. The Subject





no use


no good

doing smth

E.g. There is no use crying. It was no good objecting.





no doing smth

There is no hiding these facts. There was no going back.


doing smth

does smth

do smth

will do smth

would do smth

Reading love stories made her cry. Crying will do you no good.

Exercise 2. Translate into English. Use patterns A, B, C:

1. Коли вона в такому настрої, з нею не поговориш. 2. Нема користі розмовляти з нею тепер. 3. Тепер їх не зупиниш. 4. Весною цю річку не перейдеш. 5. Розмовами справі не поможеш. 6. Не було чого йти туди так пізно. 7. Слухати музику було її єдиним задоволенням. 8. Це неможливо було заперечити.

  1. The Predicative


The main thing

Smb’s wish





doing smth

The main thing is getting there in time.


to feel like (up to)

to be for / against

doing smth

I don’t feel like walking. Are you for or against staying here?

Exercise 3. Translate into English. Use patterns A, B:

1. Мені не хочеться про це говорити. 2. Твоїм завданням буде водити дітей на прогулянку. 3. Він був проти того, щоб залишитися на ніч в лісі. 4. Чому ти проти того, щоб продовжувати досліди? 5. Якщо тобі хотілося піти, чому ти не пішов? 6. Мама була за те, щоб купити цю книгу. 7. Хто за те, що зробити це сьогодні? 8. Нікому не хотілося розповідати їй про це. 9. Головне було скласти екзамен. 10. Моєю роботою було навчити їх англійської мови.

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