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11. British and American Culture-Specific Lexical Items Compared

BrE AmE Russian equivalent

access /ˈæk.ses/ [U] n. OALD, 8th ed., visitation [U] the right of a parent НБАРС visitation

2 the opportunity or right to use sth who is divorced or separated from 1 2) юр. право посещения

or to see sb/sth: Many divorced his or her partner to visit a child (ребёнка, оставленного

fathers only have access to their who is living with the partner: судом у одного из супругов)

children at weekends (= they are She is seeking more liberal

allowed by law to see them only visitation with her daughter.

at weekends)

N. Schur. British English, A to Zed: Term used in matrimonial law

referring to the right of the parent without custody (custody OALD, 8th ed.:

the legal right or duty to take care of the child or children) to visit the children of the

marriage. Staying access means ‘temporary custody’, as when the party

with visitation rights is authorized to have the minor child (the child who is

under the age at which you legally become an adult and are responsible for your actions)

stay with him or her for limited periods, e.g., during every other weekend

or on certain holidays.

accomodation 1 [U] n. (BrE) a place accomodations 2 ~ [pl.] (AmE) НБАРС 2. 1) amer. часто pl.

to live, work or stay in: rented / somewhere to live or stay, often приют, пристанище; стол

temporary / furnished accomodation also providing food or other и ночлег; помещение;

Hotel accomodation is included services: More and more travelers furnished ~s меблирован-

in the price of your holiday. ◇ The are looking for bed and breakfast ные комнаты; hotel ~

building plans include much needed accomodations in private homes. номер в гостинице;

new office accomodation.First ~ allowance квартирное

class accomodation is available on пособие, квартирные…;

all flights. hotel ~ was scarce в

N. Schur: “In the sense of ‘food and lodgings’, the British use гостиницах мест не

the singular.They seem not to use the word at all as the Americans было

to include travel facilities, such as train and ship staterooms, plane seats, 3. pl. амер.место (в

etc.”As we can see from the last example in the left-hand OALD entry, поезде, на пароходе

at present BrE usage does include plane seats, so ‘seem’ in the sentence и т.п.)

‘They seem not to use the word at all as the Americans…” is appropriate.

aga (Aga) /ˈɑ:gə/, n. kitchen stove

The full name is Aga cooker (see cooker), a proprietary name (DGB:

Glynwed Group Services company) of a kitchen stove. Aga seems

well on the way to achieving the same generic status that hoover and

li-lo enjoy in Britain.

anorak /ˈænəræk/ light waterproof jacket НБАРС: анора́к; тёплая

OALD, 8th ed. noun 1 (especially BrE) (N. Schur. British English, куртка на молнии с

a short coat with a hood that is worn as A to Z) капюшоном

protection against rain, wind and cold DGB: анорак (водо-

AHD, 3rd ed.: A heavy jacket непроницаемая тёплая

with a hood; [Greenlandic куртка с капюшоном;

Eskimo annoraaq] первоначально

There is some disagreement between N. Schur’s definition of anorak as использовалась для

‘light’ and AHD’s ‘heavy’ (as well as ‘тёплая’ in DGB and НБАРС). работы в Арктике).

The solution seems to be the development of the original heavy anorak

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