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5. Answer the questions:

    1. When and where was the opening of the VSAA?

    2. When was the Institute reorganized?

    3. How many faculties are there at the Academy?

    4. When was the 7th faculty opened?

    5. How many divisions does the Academy have?

    6. What do you know about the pedagogical staff?

    7. What does the Academy include nowadays?

    8. What do you know about the traditions in the VSAA?

  1. Translate the sentences into English.

  1. В нашем институте 9 факультетов.

  2. Численность студентов была более 5 тысяч человек.

  3. Мы нашли необходимые средства для поездки.

  4. В нашем институте есть студенты очного и заочного отделений.

  5. Он учился в средне - профессиональном заведении.

  6. В нашем институте есть научно - исследовательский комплекс, лаборатория, типография, библиотека, столовая и другие подразделения.

7. What do we call:

The mashine that records voice; the students that study by correspondence; the students of the day (evening) departments; all the professors, lectures and assistants of an institute; a course of study in a university; students who have just started studying at a university; the documents where the examiners register a student’s marks.

8. Put the following statements into a natural context (a situation or a short dialogue)

  1. Kate will catch up with the group. 2. I’ve already bought a dictionary for Kate. There is no need for her to buy one. 3. I’ve looked through these articles. There is no need for you to do it.

Make up a short summary of the text (20-25 sentences).

9. Read and translate the dialogue.

The students are in the lecture hall

P: Excuse me, may I take this seat next to yours?

A: Yes, it is still free.

P: Thank you. I am lucky to get a seat in the front row.

A: We are both lucky. This is our first lecture at the University.

P: Yes… Oh! Where is my pen? I’m afraid I haven’t got a pen today.

A: Take my pen.

P: Thank you. I must write down the time-table for today.

A: Why only for today?

P: I may write the time-table for the rest of the week tomorrow. I mustn’t use your pen too long. You may need it yourself.

A: Oh, never mind. I have another pen. You may keep that pen as long as you like.

P: Thanks a lot.

A: What’s your name, by the way?

P: My name is Paul. And yours?

A: I’m Andrew. I’m from Tula.

P: Are you? And I’m a native of Moscow.

A: Your family are here in Moscow, aren’t they?

P: Yes, they all are here: father, mother, two brothers and my younger sister. We are a big family.

A: What’s your father’s profession? Is he a teacher?

P: Yes, you are right. He is a teacher of English. That’s one of the reason I’m here. Ours is a dynasty of teachers, that’s why I’m going to be a teacher too.

A: And my family are all village people. They are state farmers.

P: So you are the first in the family to start a dynasty of teachers, aren’t you?

A: Yes, languages are not only my hobby but a very serious interest in life. I can read two foreign languages, English and German.

P: That’s great! Can you speak these languages?

A: Not yet. I can speak only English a little.

P: Look! The lecturer is coming.

A: It’s a memorable event! The first lecture at the University.

P: Yes, isn’t it wonderful! We are university students at last.