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Личные письма

  1. Извинения

Сознаться в том, что вы поступили плохо, всегда нелегко. Самым приемлемым способом исправить ситуацию являет­ся письмо, написанное от руки. Затраченные вами усилия продемонстрируют, до некоторой степени, что вас мучают угрызения совести. Помните, что письмо должно быть ко­ротким и по существу. Не пытайтесь извиняться простран­но. Вы будете выглядеть жалко и лишь усугубите ситуацию.

С практической точки зрения, извиниться в письме го­раздо легче, чем по телефону, особенно если вы на самом деле не хотите говорить с человеком, у которого просите прощения. Sorry — это одно из самых емких слов англий­ского языка, и, услышав его, люди готовы простить вам многие из ваших прегрешений.

Luke Gender, 53 Downs Road,

EastShiiton, SH17 5PJ

Akash Kamerkar

12 Mansfield Street




22 September 2000

Dear Akash,

I'm so sorry that I was rude to you at the meeting. It was careless and stupid of me. I could try and say that I was over-tired because of the project and that my lumbago was causing me enormous pain, but that would really be just more excuses and I don't want to make my blunder any worse.

I hope you can forget what I said and that it won't affect our working rela­ tionship or our friendship. I don't know what came over me and I am truly sorry.



2. Письма детям

Письма детям должны быть особенно ясными. Кроме того, они не должны быть покровительственными по тону и сложными по содержанию. Подумайте о возрасте вашего читателя и вспомните, как бы вы обрадовались и как бы гордились, если бы получили письмо в таком возрасте. По­старайтесь оправдать надежды ребенка!

Dorothy Gender, 53 Downs Road, EastShilton, SH17 5PJ

Sophie Simons

42 Mansfield Street




22 September 2000

Dear Sophie,

Thank you so much for the lovely photo of you and the cats. At the hospital, I put it on the bedside table and every time I plucked a grape, there were you and Tibby and Totty, staring at me in such a cute way. Now that I'm home at last, I've put the photo on top of the hi-fi and I look at it whenever I feel a bit glum. It really cheers me up.

I hope you got everything you wanted for your birthday. I know you really wanted a Playstation, so please let me know if you didn't get one. If that is the case, I will try to buy you one for Christmas instead.

Anyway, I hope school's not too boring and that you haven't got too much homework.

Give the cats a kiss from me.


Aunt Dorothy

3. Сочувствие

Сочувствие, не обязательно связанное с соболезнованием, тоже может быть выражено в письме, которое не требует немедленного ответа (например, если разводится ваш друг). Существует множество случаев, когда получателю письма потребуется какое-то время для ответа, или когда ответ вообще не ну­жен. Следует быть предельно кратким и как можно меньше распространяться о случившемся. Просто покажите, что вы думаете об этом человеке и что он вам не безразличен. Ког­да он почувствует себя получше, то наверняка вспомнит о людях, которые в свое время о нем не забыли.

- Известие о разводе

Dear Laura,

I was so sorry to hear about your divorce. I have known both of you for such a long time, it seems incredible that you aren't together any more.

I know that I met you through Barry but I just wanted to write and tell you that I'm thinking about you and that there's no question of 'taking sides'. It must be a horrible thing to have to live through.

You are both my friends and I hope that you will continue to be so as I have always valued your friendship. Please feel free to ring me if I can help you in any way.



- Провал на экзамене

Dear Tina,

I was so sorry to hear that you won't be going to medical school in September. You must be very disappointed.

I'm sure you will want to try again next year. I have heard from your Dad that you are going to retake the chemistry next summer and that, in the meantime, you have got a job as a porter at The Clinic. That seems like a really sensible plan of action. I hope you are enjoying it and that you are not too down-hearted.

I do hope you'll come and see us soon, anyway, whatever you decide to do. Lots of love,

Uncle Bertie

- Неудача в бизнесе

Dear Bob,

I was so sorry to hear that your business didn't work out, particularly after all the long hours and effort that you put in. If commitment and energy were what counted, yours would surely have been the most successful business in Hartlepool.

Knowing you, I'm sure you are blaming yourself now, but it was terribly bad luck with interest rates rising as soon as you borrowed the money and then the petrol strike coming out of the blue. It was a brilliant idea and you really deserved to succeed. Please don't get depressed about this. I'm sure it will just be a blip in your brilliant career - it was a really impressive idea and deserved to make you a million.

I feel sure that the next one will.

Best wishes


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