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Moscow State University of Psychology and Education http://mgppu.ru/english/

Social psychology department

The chair of С

ross-cultural psychology and psychological problems of multicultural education

Head of chair: Khukhlaev Oleg, PhD.

11 people provide the educational process within the chair, and among them there are two professors and five doctors of philosophy. Our employees, besides working for the chair, are actively involved both in practical psychology (psychological centers, school counseling, private counseling) and in scientific institutions (Institute of Sociology of Russian Academy of Science, Institute of Ethnography and Anthropology of Russian Academy of Science).

Education activities

  • Specialization program «Cross-cultural psychology».

  • Master program «Practical cross-cultural psychology for education» (in development).

  • Master program «Cross-cultural psychology in international business» (in development).

  • Introductory course «Introduction to cross-cultural psychology»

  • .

  • Complementary course « Theory and practice of intercultural communication».

  • Courses «Study of culture», «Anthropology», «Social psychology of ethnicity» and others (bachelor program «Social psychology»).

  • Course «Cultural anthropology» (master program «Psychology and education»).

  • Planning program «Integration of migrants in school» for Moscow teachers.

  • Postgraduate program «Intercultural communication in educational environment» for Moscow teachers.

  • Seminar-training for teachers «Xenophobia and extremism in youth environment: prophylactic and prevention»

Science activities

  • Study of the position and trends of international relations, ethno-demographical situation of Moscow population development: social-psychological aspect (2004)

  • Research and development of practical tools «Safety in multinational environment: roots and ways of aggressive ethno-nationalism prevention» (2006).

  • Research and development of practical tools «Intercultural competence of a pedagogue in the multicultural educational space: psychological and sociological aspects» (2007).

  • Research «Nationalism among youth: social-psychological analysis of factors of origin and conditions of prevention» (2007-2008).

  • Research «Industrial and traditional culture: specifics of interaction in global circumstances» (2007-2008).

  • Practical research “Risks of intercultural conflict between high school students in Moscow” (2011, 2012)

  • Research «Intercultural competence of a pedagogue: structure and determinants of development» (on-going).

  • Research «Nationalism. Values. Identity. Different regions of

  • Russian Federation» (on-going).

  • Research «Social psychology of patriotism» (on-going).

Other activities

  • Russian national conference «Practical cross-cultural psychology: theoretical and practical issues».

  • Innovative educational program «Cross-cultural psychology».

  • Student’s ethnocultural expedition.

Contacts: cherkesoguy@gmail.com; huhlaevoe@mgppu.ru

The chair of Сross-cultural psychology and psychological problems of multicultural education. Some abstacts

Marina Chibisova, Oleg Khukhlaev

Measuring teachers’ intercultural competence: Towards a theory-based instrument //Book of Abstracts of the 19th International Congress of the International Association For Cross-Cultural Psychology

Intercultural competence of primary and secondary school teachers is the vital requirement for

efficient work in multi-ethnic classes and has to be studied and measured taking into account the

specific character of teaching as a profession. We designed an intercultural competence questionnaire for Russian teachers. The respondents in the research were Moscow teachers working in multi-ethnic and mono-ethnic classes. In the research we used the model of intercultural sensitivity of M. Bennett as the theoretical basis. The research was conducted in two steps. The first step was qualitative (40 respondents), and the second was quantitative (100 respondents). First, teachers were interviewed.

Analysis of the interviews highlighted four dimensions of intercultural competence which we

described regarding the specifics of teaching activity and which were named absolutization, minimization, acceptance and integration (they corresponded with Bennett’s model, but to a certain aspect). Second, a teachers’ intercultural competence questionnaire (TICQ) was devised to measure teachers’ intercultural competence. The questionnaire included phrases from the interviews and also everyday situations and was assessed by experts. The correlation with Crown- Marlow scale, with Fascism scale (T.Adorno) and with a questionnaire of communication skills was computed. There were no significant correlations between the TICQ and the Fascism scale, and we found a negative correlation between “minimization” dimension and operational competence and a positive correlation between “absolutization” dimension and communication skills. The factor analysis of TICQ data showed the significance of two independent factors, one grouped around “minimization” dimension, another grouped around “acceptance” dimension.

O.Y. Khukhlayev, T.E. Russita

Ethnic Identity and Significant Social Environment: A Research on Russian Speaking Youth in the Republic of Latvia // Cultural-Historical Psychology 2007 №4

The paper describes a research on the correlation between the ethnic composition of one's significant social environment and his/her ethnic identity. The research was carried out in 2004—2006 in schools, colleges and universities in the Republic of Latvia. Young men and women aged 15 to 21 whose native language is Russian participated in the research. Both qualitative (interview) and quantitative (the Moreno Social Atom Test, content_analysis, inventory, semantic differential) methods were used. According to the research findings, there is an indirect correlation between the ethnic composition of the significant social environment of an individual and his/her ethnic identity (both cognitive and affective components of the latter).

Oleg Khukhlaev

Ethnic attitudes of Moscow highschool students in coeducation with migrants // Psychological Science and Education 2009 №1

This article describes the impact of education in schools with a special educational center for cultural and linguistic adaptation of migrant children "School of Russian Language" on Moscow adolescents. To identify the ethnic attitudes (the object of which is the phenomenon of "nationality" – in thecurrent Russian public discourse is synonymous of "ethnicity") we used the "Scale of ethnic attitudes" (O. E. Khukhlaev, I. M. Kuznetsov, N. V. Tkachenko). Research was carried out on 511 people, students of senior classes of secondary schools in Moscow and Armavir, schools with ethno_cultural component, "cadet" schools and students of two Moscow schools with a special unit for the training of migrants ("The School of Russian Language"). Results indicate that joint education with migrants (with a running special unit in the school – the "School of Russian Language") influences ethnic attitudes of the high_school students.

O. E. Khukhlaev, M. J. Chibisova

Theoretical and Practical Issues of Intercultural Communication: Contemporary Trends // Psychological Science and Education. Electronic journal www.psyedu.ru 2010 №5

The article is devoted to the analysis of the main theoretical and practical spheres of intercultural communication, presented on the international congress of the Society of Intercultural Education, Training and Research (SIETAR) in Granada in 2008. The organization itself, its structure and tasks are described. The main spheres of interculturalists’ activity are also listed. The article mostly deals with the trends concerning innovative approaches to creating intercultural competence: re-assessing the importance of intercultural interaction experience, intercultural competence of organizations. The role of intercultural education as a tool of intercultural competence creation is shown. The “third culture building” as an innovative trend of contemporary intercultural communication is described in details and analyzed theoretically.

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