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Jobs and offices

Автор Воронько Е.В.

  1. Vocabulary (выучить!)

advertisement (advert, ad) - рекламное объявление

advertise - рекламировать

apply for a job - подавать заявление о приеме на работу

applicant - податель заявления; кандидат, претендент

application form - бланк заявления

employ, hire - нанимать на работу

employer - наниматель, работодатель

employee - рабочий; служащий

product, good - товар

service - услуга

provide - предоставлять, обеспечивать

supply - поставлять, снабжать

interview - собеседование

wage - заработная плата

salary - жалованье, оклад

income - доход

profit - прибыль

profitable - прибыльный

benefit - 1. прибыль, выгода

2. пенсия, пособие (страховое, по болезни и т.п.)

beneficial - 1. полезный

2. выгодный

skill - навык, умение

qualified - 1. подходящий; пригодный

2. компетентный

qualification - квалификация; подготовленность, годность

position - должность, место

duties, responsibilities - круг обязанностей

responsible for smth - ответственный за что-л.

responsible to smb - ответственный перед кем-л.

management - руководство, администрация

manager - руководитель, директор, менеджер

supervisor - начальник, руководитель

staff, personnel - персонал

customer, client - клиент; заказчик; покупатель

promote - продвигать по службе

promotion, advancement - продвижение по службе

vacation - отпуск

career - карьера

insurance - страховка

reference - рекомендация, отзыв; лицо, дающее рекомендацию

resume, CV - резюме, краткие сведения об образовании и опыте работы

cover letter - сопроводительное письмо

full-time - занимающий полный рабочий день

part-time - неполный рабочий день

shift - рабочая смена

2. Read and translate the text.


Believe it or not but one day you may want to start looking for a job. It may also happen that you will want not any job available but just the one that suits you perfectly in many, if not all, ways.

Remember: the best way to find a job is to use MANY methods of searching. A lot of people believe that answering newspaper advertisements (job announcements or want ads, as they are called) is the best method to use. That is not quite so. The best methods are applying directly to the employers and asking friends and relatives for help. But you should use as many methods as possible in order to be successful.

Dealing with friends and relatives is not a problem. Then, if you want to apply directly to possible employers, first make a list of them. This list should include the names, addresses and telephone numbers of places that may have the job you want. There are many excellent resources that will help you to make a list. The Yellow Pages of a telephone book can be very helpful. Companies, organizations and associations are listed in the Yellow Pages according to the kinds of products and services they provide. Write out the name, address and phone number of at least five prospective employers.

Now, what are you going to do with this list? Choose out of the following:

1. go directly to the places;

2. make phone calls and try to get invitations for an interview;

3. throw the list into the waste-paper basket and forget about it.

Though we have stated that reading want ads is not likely to be the most successful way in your searching for a job it will nevertheless do you a lot of good if you still read them. You should read the want ads for two reasons: first, to learn more general information about jobs that are available; second, to learn specific information about a particular job that is of interest to you.

By reading all the want ads you will learn what jobs are being advertised and which employers are advertising those jobs. You will also learn about the wages and benefits being offered for those jobs. If you read all the want ads you may find that employers have a need for skills you have, but for jobs you have not considered before. All this general information will be useful in your job search because you will have a better understanding of the job market.

When you find an ad for a job that is especially interesting to you, look carefully at the specific information the ad provides.

In most cases a job announcement contains a description of the job. If the firm is not well known, the job description may begin with some basic information about the company and its products. This is usually followed by the title of the position the company wants to fill, for example, Senior Design Engineer or Vice President in Charge of Finance. Then the duties and responsibilities of the job are given, as well as where that position fits in the organizational plan (that is, who the person reports to and who the person supervises). Next appear the qualifications for the job, such as the professional training or skills needed. The salary and fringe benefits' (for instance, insurance or a retirement fund) paid for by the company should also be mentioned. Finally, the job description will tell the applicant exactly what to do if he or she is interested in the position.

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